Cowl of Benevolence still a thing or was removed?

Ive been running Normal Black Temple for Cowl of Benevolence hood which according to WoWpedia, has a 23% drop chance. Ive ran it probably 20ish times and still havent had it drop.
Has this item been removed or bugged? Or is my RNG sooo bad that I have the 1.72e-13 change that it hasnt dropped yet?

A 23% chance to drop means there’s still a 77% for it not to drop, and that’s per run. Your chances don’t increase with every run that it doesn’t drop.

As the information you’re seeking is a game hint, there will be no definitive answer given either here or from a GM, but like most other things, it’s highly probable that you’re just on a run of bad luck.


you use .77^20, not .23^20. the odds you calculated are the chance of getting that item every run for 20 runs in a row.

the odds of it not dropping after 20 runs are ~ .5%. so definitely bad luck but not nearly so bad as you’re thinking.


This is absolutely correct. It’s bad luck. Really bad luck. But not inconceivable.
For every 200 people that run this 20 times, there’s one who will miss on all 20. Looks like you’re that 1 in 200. That really sucks. Best of luck to you… from a guy who ran MSV for 10 months to finally get the Elegon mount.

(Im YourSavior)
Oh right, der, so much for all of those math classes I took in college and not checking the details XD.

And damn, as long as i know that its still in the game, I can accept very bad luck. Now I have another cloth alt I can farm on it with.


Keep at it! After some pretty lousy luck with mounts dropping, I went all out and parked many alts at various raid entrances and just ran them all through weekly until the mounts finally were mine.

I spent weeks and weeks until that cowl finally dropped on my Warlock way back during the Pandaria expansion.

Definitely the RNG gods were not in my favor back then.

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what I usually do to curry favor with the RNG goddess is sacrifice a handful of d20s.


Me i just sacrifice a bunch of gnomes thats why the gnome population is declining still cant find ruffle tho.

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I’m hiding under the mythical Cowl of Benevolence. It does funky things with my avatar on the forum.


They look like bunny ears at present D:

She changed it back to the bunny ears. xD

Because she is one of the cool kids!


Mwa ha ha time time to complet my sacrificing of the gnomes beware ruffle u wont see me coming.