Covid is NOT over

As it tends to.

I’m waiting for it!!

Are we in the end times?

It is referred colloquially as “the vaccine” by everyone. Stop replying. You don’t even have a point to make, you’re just talking for no reason. It’s okay to be wrong sweetheart.

Is there anyone else in this thread who still has never got COVID? I got vaxxed and boosted, mask up whenever I leave the house, and I’ve still never got it, even once. My girlfriend is the same and hasn’t ever got it, either.


Covid taught me that besides climate change, our health care and how unready we are for things like covid. Will be the doom of our race.

Probably the person who flagged my special underwear post too

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That’s more than alright. Everyone has a choice to make. As long as we’re respectful about it, then a future discussions are welcomed.

I haven’t gotten it, to my knowledge.

But I’ve always taken precautions and we still wear masks at work.

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Not got it yet, knocks on wood

Soft or hard wood?

The reason the Vaccine was release so quickly is (essentially) due to newly available gene editing techniques that allowed them to basically make an artificial virus that creates the same immune response as the actual Virus (based on my non-medical professional understanding of how it works).

It depends on why reading is really hard for you.

Now, please answer my original question. Are unvaccinated people running up to you constantly and telling you “HEY I DIDNT GET THE SHOT!!!” or something? Otherwise it’s a very weird stance to take.

for sure. Soon as something truly apocalyptically bad rears its head we’re all going down.

Humans are so selfish and shortsighted and even ignorant

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Same here. Haven’t caught it yet, vaxxed too and masked when its needed. I do it mostly for others more than myself like I posted before.

Maybe the end of the church age soon. Not in the tribulation yet. Even after the tribulation, there’s one thousand years to go.

Ppl who do not get the shot (unless for medical reasons) are like ppl who are vegans…annoying

Beats me why.

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It’s great that some people have been able to avoid it, but it’s entirely possible that some of them did have it and didn’t really notice. The symptoms range from having no symptoms at all, to a small case of the sniffles to hospitalization and having a machine breathe for them.

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This is not a fresh account, I’ve been posting here a for a while. Because I’m in EU it’s literally the reason why I’m posting on a level 10 character without a sub, I can’t post with my EU account here. My main is Nilann from EU-Antonidas.

And I don’t see where I’m downplaying Covid, that’s a huge strawman and doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m saying. Explain to me how I’m downplaying Covid when I’m just telling the fact that the numerical code for Covid was listed on sick certificates in my country when it was proven to be just a normal cold.

They already set their own salary, allow insider trading etc. Would be nice if the salary of senators and representatives was paid for by the states they represent like it used to.

The corruption is just so sad, and it’s not one side it’s 90% of the members of congress. They have made a bureaucracy so bloated in fat it cannot function properly. A bureaucracy is only beneficial when it is relatively lean and not like the 800 pound person which it currently is.

Any politician leaving office richer than when they came in is proof of corruption 99.9% of the time.