That works too. Just lemme see draenor again blizz!
I’m particularly fond of the dwarf in Arbor Glen selling ‘rare’ pets.
I’m sure most of us have effectively moved on but this is the thread to be mad about things and I am always mad.
Today, just over two weeks after their first response regarding the brutosaur, we finally received another blue post explaining their reasoning behind the mount’s removal. In theory, this is fine, and their reasoning is… Subjectively fair, if I’m being generous.
It boils down to what was expected. It’s about preserving the ‘rarity’ and impact of the utility and preventing the inevitability (using the term extremely generously) of inflation / persistence allowing everyone to have AH access at all times. For the sake of fairness, I’ll refrain from commenting on other concerns such as “well what if people just want the really big mount and damn the vendors” until such time has passed that I assume their silence is egregious (or they actually answer the question).
It’s more of Blizzard’s obscure M.O. of removing or limiting things that don’t really need to be for the sake of barely applicable concern. In today’s case, we could also construe a direct correlation with restricting quality of life access and condensing major features into singular (or few) hub points.
Realistically, it’s a problem that will affect an incredibly insignificant portion of the playerbase, most far too casual to save that much. Which only begs further questions about the approach but that aside.
I know no one individually needs any more reason to be disappointed in Blizzard and everyone is free to call it a petty greivance given I’m already not playing and never expected to acquire such a grossly expensive mount, but I am mad and I will continue to be mad.
So its essentially catering to the “I can only enjoy things if other people cant have them” crowd.
The weird thing about their line of reasoning is that it basically concedes that gold inflation is going to progress at a rate that isn’t realistically controllable, which, while probably true, basically undermines the reason for the brutosaur’s existence.
What’s the point of having gold sinks if the gold they remove from the economy only really makes a difference in the short term?
This isn’t really new behavior.
See me, entirely not slightly bitter by the fact I got into Pandaria late enough that I didn’t acquire my Legendary Cloak (Therefore I cannot fight Ordos for the unique gear drops he has) and can only stare at the models for the Pandaren Phoenixes that will never be obtainable now that MoP is over.
More than the actual removal of the mount, I’m more blown away that they chose to announce this out of nowhere and then it took two weeks to receive actual clarification.
Like this wasn’t some glitch that needed to be found before they’d feel comfortable commenting on it… They made an active decision to bring this up, and then let it simmer for that long before bothering to let anyone know what it actually meant.
I have a very special distaste for the economic argument they make.
Which is that it has absolutely nothing to do with the economics of the situation and focuses exclusively on their inability to design / iterate their product.
Five million is an incomprehensible number to most people, gold or otherwise, it’s part of why Blizzard specifically scrunched stats so damage and itemization was more easy to understand. This game could go another ten expansions and most players wouldn’t even scratch that number.
We have no objective measure to determine when or how the inflation would “inevitably” reach such a state that your average player would horde such a grotesque wealth. Blizzard are the only ones with the tools to combat that. They’re admitting outright to the players they don’t believe in their own ability to foresee / account for their own game design.
I do not have a word strong enough for just how mind bogglingly incompetent that it.
I apologize in advance if my thoughts err into the fin-toil-hat territory, but I am not entirely convinced that the removal of a ‘economical status symbol’ like the Brutosaur mount is intended for the reasons that Blizzard Entertainment have described. Considering the release date estimation for the next expansion, Shadowlands, is slated for the end of the following year, and it is likely from PTR data that the next Patch, 8.3, will come toward the beginning of the coming year, I take the assumption that the designers are using whatever means are at disposal to encourage ‘gameplay’ and therefore elongate subscriptions from their playerbase.
Announcing the removal of an item that is expressly intended to be expensive and noted as a status symbol of economics in the game, with a unique model and unique ability (the on-board auctioneer function) would appear to myself personally to be an easy method to keep players subscribed. ‘Make sure to get this before it’s gone!’. Perhaps that is pessimistic of me.
For a billion-dollar and more Company, I would imagine they would be capable of producing a more reasonable structure to deal with inflation. It is functionally irrelevant if every character had an Auctioneer with a snap of the finger, as any genuine gold-maker will already utilize the instant-access of mail and a bank-alt (or three) to achieve the same effect in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
There’s nothing tinfoil hat or pessimistic about it. BfA was a silly expac, we’re a year out before we venture to… heaven and hell… and this will certainly keep people grinding.
It says a lot that I’m actually kind of apathetic about it since it’s a whole year in advance. Still sucks for a bunch of reasons, but it’s not like “gone next month!” levels of suck.
blizzard can and will do anything in their power to keep people subbed, except for making a fun and engaging game
wow is slowly but surely turning into a korean mmo, all the grind, with little reward behind it. its much easier to put a shiny trinket at the end of a long, long pole instead of designing something really fun and good.
Time for more crank from Krenk.
Tis the season for giving, and apparently the Cleaning Team decided to give everyone the finger and had their christmas party at work.
While on the clock.
Meaning they brought alcohol and pizzas onto the work site and had their party while being paid to do their job.
A job which involves working with heavy machinery.
A job that they delayed for three hours, meaning I didn’t get home till about 5 in the morning, hence why the boss was screaming at me until I told him to check the lunch-room cameras from about 6:30 in the evening.
Woke up at 2pm with dozens of missed calls and texts. Half of them from my hire company asking what the hell have I done and the other half from the site manager telling me I have to come in and see them because, turns out, the site manager took up the issue with the cleaning crew, told them they wouldn’t be paid for the three hours they spent on their party and that the contract between the site and the cleaning company was currently being reviewed.
The phone calls I’ve had thus far basically boil down to not speaking to or being alone away from a camera with any of the cleaning staff until after christmas, because when they got told the party hadn’t been authorized, and their wages were going to be cut as a result, there’s been a brawl between the cleaners and Captain No-Neck and since the only folks who could have reported this are the night shift guards or the disassembly crew, guess who is high on the shizzle-list?
This is going to be a very, very long week …
EDIT: Update. Hire Company is in hysterics as they have been tapped to provide a new cleaning crew, as the current one is an independent third party and they’ve violated their no fault clause of the contract.
No-Neck has been escorted from the site after punching the union rep in the face.
Union rep has been barred from the site after taking to No-Neck’s car with a crowbar in retaliation.
I’m sitting here as poor Ji has to marshal the remaining crew to get the job done now they all know they’ll be unemployed by Christmas.
Go on…
Honestly this sounds inevitable. What kind of unprofessional louts hold a Christmas Party ON THE CLOCK at a business that isn’t even theirs?
So I’ve been going through Hordeside BfA content and am wrapping it up now like I did Alliance-side, ending with the principle “holding” of each faction last. Feels thematically appropriate.
So I now learn how Rezan gets offed and King Rastakhan is now actively dying.
Kind of puts a damper on the Alliance “Victory” that sees him dead. The Alliance kills a guy whose days are numbered and in exchange lose our second least important racial leader. So the Alliance gets a net loss out of the deal.
But the Horde want to end the cycle of hatred and violence… it’s easy for them to say when they haven’t lost much like the Alliance.
What were the odds of that happening a six hundredth time
It’s okay, Ion said the Alliance won the war!
It’s such a great feeling having the Horde kick the Alliance’s teeth in and it gets shown in-game, and then the Alliance just “wins the war” yet we never get to see that in-game, we have to be told that’s what happens. It really makes us feel victorious…
Ah, yes. The sprawling war that consumed the whole of Azeroth, encompassing…
checks notes
Two zones.