"Creature isn't tameable"

This ain’t about Warlocks. Besides, you guys bring utility. This is all we get as Hunters.

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That’s fair. If I want to gripe about Warlocks I can make a thread about it.

Either way, I don’t see those beasts being tamable, I think they’re supposed to be Druids of the Flame.

Lol! That reminds me of the time when hunters could tame Garwal in his worgen form so you’d have a worgen pet! But it was fixed so if you had him in worgen form he reverted back to the wolf form.

Now that really is a change that hurts because if you’re a worgen hunter you could have had been a “Pack Leader” with worgen Garwal following you around. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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With only a few creatures worth taming, I rarely bother anymore. Not worth using the slots in my collection until they make it an actual COLLECTION in a tab like toys and mogs.
If Ive collected a pet, let me use it on all my hunters.

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Fair deal. I’ll even cover health care with no out of pocket cost (I’ll use mend pet frequently.)

Ahh! I missed out on this.

Beast Lore works on Druids too, just an FYI.

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Fun fact: When PvP was first introduced, Hunters were able to tame Druids in their animal forms. I wasn’t around for that, but I heard stories. I just always wondered what that experience would be like for the Druid. Can they still attack stuff? Or are they just an NPC now? lol

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That owl has such a nice model. Word is it’ll probably be related to the raid somehow. I’m all for some flavor to my tames…I liked the process of taming Gara. But I do wish they’d leave it to open world stuff.

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Ah ok, if it’s raid related than I likely won’t get it then since I don’t really do raids. Good to know. Thanks.

They don’t hate you, they just want to put it being tameable behind a rep grind for you at some point.

From the Petopia site:

“While untested, we believe the solution is linked to the Cinder of Companionship, but we currently have no information on how to obtain it. Its flavour text suggests the (truly awful) possibility of a raid drop - since ‘Anu’relos’ is a mount obtained from Mythic Fyrakk, but it’s also possible the Cinder may be obtained at a high reputation level with the Dream Wardens, or it could be from some completely unrelated source!”

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I got all 3 colors of the bears and 1 each of the cat and stag. With this druid flavored set from ED you’ll fall right into that feel/look.

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How are the drop rates for the quest item? I didn’t manage to snag one while doing the campaign.

On the one hand, I agree that we should be able to tame beasts as we please.

But also, this is such a funny problem xD. How DARE you not let me tame something blizzard! All beasts are mine! All weapons are hunter weapons!

Sorry sorry, memes I know but it made me laugh.

Tameable fire cat, let’s do it. Make it happen bliz.

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Tame the druid like that one boss in the underbog

I am mildly annoyed the Envoy of Winter is essentially impossible right now because everyone just immediately beats the living hell out of it.
On the other hand I suppose that will clear up in… a week or two.

If there’s one ability I’ve been waiting 20 years for, it’s being able to mount and ride your pets especially in places you can’t fly in


The fire cat would of looked awesome on my iron dwarf not only should that model should be tameable, Al’ar too. Since you can go in the instance by yourself without harming anyone over the mount. I would love that model for my iron dwarf and blood elf.

I wish Blizzard would make the birds who can fly, fly. The walking animation is breaking hunter fantasy and it’s just sad to see a bird not able to fly. It’s really depressing.


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Actually not bad, I’d say within 10-15 kills each time, sometimes less.
3 identical but different thorny hearts, one for each type of beast…bear, cat, stag. The only difference is the item text. You can carry all three hearts but only one of each beast type, same thing with the ritual knife, which btw is a one time usage unique item. You gotta farm more if you want more than one color of beast.

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Unfortunately, we had three expansions where it would have made sense to give Locks a quest for a permanent enslave demon - Burning Crusade, WoD, & Legion. I lost hope after Legion. :frowning:

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