Cranky Quarantine Thread

It’s probably already been mentioned in this thread by people already, but the covenant system just makes me feel really tired when I read about it.
I was really hoping we’d be drifting away from systems like that with how HoA system went over.

The fact that it’s going very likely affect the meta for the endgame bothers me too. Love one ability but hate the covenant it’s in or vice versa? Seems like we’re going to be crap out of luck.

I’m also getting a big D3 vibe from the whole Shadowlands thing and I’m not so sure I like it. It might just be me but… eh. Not really feeling it so far.


I mean, if we want to get technical about it, Jania’s been a Dungeon Boss for about a Decade. Sylvanas too. Baine even gets in on the fun.

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I personally suspect, at best, they’ll give her a retread of Jaina’s arc. Teldrassil is a lot like Theramore in some ways, as are the reactions of the characters in question. On the bright side that would also mean that Tyrande will sit out Shadowlands only to be retroactively written as participating behind the scenes.

It’s almost frightening how many of the writing’s problems could be solved with, like, a couple thousand words’ worth of writing.

Like an afternoon’s worth. In a noisy cafe. And the baristas are crabs.


The average - not even good, the average - fanfiction author could repair the story in a far better way than the actual writers are handling it.

Like I genuinely do not comprehend how you can handle a story this bad, aside from by having literally no familiarity with the setting or characters, and also not caring about how good it is. Is that the situation? Do they not care if they do their job well and also not know anything whatsoever about Warcraft?

remember how the main alliance protagonist from WoD had a major planet-changing development that was only depicted in any way in a horde-only allied race quest

let me hang out with Yrel

i want to help her kill all the mag’har


Philosophically, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of difference in the philosophies of Lightforged Orcs and Regular Orcs.

They’re both extremely suggestible and easily compelled toward destruction, it’s just one side is facing left instead of right


Well the main difference is that being under the heel of a Draenei High Exarch couldn’t possibly be as bad as the leadership they usually choose for themselves

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under the hoof* excuse me


Why are you serving Yrel like a mindless drone when you could be serving whichever random leader told you to kill everything around you, compromising everything you were ever raised to believe, like us!

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Don’t worry, you’ll get to see Yrel again.

When we kill her as a member of the Shining Legion (original faction, do not steal).

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grom will kill her and say “draenor is free” a second time. what a legendary hero

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But only after we rescue him from his Light-Brainwashing, so he can die saving his people. Have to mirror the Mannoroth thing. “It was cool the first time so it’ll be even cooler the second time, right?” -the writers, probably


Hey, go all the way. She makes him drink her light blood (??) and he um goes on a light-rampage and uh kills cenarius again before he ultimately redeems himself

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BUT… not before they conveniently add a female character that, while somewhat promising to begin with, slowly becomes a glorified figurine and useless motivator for the manly man of the plotline. Her end goal is to be his wife and child-bearer before she dies off-screen.


Or she loses her mind and becomes a mad warmonger and has to either be Shown Reason by a (probably male) character, or killed. Those things happen to female characters in modern Warcraft too!


AND THEN… she will be conveniently retconned clean from the slate for a new progressive woman to take her place.


Man, if you thought the Nightborne got no development before, just wait until you see what happens after Thalyssra is cast in the role of Lor’themar’s Girlfriend.


Let’s be real, she was gonna fall into the ‘only appears once every other expansion, in a minor role, with inconsistent personality traits’ hole either way.

The only difference is whether her one mandated appearance will be of her flirting with Lor’themar or not.


This makes me so upset because I actually enjoyed Thalyssra and the nightborne storyline.

And then allied races happened.