Why does Blizzard so cruelly hate Hunters?
Why label it as “Beast” if I cannot tame it? Every new zone they do this to Hunters! It’s not fair!
Why does Blizzard so cruelly hate Hunters?
Why label it as “Beast” if I cannot tame it? Every new zone they do this to Hunters! It’s not fair!
Which one are you trying for?
I logged in with my hunter last night and tamed a couple cats and a furry raptor and the old badass looking cat loa that now roams around in the shadows. Going to try for that fire owl someday if can find more info on how to do it.
You trying to tame one of those druid looking werebeasts that you can skin when you kill? I tried too if that’s the case, lol
The Fire Cats in Emerald Dream cannot be tamed despite being labeled Beast, not Elemental.
All Beasts should be tameable!
Ah yes, those too. I saw on petopia those weren’t available to tame so I didn’t try, but man that could be cool!
Are they literal beasts? Or transformed Druids?
cries in Warlock Same cast of main demons since BC, despite all the cool models available. -_-
They’re classified as “Beast”. That’s good enough for me.
Hope that helps.
I love Petopia! As someone with a lot of hunters with different themes, it’s helped me find a lot of pets to tame over the years.
Sadly they are probably Druids, or Elementals, that are mislabeled.
So I politely demand Blizz fix their error by making a rare that can be tamed. Please.
There is a rare its one of those cats you need to pop flare to tame after spotting footprints.
Yep, I got it last night, old school loa from BFA, pretty cool!
I mean, they are probably technically Druids. But hey. There was one Druid that was tameable in vanilla.
Bud, Hunters get like 40 new pets an expansion (probably a lot more to be fair)… Warlocks have gotten ZERO new pets on average since the dawn of time.
Sure, Blizzard gave us (finally) some new skins for our demons… but Hunters, like I said, get like 40 new pets EVERY EXPANSION.
They don’t hate you.
Could you imagine if we got like 40 new demons EVERY expansion and then someone going onto the forums and being like, “hey Blizzard, why do you hate us?”
There are always a few I wish could be tamed, but you kinda just have to roll with the punches. They usually more than make up for it with something really cool, like the tiger pet this time around. Or the wicker pets.
As someone with a lot of hunters and a couple warlocks, I agree. I mean a lot of the hunter pets are boring or simple brown or gray recolors, but we DO have options. It is sad having warlocks with basically the same demon pets in game, we need a new expansion where completely new demons come out and can be tamed by warlocks.
I’m very excited to tame the Thornbeasts. That’s my goal for this weekend. I really want to lean into the Drust fantasy.
I don’t have any hunters with that theme, but I was thinking about it when I saw they were now available, haha.
I want to pretend that a have a personal feral Druid bodyguard with my hunter lol.
Ever since that incident with the collar from the Huntermaster*, we’ve unionized. A feral bodyguard’ll cost you union rates these days, but the quality is guarenteed. For an optional fee, we purrmit the use of cat puns. Foe a hearty scratch behind the ears, we waive the optional fee.
*feral druids could be charmed as a “beast” for five minutes with it. I was kind of sad I missed it. I wanted to know if the Hunter could make me Kill Command something, lol.