I agree with you there, and I did not get into why that is in the original post because when you build a wall of text people tend to just not read it.
Player distribution follows trends; you know that. How are those trends started? High ranked players who select a faction because they want to win. At the top tier of play the racials actually do make a difference. However that’s just not true at the lower tiers of play, but these people feel like it does any way. Unfortunately they are looking at the top tier of players to get the best possible outcome for their game play. As a result they copy the top guys.
You’re 100% correct its the the players fault fully. CRBG is not at fault for individual wins and losses.
The reason that CRBG exacerbates the issues is simply; when people start to feel that difference in faction skill because all the best playes in addition to most of the “decent” players have migrated over to a single faction, then the balance of power shifts drastically for the solo Q player.
As much as I would love to say “Q with friends” that’s unfortunately not the answer because most BG players are solo Q and no matter what you tell them about team work or group play they will turn a nose at that and ignore you.
CRBG makes the problem worse because it enables fast Q’s in the short term, but in the long run the Q’s get long for whatever PVP faction has the most players; they don’t even need to be the dominant population on a server or even dominant population on all the servers.
Without CRBG there is a mechanism in play for the individual player to actually select a Faction they enjoy rather than the faction they feel is going to help them win, because the servers are not linked together, as a result they are likely to select a server where they can play their selected race / class combo in a community.
That community is very helpful because it actually promotes team play. When players are surrounded by a lot of the same players often rather than constnatly new faces they are more likely to become friends with someone in the BG community and that opens a lot of opportunity for them on the individual basis.
However with CRBG the solo player is less likely to become involved with the community and in turn QQ at every possible thing due to their unwillingness to play with friends.
Community is what Classic WoW is about, and that’s why the BG’s before CRBG were way more fun, more interesting and in reality more competitive.
Also does not help that most of the best players migrated over to Arena almost exclusively, but that’s another can of worms.
I know I did not add a ton of backstory to anything in the OP, and that was intentional, thanks for the civilized dialog.