Cranky Quarantine Thread

the RaF reward system is so shameless that i really feel like they’re just testing the boundaries of what we’ll put up with before adding even more paid cosmetics and that aggravates me :upside_down_face:

i guess the $10 hats didn’t sell well enough so they’re looking to squeeze money out of actual appealing sets instead

i know i’m 80 years late on this particular grievance but man it still turns me into a salt elemental

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I can afford to buy gold tokens if I wanted to… and I kind of wish I had, since they would lower the gold price for others to keep subbed… but I don’t want to buy tokens now because I don’t want to reward Blizzard’s bad behavior as of late.

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I’m just trying to level as many characters as I can in Korrak’s. A DH will be my Thanksgiving weekend project.

I lasted all of 15 minutes as a shotgun toting dwarven hunter a few months back before I found a “mod” that was just the old gun sound dumped into your sounds folder renamed to the thwip sound effect so it would play instead.


It’s actually sort of ironic. I remember back in the day a lot of folks hated how loud the gun sounds were so somebody made a mod called Silencer to muffle them.

Related: most of Blizzard’s new feature ideas are just incorporating popular mods into the core game and always have been.


Lemme be cranky here.

So, last night, at my place of work, the Night Shift Cleaning Crew were being their usual oxygen-thieving selves and didn’t do their job. Three huge machines still with gobs of meat and fat clinging to the internal surfaces, inside the grooves, on the underside of components that are apparently ‘too hard’ to turn over to clean the undersides. The kind of thing that a little bit of elbow grease, some motivation and rubbing a pair of brain-cells together could easily fix, especially when you’re running around with all this expensive cleaning equipment and chemicals…

My co-worker told me to not touch it, pulled out his phone, started taking shots.

We left at about 2am in the morning, we’re supposed to leave at midnight but it literally took that long to document all the screw-ups they left behind, fill out the paperwork, send off the pictures to the relevant email accounts for the site manager, Q&A manager, production manager, etc etc.

Get the call at about 5am why this hasn’t been done, why that hasn’t been done, oh god we’re gonna be so late why have you done this, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, etc etc.

“You remember we’re two separate teams, right? Night Shift Cleaners and Disassembly Crew are two separate teams? And because the cleaners are a third-party hire, we’re not legally allowed to touch their stuff or access the cleaning chemicals, per that big blow up a few months back when somebody tried to mix chloride phosphate with the ammonia-based cleaner?”


After about a half hour, I figure I can try to get some more sleep.

Nope, ten minutes after my head hits the pillow, more emails and calls apologising for waking me at this early hour so soon after my shift ended, blah blah blah, whatever, let me sleep.

An hour after that, the Cleaning Manager rings up and is screaming at me that I am not a team player, I should have brought this up with his crew, how dare I, you’re supposed to support your comrades, etc etc and I point out that I am not part of his crew, we did bring it up, over the past three months that these tools are not being cleaned correctly and we have to keep bringing people back to finish their job, and nobody has upped their game, so we brought the matter to people who could fix the issue since apparently he couldn’t.

And then I drop the bomb that, as the manager, shouldn’t he be there to keep an eye on his team, make sure they’re meeting their contractual obligations and ensure they aren’t knocking off early with their jobs half done?

Phone slams down, call cuts off. Whatever. He can’t do anything to me.

About twenty minutes later the site manager rings me up and he can barely speak because he is laughing too hard. Captain No-Neck ran into the office and demanded I be fired, and when asked why, hit the play-back of the call, that he did not inform me he was recording, and screamed that I was showing a lack of respect and was a ‘toxic influence’ on the team spirit.

So knucklehead is getting raked over the coals by the site lawyer, the hire company lawyer and is being ordered by his boss to be the last person of his team off the site at the end of the day, that he must provide detailed photographs and documentation of the state of the site before he leaves and that no staff members are permitted to leave early unless he has personally inspected their work area to ensure the ‘relevant standards are maintained’.

So no more bogging off for No-Neck, no more early nights for his crew and no more chances from the site-manager since this knucklehead just exposed himself for workplace harassment and bullying in an office full of the site big-wigs.

I just … this would be hilarious if it wasn’t happening to me.

Days like today I wish I hadn’t sworn off drinking …

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Do you live in a two-party consent state where phone recordings are concerned?

Because if so, lol

There is something just so incredibly satisfying about people like that hoisting themselves on their own petards…


Guarentee it’ll be implemented when the game goes p2p or f2p. Player housing is a huge ingame store commodity and they’re not going to pass that up. They’re just waiting for the opportune moment.

This thread makes it hard for me to overlook Blizzard’s many faults.

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That’s sort of by design. The only way these faults ever get corrected is if people bring attention to them. The only way to bring attention to them is if people keep talking about them.

Maybe that’ll happen and maybe it won’t. But it’s soothing to grumble about stuff that bothers you in a group.

i don’t grumble anymore

i screamed and vanished from reality

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Mom can we get final fantasy Shadowbringers?

No we have Final fantasy Shadowbringers at home.

Final fantasy Shadowbringers at home - World of warcraft Shadowlands.


So the design for The Jailer leaked and I think it might be safe to say that the golden age of Blizzard’s art team knocking it out of the park has finally ended.

he looks like Velen went Super Saiyan and also turned into a complete edgelord


I really like his design, but I’m a huge Diablo fan and that’s exactly what I think of when I look at him.

I think he fits the Shadowlands theme extremely well. :woman_shrugging:

He looks like a relatively smooth but incredibly bland blend of several diffrrent features / themes. Assuming that ends up being a finalized appearance, he’ll end up in game looking like any other boss released in the last ten or so years, rather than a unique / culminating threat.

“But wait and see” I guess.


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So the (literal) power behind the throne, the person in part responsible for the inciting incident of BfA, the cornerstone of Sylvanas’s master plan revealed, is…a spiky ghost wizard?


A spiky ghost wizard incorporating a homogenization of all the recent art directions between their IPs.

I can’t necessarily fault the team but it certainly isn’t exceptional.