Crafted blacksmithing legs take 150 ore, crafted jewelcrafting ring takes over 10k ore - Blizzard what?

Agreed. And cooking in MoP had catchup mechanics done RIGHT. You could level up the old fashioned way, or you could drop a couple hundred gold on the trainer, grind through the teaching recipes, and get caught up that way. But they didn’t remove player investment in a profession entirely by getting you up to current content for free.

The current design just feels like we’re supposed to swap around professions the way we do gear. And given how few professions have any value to them right now, my guess is that the goal is to let players funnel themselves into the useful professions and then remove the losers the way they removed first aid.

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I am confident the professions this xpac was to become a major gold sink where things end up in the shredder to deflate and eliminate gold. Doing so means more token purchases. Its been pretty clear so far.

Only a fool would spend the amount of gold needed for a chance piece of gear.


I’ve never been so dis-interested in professions ever and I was they type before who would have characters that were able to do everything.

Professions to me were fun up until the end of legion when they enabled people to just skip to crafting in whichever expansion they wanted. Taking away that natural progression to be able to craft higher items meant something at one point.