Crafted blacksmithing legs take 150 ore, crafted jewelcrafting ring takes over 10k ore - Blizzard what?

Blacksmith legs = 150 os ore

JC ring = 35 azarine and 35 seagate



I started collecting mats for my JC ring… RANK 1 a few days ago. So far, I have prospected 3 - 4 stacks of ore and am no where near close to what I need… for the LOWEST RANK! Not only that, it is random stats, so, we risk having to make it again to get the correct stats for our class/spec… this is just down right silly expensive! considering I already have my rank 2 engineering helm that took virtually nothing to make… :confused:

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Only profession I care to do anymore is tailoring. And only for the bags.


So you’re saying I should be selling ore on the AH? Thanks for the tip!

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Here, I’ll tell you what all the white knights say even when there’s an obvious design flaw.

“It’s optional, no one is forcing you to do anything”

JC been getting shafted a lot, its just the unfortunate world we live in.

Every profession was material heavy to level after the xpac drop. At least the prices are a fraction of what they were the first month of BFA.

Plus you can fly now to quickly gather mats.

Why are you crying when its so much easier to do now.

Probably because you can gather 150 ore while basically casually doing world quests and farming rares, but 10,000? Yeah, that’s a way bigger grind.


Last time I looked you could just buy those gems.

Buy it on the AH then. It would likely be comparable in cost to a BOE at this stage of the patch.

You should only be making the legs or the ring if you plan to raid on a regular basis.

Personally i disliked the pattern being locked behind mana pearls and weekly raiding.

Makes the crafted gear pointless to anyone besides raiders.

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Professions overall have been a train wreck this expansion. JCs, hopefully they can fix this recipe for you.


Problem with that attitude is, Why spend development money on it if no one ever does it. I’m not even opening that abyssal forge or what ever it is. Profession are basically useless.


Remember when it was exciting to make stuff with professions? You had to grind to get mats, but not unreasonably. And what you could make was useful or fun.

Of course, this was back when things in general were so useful that the guild bank was more than just extra personal storage.

When did almost everything become useless and pointless?


Blizzard has gone completely over the top with mats for every profession this expac. It’s beyond ridiculous right now.

After what happened to first aid, part of me wonders if they’re trying to prune professions by making them more trouble than they’re worth.

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The big shift in design philosophy seemed to happen in WoD, where gathering was made pointless by garrisons and travel time became “content”. The specifics have shifted around - which is more useless, gathering or crafting? - but the philosophy change happened post-MoP.

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The worst is when you make a ring with crap stats and have to do it over… for longest time my 400 ring was better than the 415 i had last patch.

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But hey, you can scrap that ring for a tiny fraction of the mats you wasted, so that makes it okay, say the devs. Rolling the dice is fun and engaging, just ask anyone in a casino.

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JC has been getting the shaft since they nerfed sockets off most drops…

MoP was probably my favorite iteration of professions. Cooking in MoP was so damn immersive.

WoD. The expansion of cutting corners.


Yeah unless you really enjoy farming or buying/selling on the AH its not worth doing at all.

Oh and raid too.