Sad salty crank from Krenk.
After a horrid week, I’ve got some venting to do.
Eight people got fired for sneaking off for a smoke break … and since they didn’t want to be filmed for it and have their pay docked by 15 minutes for the unscheduled break, they went to the one place in the site where the cameras don’t reach.
Behind the LPG tanks. TO SMOKE.
Told them they couldn’t light up there. They had to go to the smoking area for that, so if they just snuffed the cigarettes, I’d let it go because I understood their anger at the contract being torn up this close to christmas, but what they were doing could quite literally kill us all.
Got spat on, so went to get the site manager.
He told me to go wait outside the office, he had some calls to make.
A minute later we’re strolling over so somebody with actual authority can move these people on, because even a casual manager is still considered a filthy casual by the unionized crew. Site manager tells them they’ve got an hour to grab their stuff and get off the site, they’re fired and there is a camera watching the tanks, and he does have all the evidence he needs to make sure their sacking sticks.
Lots of shouting, commentary about our sexual preferences and mothers … over walks the security guard. And some friends. About twenty of them all wearing the same unifrom.
I didn’t think we had that many security guards. At best, we’re supposed to have a gate guard and three other guys patrolling the site.
All eight of the nimrods got hustled off the site and barred, and to add insult to injury, the site manager told me he’s planning on slapping restraining orders on some of them who got a bit mouthy because it will make it even harder for them to get re-employed.
I pointed out that was a bit petty. He pointed out that if the tanks had gone up, we’d likely all be dead and probably have set several kilometers of nearby bush and houses on fire right as large chunks of the country are already burning merrily.
“Stupid choices, stupid prizes. You’ll get a bonus for this in your next pay-check, you’re one of the most on-the-ball managers we’ve had in years. Pity we can’t bring you on full-time.”
Rolled up yesterday for my shift … there’s a gaggle of people all standing and yelling out the front of the site and holding placards that they want their jobs back, I drive past and then something flies past my windscreen. From the thunk as it hits one of the trees on the other side of the entrance, it sounds like a brick or a stone.
Not having this.
I hear the screaming about ‘scabs’ and just floor it to the entrance, security guards tell me to not park in the normal bays, all Night Shift are to park in the enclosed areas now for security and when my team leaves tonight, we have to alert a security guard and they’ll walk us out to the main road.
Apparently a number of folks have been issued trespassing warnings for trying to sneak into the normal staff-parking bays, and two of the former staff-members are in lock-up for breaking and entering because they walked right past security to talk to the site manager and when their pass-codes to get into the office section didn’t work anymore, proceeded to smash the door-lock off to get inside.
All because a bunch of idiots didn’t want to lose 15 minutes of wages so they could have their nicotine fix.
Some of the people who got fired have large families and I’m just sitting here trying to not freak out over the fact, for good reasons or not, I got people with ‘combined’ families from multiple marriages who have a sole, single income fired a week before christmas, a number of whom are now going to be hit with restraining orders for verbal threats that is going to impact their chances of employment in a region already suffering 18-21% unemployment, and I am going to be rewarded for this.
I don’t know what I am supposed to be feeling right now.