Crate drop times should be more random

There’s no ‘hacking’ involved, but it is comical seeing the Horde need a full raid+ to get a crate when Alliance usually has like 5-10 people max there lol

That’s exactly how Horde players felt before crate farming groups became a thing. When I was gearing my Alliance Hunter earlier this expansion, it felt ridiculously easy to get a full set of Conquest gear compared to Horde. Alliance was consistently winning crates, and as a Horde main, I couldn’t help but laugh every time I’d show up on my Hunter and see Horde getting steamrolled by a massive amount of Alliance.

Thing is, I don’t even enjoy playing Alliance that much, so that character fell off, especially since the friends I was gearing it for stopped playing. So, I went back to focusing on my Horde characters. I recently leveled my Demon Hunter and wanted to grab some Conquest gear but didn’t feel comfortable jumping straight into rated PvP since I was still getting the hang of the class. I thought, “Maybe I can get lucky with some crates.” Nope—every crate I went to, it was the same story: Horde getting overwhelmed by Alliance.

Eventually, I decided to give one of those crate farming groups a try, and honestly, it was the only reason my DH got geared. Outside of those coordinated groups, it’s rare to see Horde consistently winning crates.

Eh… from my experience outside of those organized crate groups, Horde faces this issue constantly. It’s common for 4-5 Horde to drop on a crate, only for my WeizPvP addon to suddenly show 20-25 Alliance players in the area. They’re not even in a coordinated raid—it just shows how many more Alliance are actively participating in War Mode these days.


When I read the Alliance complaining in this thread, all I hear is sad violin:

”Oh no… no more free gear!”

:violin: :cry:


Idk about no 5-10 max my addon has always picked up 20+ alliance as opposed to me and maybe 3-4 other horde solo. So yeah if it’s comical to just make a group to get crates then so be it, what is comical to me is seeing alliance get all bent out of shape about it and starting to post on the forums when they have had free crates all DF and in TWW. :man_facepalming: