[Crafting order] Wrong item crafted

Dear support team.

Today I finally had the necessary 40 chaos together on my 3rd alt, that I need for the crafted PvP boots. Unfortunately I completely forgot at that moment, that the alt has a different armor type than the other 3 characters I equipped before.

When I noticed the mishap and wanted to cancel the order, it had already been crafted. Now I’m sitting there with my plate boots, although I can only wear leather. :astonished::roll_eyes::sleepy:

Is there a way to disassemble the item into its mats again? I could live with the 20k gold worth of mats are being lost, what hurts me are the 40 chaos.

Thanks for your time.

You would need to file a ticket.


Unfortunately, crafting the wrong item by mistake isn’t something Customer Support would be able to assist with. We’ve all been there, and I’ve learned to be more observant when crafting anything BoP for that very reason.


I have yet to see this be an issue for anyone else traipsing through here, but historically Blizzard has been hands off of these sorts of things. It falls on us as players to make sure we’re paying attention to what we’re doing. Especially when it comes to currency issues like the lost chaos. They can be farmed again. It’s inconvenient, but that is the cost of not double checking what you’re trying to submit.

That being said, there are no GMs on the forum. You would have to submit a ticket, but I would highly suggest going in with low expectations.

You can try submitting a ticket here:
