Covid is NOT over

Couldn’t agree more with you Chaosnachos…I haven’t trust it since it first came out…and now the ones that getting it now are mostly those whom have had the shots now…


My kids (Young adults) shrugged Covid off like a cold… Me, I avoided Covid… but the booster almost killed me. Guess it’s random, just like life. LOL Is Blizz RND used by God? Only He Knows!


Well, yeah lol. It didn’t just leave as soon as it wasn’t FOTM anymore

Jesus Christ… I am sorry to hear that


yup…just saw the articles yesterday…more vaxxed are dying now than unvaxxed. Tons from ‘unknown’ reasons.
Id share a video here of autopsies but its so nauseating to watch I dont want to link it. lol.
People with what looks like huge tape worm like structures in their blood vessels causing death, strokes, etc.


I don’t live my life in fear culture. To me, as a biblical believer, I see this as a test run of the future great tribulation era.


I am in full agreement with you. Truly shocking times.


It’ll never be over if you keep testing.

Stopping the spread is not the goal of the vaccine. Adequate testing, masks, and effective quarantines when you are sick are measures people can take to stop the spread.

The vaccine is a weakened form of the virus, that’s it. Yes, some people have side effects, that’s obvious. When you get punched by a toddler, it can still hurt. But your body knows how to block punches now, so when an adult comes at you, you should be able to fight back a little better.

I’m glad for you that it wasn’t bad the times you had it. I don’t care if you are vaccinated or not, it is your life and your choice, but just informing you that the Vaccine is doing its job.

For every unvaccinated person, there are three vaccinated people. This is just how math works.


I’ll send a big tub of Butterscotch Pudding.
Get better quick.

Damn now I want Butterscotch Pudding… this is your fault.


I have no problems with those who wish to get the vaccine. As for me, it reeked like a week old fish left in the sun. All I ask is to be respected, even if it’s disagreed upon. Unfortunately, we were treated fairly harshly in the last 2 years.


uh…then you shoulda told Fauci, Biden and Rachel Maddow this VERY early on because they ALL said it was the purpose. lol. I can post videos to refresh your memory if you require it.


So… how did one of our fellow gamers posting about catching the Vid turn into a vaccine debate and politics.

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Because it always does and has been the case since the start. Much as I believe all opinions are valid and personal rights must be respected, its when people turn hostile on each other that I just turn and walk away.

I am not here to tell people how to live or what to believe, I can only worry about myself when it comes to that. Do I disagree with some things or beliefs? yeah, of course, but im not gonna weaponize that and go out of my way to make things unpleasant for people. People got enough crap to worry about on a daily basis.


How can it not? It’s been a hot button topic for over 2 years now.


It happens all over. I’m a Libertarian, I wish the political temperature would go down about 99 degrees… but it doesn’t sell advertisers… so this is the dumb, hyper world we live in.


Yup, same observation around here

The only people I know that are “constantly” getting sick are the jab volunteers. And it’s not even just Covid… I’ve observed these people are coming down with bad colds in the middle of summer, “constant” coughs for weeks at a time, really odd side-effects like involuntary twitching and light-headedness, etc etc

I’m unvaccinated and it’s just been total /crickets for me, haven’t been sick at all this year… I’m just not seeing this alleged wave of “bad flu” or “RSV” that the media claims is everywhere (…I’m guessing in the vaccinated?)

It’s almost as if as long as you still have a functioning immune system you’ll be fine :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

They lifted the “must wear a facemask in stores” requirement some time back, and my youngest brother (26) just so happens to work in a busy grocery store. He’s also unvaccinated. Despite literally being around the general public all day long for 8-hour shifts, he hasn’t been sick either… Hmmmmm :thinking:


That perception is gone, but people are definitely still dying from it. There’s unfortunately been a spike in November, seems like it’s the new normal that there’s going to be a COVID death spike in winter.


I don’t mean to disrespect anybody. As I said before, it’s your life and your choice. If you do or don’t get the vaccine, that will impact you primarily so it makes sense that you should be the one to make that call.

I like him

Politicians are not good sources of medical advice.

Personally I don’t care what these people think, they aren’t my doctor. My doctor kindly answered all my questions, he never claimed that the vaccine is going to “stop” the spread of covid. That’s a huge goal and it was wrong to promise that.

It slows the spread a little bit. If your covid is less severe, which is often the case for vaccinated people, you’re coughing and sneezing less which spreads less germs. So there’s a lower chance of others coming into contact with your germs and getting sick themselves.


My daughter got the shot for her job.
She said her immune system is trash now…she keeps getting sick over and over. Had 102 temp a couple days ago, poor thing.
Everyone Ive seen getting really sick has been vaxxed.
My 76 year old mom isnt vaxxed and she blew thru covid with a bit of flu symptoms pretty easily.


It is simple. Everyone is unique. This alone means medical decisions should be between you and your DR and loved ones. No " One size fits’ all " approach will ever be perfect.