CRBG's ruined BG's not Premades

The arena system in TBC was at least somewhat better. At least it didn’t rely on a purely time played = rank system.

CRBGs have to go but in order for it to work blizzard has to step up their game (which isn’t happening) regarding to providing faction specific free transfers in an effort to maintain healthy population and faction ratios. The nature of the game will always have faction imbalance but an attempt can at least be made to maintain it atleast somewhat and who knows maybe the prospect of easier ranking and lower queue times would be attractive to some people on the insane 70/30 or worse faction ratio servers.
That and potentially merging some very dead servers.

Yup, and not only this but elimination of all racial abilities that impact PVP such as Percpetion, Will of the Forsaken, Hardiness, etc, etc…

That same logic could be applied to faction stacking in the first place…

And once you remove the reason to do the BGs then they will officially be dead as dirt.

Are you really this dumb? Do you not understand what it means when the alliance have 5m queue times compared to the horde 60+m queue times? It means many more horde are queuing for bgs. When you consider that there are equal faction populations capable of queuing, you can infer that less alliance are choosing to queue for bgs.

The reason more Horde Q for PvP is dead simple.

More of the PvP community selected Horde because they’re min-maxing the racials.

I know my friends did exactly that and it why we then later re-rolled Alliance because we knew the Horde Q would be long and then get worse over time.

It was a well known fact 1 month into classic that horde PvP population was too high.

When we brought it up everyone changed “CRBG will fix it” and I attempted to explain why it can’t.

No one listens or cares, they just hide their face from the problem and then complain about the Q time.

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I will happily take the blame for horde queues because I refuse to PvP.

But then again, I want their queues to increase and them to not get the PvP they want after they destroyed their servers and drove any alliance who liked to PvP to quit in phase 2 because “cross realm will fix it”. Apparently math and basic predictability was not their strong point.

Remove CRBGs and completely screw them over. All for this plan.

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I keep hearing this line because it’s designed to hide the fact that the faction populations are equal. All this line is saying is exactly what I’m saying: more horde are queuing than alliance. There is no lack of alliance players, they just don’t queue because they don’t participate in PvP. That’s the issue.

Your supposed solution to balance “PvP populations”, which is to say that players should roll or reroll based solely on their preexisting desire to PvP, would result in an overall population imbalance for the sake of equalizing the populations who already want to PvP.

The real solution is for more alliance to participate and not to simply subtract horde players who will then be added to the alliance.

How do you get PvE players interested in an activity that they simply don’t enjoy?

And furthermore how do you get them interested long term?

Short term is easy; put some loot at the end of the line; PvE players will do whatever it takes; this includes Q-dodging and exploitation of the system.

Do you notice something there? Did the short term solution make you realize something about the PvP community population?

Hope so because I am pointing out the unfortunate fact that Horde Q’s are likely to get much worse over time.

So what do you do to get PvE players interested long term?

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I don’t have a solution, but that’s definitely the problem. Short of the PvP overhaul we saw in TBC, you can’t sanction off PvP in a way that only interests those dedicated to the content over the rewards.

The best anyone can do is to vocalize that more alliance should jump into a queue and get into PvP. Bottom line, alliance doesn’t need more players, it needs more of those player participating in battlegrounds.

The issue is that pvp in WoW has always been just a for fun side game. When I’m interested in serious pvp there are a number of much better options than WoW.

CRBG’s ruined the community kinda sad waited all this time for classic and get this trash served to us. Thought “classic” was gonna be how the game was roughly 15 years ago. This is definitely not the game i remember from way back when. Please do away with CRBG’s atleast for the high and medium pop servers it doesnt need it. Merge the low pop servers for the people who thought playing on a low pop server was going to be a good idea lmao… Very disappointing please do away with CRBG’s i wanted “NO CHANGES”

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You know this is true, but it’d be hilariously ironic after all the “lol pvp happened on a pvp server git gud ally” type posts during the time when Honor was out but BGs was not. It would serve those people right for doing everything they could to drive the other faction off the server.

This was never going to happen anyways, and anyone who really thought it was was deluding themselves. The players aren’t how the game was 15 years ago, and that alone meant the game could never be that way too since the mindset of people is so very different. You were never going to get the game you “remember from way back when”, changes or otherwise, because the people playing it and how people decided to play it has been the biggest change of all.

you kinda lost me but as far as the people playing it many of them atleast half are still the same people i played with many years ago we are all still the same people. i have people hitting me up in AFK valley that i played with way back then and they recognized my name… its all still the same people man so idk where your going with this… how has the way people decided to play any different? maybe im to diluted but idk what your tryen to say.

Exactly and the problem is the vast majority of the Alliance as I see it are PVE so how do we fix that problem if they don’t want to PVP?

If Incentive comes in the form of gear, they will show up so long as they can get at that gear, but the problem is they’re there for gear and not the PVP.

We can see how they act regarding gear rewards, they will lie to them selves, cheat eachother and the BG spirit in order to get that gear…

I don’t think gear is a good answer, either that OR we need to change how honor is awarded… Revert back to very early WoW and require a “Win” condition for any honor to be awarded.

Not even Honor kills in BG should count unless the team wins; changing to this “Win condition required” would change how BG’s are fought.

Strongly punishing deserters AKA Q dodgers is also a consideration, if you send in a scout and he drops your entire team gets a stacking debuff based on the size of the team. 10 players = 150 min /played deserter debuff… Re-sets daily.

Maybe that would fix things? No idea man, but something needs to be done.

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I like Cross Realm for WSG.

It adds a variety of teams to the mix so you don’t play the same people over and over and it adds an additional layer of competition since you could go up against anyone. If anything QoL in WSG is better in classic than it was in Vanilla.

I don’t feel the same for AV though. It feels like a toxic mess with all the chaos and it severely limited your ability to play with friends or groups of people.

Lol, it’s not a horde versus Alliance problem. The problem is with the sub population of pvp players. Ignore non-pvp players, they dont matter when discussing a pvp problem.

In this case, as in modern wow, pvp players opted to play Horde in greater numbers than Alliance. In the past it’s been the other way around at times depending on expansion.

In any case, right now, if you are a pvp player and you are playing horde, you are directly contributing to pvp population imbalance. It’s as simple as that.

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Me: “What makes you think Horde players are more likely to queue for BGs than Alliance players?”
You: “Are you dumb?”

Solid contribution

-Majority of players are Horde
-Majority of BG queues come from Horde

Are you REALLY that stunned at this phenomenon? rofl

I loathe CRBG with a passion. I think its the sole reason why we have the entire issue with pvp that we have. I miss knowing the names of people you fight on your own server. With that being said though, I would be content settling with battlegroups over CRBG.