Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Let’s not assume that they’re competent just yet.

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Feels covens man!

There is also that, yes. What an insane amount of work, time sunk into designing and tuning such a multi-layered system, that won’t even carry into the next expansion. That’d be like if they just deleted demon hunters at the end of Legion.

I give them the benefit of the doubt there. They have plenty of bad ideas, and they have a lot of imaginative attempts that fall flat, but I don’t think they’re stupid.

They’ve actually managed to accomplish a lot. We just tend to remember them for their string of mistakes. Which has grown longer instead of shorter.

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i would rather have barbed shot off the gcd… BW doesnt feel any different… barbed shot does though especially with high crit.

It’s not stupidity, it’s a lack of ability to actually make their systems work, Azerite Armor could have been great if we didn’t need to roll the dice to get a decent piece or wait for months to save up for the 3 pieces we needed. Every single system that they have put in place since Legion has been assuming that people only play one spec. For some DPS classes that might be true, but for hybrid classes?

What I feel when people praise covenants power systems being heavily locked.

That’s like people praising azerith gear. Even Ion has compared the 2 systems.

Or maybe like they say I’m not playing the game the right way, the same argument people bring to remove LFR.

No matter, this is a Ralph thread. And it’s done mainly to troll people at this point. He has posted maybe 10+ threads about this subjects just to spite people about it and it seems the moderators are on his side.


I think the real choice which is going to bum people out is going to be “wow I can get something so I can have 7 combo points on a rogue but I don’t get to be a edge lord necrolord

I feel like it’s going to suck for a lot of people once get they buyers remorse


You’re so drunk if you think Kyrian is bad for prot pally. That utility is amazing.

Seriously, why the hell are people flagging the OP. All he did was pass on what Ion said about them. He didn’t offer his own opinion or give any commentary about the system, just reported what was mentioned in an interview.

CS really needs to start issuing warnings to people who frequently misuse the flag feature to try and shut down a perfectly valid topic.


When DEVS start to compare systems, its time to worry. Another thing to remember. Typically they start building the NEXT expansion about 6-8 weeks into the launch of the previous expansion. They’ve as much as admitted that. So the faults revealed later in the game for BfA won’t be erased / treated until AFTER Shadowlands.

So yes, any faults in one expansion are likely to carry to the NEXT one.

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Ok, that made me chuckle.

“I wanna be an edgelord rogue! But the best choice for power comes from being a tree hugging night fae!”

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Actually you have no way of knowing to what extent this will be true.

Right now it appears that choosing based on your primary playstyle may disadvantage you for both cosmetics and story, as well as for any secondary playstyles you may currently enjoy.

They are constructing these to that every choice has major drawbacks. There will be no one clear right choice, only the option to figure out the “least worst” choice and hope it doesn’t drop lower on the pecking order during the expanson.


It’s one of those stupid situations where you just want to let your mind set go and get what ever looks cool

However if I happen to pick the really boring dud passive like ability or what ever then later on I have that moment of “wow I really wish I’d gotten that ability that really fits with my play style but now I’m trapped” I think is going to be the more dud thing that happens

Doing so might actually be the safest option depending on how this shakes out. If you choose your covenant based mostly on something that gets nerfhammered 6 weeks later, in a system that is deliberately designed to discourage changing… Woof. RIP.

Every post Ralph has made is full of his opinions. The exact same opinions that he thinks he has come up with a new, more clever way to put it to convince us that a game designed around punishment and a Sophie’s choice requirement is somehow going to make us all happier than well-designed classes and the option of playing well.

But if he hadn’t started dozens of these copy paste threads previously telling us what a moral imperative it should be to be a bad player like him, maybe he wouldn’t be getting reported for spam.

Yes, dozens. For a while he was starting a new copy paste thread every half hour. Half the posts in every such thread he starts are by him.


Yeah exactly

I feel like they could remain with having the feeling of “the strong choice” and let everyone just get the the abilities it kind of removes that having the abilities impact your choice more than the whole covenant it would be better

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The issues isn’t who he is, I actually disagree with him most of the time but if people are going to report him it should be for what he said and not who he is. Nothing in the OP is offensive or reportable. All they are doing is wasting some poor CS’s time to go thru and unflag it.

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Tell me when the min-maxers never complained?

I am not talking about those ppl who make a living competing, I am talking of those who waste more time than casuals thinking they are competing .

Yup they are never happy but they keep paying and playing, why would blizz care ?

That’s ok as long as i…

  1. Look great while doing it
  2. Agree with the Covenants direction and goals and it doesn’t turn out to not be what is laid out. I mean i have to choose one and so what i align too SHOULD MATCH what i choose and not be a bait and switch.