Crate drop times should be more random

Raid groups ruin the concept of using crate drops to build gear. Hacking known times of crate drops ensures that raid groups, speeding from zone to zone, are the only ones that can compete for the crates. Individuals of the opposing faction have zero chance

Hacking? What do you mean?

Just go to whatever zone the Sparks quest is in for the week, get your murder on, and grab chests when they drop. Easy peasy.

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The crates drop in a predictable manner, generally, the same time progression in each zone. Raid groups know that, and speed from zone to zone, farming crates. If the drop times were less predictable, it would disincentivize a small number of people from forming raids to farm the crates, providing more opportunity for more people.

I mean, what’s stopping you from doing the same?

I’ve never had any problems coming up against a Horde raid group when out and about and a crate drops, but I also don’t spend all day doing it.

Just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It’s been going on for the last 2 weeks, in the evenings, every evening. I don’t want to do the same, because it’s just not fair to the entire faction of that particular shard not participating.

It was the only way for Horde to get crates at all due to Alliance generally outnumbering Horde. And it’s not “hacking”. It’s more like scouting the zones and figuring out the timing, and said timing does change often. Plus, we’re only flying for a fraction of the time. The rest of the time I’ll go back to being outnumbered 5 to 1 and you can have your crates. Win win.

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My experience is that this is the new norm in the evenings, every evening. I haven’t seen any recent numbers, but I suspect that currently, there are at least as many horde as alliance, at least when I play. Whether the ratio of pvp’ers favors alliance or horde, that I can’t answer. It used to be Horde back in the day, but not sure now.

Other than grouping up, I can promise you I was getting stomped around those crates like every time. I don’t mind losing in a fair fight, but 1 on 5–maybe there are players who can handle that, but I am not one of them. I presume Alliance groups will respond at some point, and the the fight will be on!

I was on one of my hordies last night in hollowfall leveling and went to a crate and horde were swarming it (never see more than 4 of us at a crate). Then the next one that dropped was the same way. I was wondering why so many were showing up. I usually go and there’s 1-4 of us there. It was fun getting the crate on my horde alt but I wonder if this is what was happening.

Yeah, it’s the new crate exploit. Figure out drop sequence and do a round robin on all the zones, one after another. It’d actually be great if both factions did this. It would be killer WPvP. Sadly, Alliance either haven’t caught on, or aren’t interested. For now though, it prevents individual alliance players from participating in crates at all, in the evenings.

It’s not an exploit to scout zones and figure out what’s happening. It’s just coordination and leadership. And those timers actually DO change quite frequently, which sets you back to square one and scouting again. I just think you guys get most of the crates and conquest most of the time. If that changes, maybe the Alliance will respond.

It locks out individual alliance players from participating in the crate drop system. The timers only change if there is a big fight extending your time in any particular zone. By having 10 or more coordinated raid members dominating, it ensures that there is no fight, and it ensures that individuals of the opposing faction have no chance.

Cry me a river. You guys have had free crates all expansion.


It seems that some people (aside from deleting posts they don’t agree with) want a safe little world PVP where they can get what they want without anyone responding to them and fighting back. I’m 1 to 5 against any time I try for a crate, so I find some people of like mind, we group up, and put the odds in our favor. I expect (actually hope) our response evokes a response from the Alliance side and we get some epic battles. World PVP, who’da thunk it?



OP is talking about an exploit. There is no exploit. It’s just a matter of using their brains to place crates in a favorable position for the Horde to get.

And I agree, Horde has been getting shafted on crates, and if this fosters more WPvP, I’m all for it.


Free? Just because horde in any particular zone don’t show up to crates does not mean that they are free. There are just as many horde as there are alliance

Personally, if a raid group was doing this and I was there, I’d just form a raid group myself and have a war. More fun that way.

If Horde didn’t do it like this, they would never win any crates. Alliance is way more popular.

I mean God forbid people group up and coordinate in an MMO.



The Horde have been getting rolled this entire expansion in WPvP. It was pretty bad when I watched it in DF. Apparently it got worse. I’m not really doing it this expansion so far.

It’s natural for the ones getting rolled to gather up and smash the competition.

(We see this in other aspects of the pvp game as well).

Gonna have to deal or roll a bigger group or at a different time.

Or get in there and blow 'em up!

I fly around and gather stuff now. Ohh and Q for BGs and stuff.

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They are showing up now, and you’re crying about not being able to get crates…

So either you’re a masterful troll, or a bit of a :clown_face:

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