Crafting Order System has failed. Please fix in War Within

You cannot in any rational sense tell us that the crafting order system is a success when the only orders available are scams meant to pray on uninformed people.


Drum up personal orders


Would it hurt for people to inform themselves?
Or just read pop-up saying no mats are supplied? Is it really that hard?

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Would it hurt for blizzard to make it so bad actors can’t scam other players in the first place?

Seriously, the waste of oxygen ‘player’ that’s doing this on Wyrmrest Accord floods the crafting order system every day with hundreds of no mat, sub 50g commission orders on items that cost 500-2000g to make.


There’s an add-on for that

And if you are getting scammed this late in the XPac, you have a bigger problem

Sure, good filter for no mats orders wouldnt hurt, but in the meantime, there is pop-up + yellow text saying no mats supplied.

There is a small addon called no mats no make that filters no mat orders where you dont even see them

It is when you have to scroll through literally hundreds of orders to see the ones with mats provided.
Why cant you search for only orders with mats provided and be able to ignore the scams?
This should be such a simple fix I find it astonishing that Blizz didn’t launch with it and still hasn’t fixed that to this day.

What’s funny is that blizzard DID launch DF’s work order system with only the ability to search for work orders with all materials available because you couldn’t post work orders without all the mats.

We really need to go back to that [for public orders] to curb the scam order spam…


Maybe the work orders could be linked to the auction house so if you put an order without mats the minimal fee requiered will be the sum of the price of all mats missing in it…


Or a random thought, dont allow orders with missing mats to be posted for completion.

I’ve suggested this several times. Even if it’s a batch overnight run to get average sale price over the last day (or 3 days) it would help honest-but-clueless customers set a reasonable commission price. TSM addon has been doing this for years, so it’s not impossible.
Better still, next ex-pack the AH and CO system should be linked real-time, with “buy mats” buttons to allow all (for Public orders) or specific (for Guild/personal) orders to be purchased when the order is placed, perhaps allowing a 10% tip to be suggested automatically too.

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I don’t think it’s a bad system but something should be in place to prevent scamming.

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HAH! I was just about to make a post about this topic. I see these all the time, and this is appalling. The truth is that these scammers would not being doing this if some fools weren’t on here filling these orders.

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Right now there is a “Allied Wristguard of Companionship” being requested. 5K Commission, missing Centaur’s Trophy Necklace (20-30k in the AH) and 8x Obsidian Seared Alloy 170G - 528G per…

I wouldn’t mind the no mats part, IF, they offered the cost of the mats + commission.


you can adjust the filters in the addon to allow orders with no mats over a certain threshold

the interface is too bulky. There needs to be a way to enter multiples at the same time, both for entering and order and the crafting of the order. It’s barely worth the time to use it for the guild to increase professions doing it all one at a time, IMHO


This is my big worry.

They double down and the scammers and early exploiters win again.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

I’m not sure offering an order for 1s is much different then people who put gray items in the AH for 10,000g.

500g for a pet craft is fine at this point in the game, if they included all the mats. All you do is click a button. Some people are happy to do a cheap order for the weekly quest. Others put orders like that in there for their alts to do later and sometimes someone will do them.