CRBG's ruined BG's not Premades

If you’re blaming Premades for the situation with BG’s and in most peoples case; AV you’re flat wrong.

The BG’s were destroyed by CRBG; sure it gave us fast Q’s early on, but the damage was already done by announcing the game with CRBG.

This gave Horde players false hope that CRBG’s would fix the faction stacking. I knew very early on that CRBG would do no good because I played Modern WoW to a point long enough to know that once a faction is stacked with most of the PVP community (thanks to faction transfers in modern wow), you get super long Q’s on that faction.

In MoP it was the Horde that had long Q’s, in WoD it was the alliance that had long Q’s.

And guess what modern wow had in common with Classic? Faction stacked PVP populations and CRBG.

No my friends, CRBG will not fix things, it only promoted faction stacking though false hope that PVE oriented Alliance players would continue to Q for BG’s.

Worse CRBG has effectively eliminated the PVP community on your local server; some will say that this is just not true, but the empty shell of a community is nothing compared to what you could have if the BG’s were local server only.

CRBG’s have the additional effect that for the faction with fast Q’s the player quality goes down because they can simply “let them win” for fast honor.

As a result of this weakness, the more dominant faction also suffers in skill level also because they’re only use to doing battle VS bad players.

The end result of CRBG is faction stacked PVP populations, little to zero PVP community and lower quality play.



Without CR, some servers would simply not have any AVs.


The problem is that alliance won’t queue for bgs. With cross realm, there’s more alliance playing than there are horde, but they don’t queue for bgs. It is not the horde’s fault; it is solidly the alliance at fault. Even if there was a sudden surge for even more alliance players, if they don’t queue for bgs, then it doesn’t do anything for the horde queue times.


Nope. It was the premades.


It’s the Alliance’s fault that 80% of PvP players went Horde?


Definitely premades

And definitely the people at Blizzard not doing anything about it

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PvP minded people followed streamers like sheeps, as usual. Its been a thing absolutely forever. Way back when Arena Junkies basically decided which faction everyone flocked to.


I agree 100% CRBGS ruin this game. I dont give a sh1t about some servers wont get bgs to pop… then move to a more popular server. You can’t have the best of both worlds.


Sounds like something those people on those servers would have to correct themselves


The horde imbalance is 100% because people watched a YouTube video that said horde had better racials (which is debatable)

And they rolled horde like sheep

No other way to explain why the factions are imbalanced

If Horde wants more queues, they should switch faction. Alliance who enjoy PvP already get instant queues and can premade to have a fair shot in WSG.

You’d have to be pretty stupid to think Alliance is to blame.

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It’s the alliance’s fault that they won’t queue for PvP. This idea that “80% of PvPers went horde” is inane. What is the PvP player in vanilla? It’s just some guy who queues for bgs consistently. There’s no arena ranking, there’s no PvP balance patch after balance patch. It’s just the rock/paper/scissors fiasco of vanilla class mechanics.

Just get players to queue for a battleground.

What planet are you on

You can’t be this stupid.

Its the PVP community’s fault for not distributing across both factions.

The PVP community mostly went horde, its the PVP community that though “CRBG will fix it” I read that crap over and over before the game came out…

This is why people just jumped on servers with out any regard to faction / server balance.

I like a few others attempted to warn the PVP community that CRBG’s are only a bandaid that work for a short time, and once the PVE Players stop Q’n because they got their gear, you’re VS no one and long Q’s are the result of this reality.

Well here we are, CRBG gave false hope for faction stacking, and as a result Q’s are long.


You can, why not believe in someone else?

Maybe you’re right. Maybe despite that there are more players who rolled alliance, we should have a huge swathe of horde players all reroll to alliance just to fix queue times. That’s much better than asking alliance players to participate in bgs. You jelly donut.

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CRBGs are and what will be one of the main reasons why ppl will stop playing classic. Certainly those who’s primary focus is PVP.

One of the biggest reasons why vanilla is remembered so fondly, is the close knit server community. The pvp community was very close knit on most if not all pvp servers, due to facing one another and playing along side many of the same ppl. Once Battlegroups came out, this was ruined. Well, Battlegroups had around 10 servers each, more or less. This current CRBG clusterf… is several times larger.
There is no pvp community. It’s all a giant zerg for HKs. You dont know or care who you are killing and along side whom.

Blizzard gave us vanilla with a retail flavor. This is one of the main reasons why classic is not as good a game as vanilla. No soul.


Williams - I was one of those that said CRBGs wont fix the queue times and all I got was “yes, it will. You just wait and see”. Well, I was right and lmao you horde were wrong. Though, i would trade some queue time for decent pvprs. =)

Dude, no joke the alliance pugs are horrid (not all but most)…

Your solution is stupid. You can’t encourage non-PvP minded players to PvP. You can encourage PvP minded players to change faction.

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