Covid is NOT over

And the main reason that the deaths were so high in the US at the start of the pandemic is because in CA and NY (an possibly other places) Covid patients were being moved to retirement homes to free up hospital beds and retirement homes are full of elderly and other poeple who already have many health issues and are close to death and VERY at risk of dying from a disease like Covid.


Do we get tribbles in the Tribulation ?

Never got it. My Kids Did ( and shrugged it off ) . The booster nearly killed me. I will takes my chances after that.

believe in covid or not. Let me say this. How covid was handle should make all sides worried just how ready we are for it.

Anyway, I am done posting out of boredom (since the queue for Uldaman as a DPS is over 1 hour), time to get some lunch.

I got really lucky because I went to Disneyland for my birthday right before it started popping off in January 2020 and then later went to a Bernie Sanders rally in February after that, but somehow completely missed it. I have literally no idea how I missed it lol.

LOL. Okay, but all people that are vegans aren’t annoying about it, just like all people who don’t get the shot aren’t annoying. I just think it’s weird to lump every person in a category when you don’t need to. Some people just don’t like needles, and that’s okay. If they don’t get the shot but wear a mask to protect others in public then what’s the problem?

Actually, I take part of that back. All vegans are super annoying.

That’s all I can do at this point :laughing: I do not partake in “serious” discussions about COVID

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Kirk will deliver them to you personally.
wiggles toes

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No just the Four Horsemen (not the fun WoW ones), plagues, famine, death, and wanting to die but unable.

People who are vegan are fine. So long as they dont weaponize it to threaten or wish harm on others, extremism is bad all the time, no matter what its about because it is contrary to civil discussion. it leaves no place for it. And that applies for both sides of the argument. As humans and an omnivorous species we have the luxury of eating whatever we damn well please.

I am not vegan by any measure but I wont go out of my way to judge or criticize, unless attacked first. Even then, Id just keep doing me lol

munches on mac’n’cheese with bacon

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Aye. I’m not debating anymore. Here for memes now or a possible giggle


Yeah it’s already pretty bad here, had to bring my mom to the emergency a few weeks ago and it was already super crowded due to people being in for flu things :confused: huge workstaff shortages

I think it started earlier than that. A lot of people were sick in my area around Christmas, all with similar symptoms, some more severe than others. It was a little too hardcore to be the regular flu. One of my family members needed daily breathalyzer treatments. I know I was miserable then too since I had whatever it was. I’m thinking that was why I was able to avoid it for so long. I could have had it before it was officially labeled a pandemic.

I never got vaccinated. I got it, had a fever for a couple of days then it was over. It was just like a mild version of the flu.


My hot take conspiracy theory is that “mysterious vaping illness” that was going around right before or around Christmas was probably COVID.

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Is anyone passing out tin foil hats?

Considering it was reported to have started around late November and early December in China and they were keeping that information to themselves, I don’t think it’s just a theory. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are people still going on about the 5G networks? I remember that being brought up as well for a time.

I think some people never take them off :sweat_smile:

Weird Al is: