Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

You do not know what they are reporting him for. I did not report him, but anybody who reported him as spam was entirely justified.

Whatever, they CS need to start taking action against false flagging and be done with it…

I’ve seen that happen. During Legion there was a big chunk of time where groups would KICK you if you were a warlock. It didn’t matter what spec. If they saw Warlock, they’d flat out KICK you.

So yes, there ARE indeed people who’d kick you for “the wrong covenant/spec choice”.

Okay. So do you think there is no amount of spam posting that should be reportable, or is it just this special case where Ralph should be able to post an infinite number of spam threads and posts and be immune to consequences?

I mean, he’s all about consequences. Right?


The thing is, the OP has a point, just the methods he went about it rubbed many people the wrong way. Especially when you consider that many people seriously dislike Ion, both for his attitude when posting as well as the decisions that he’s had a hand in enacting.

Meaningful choices should be a thing. But meaningful choices should be about trade offs. Where the end result is balanced and fair.

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Frequency of posting is not the same as spam. Do me a favor and link me the other posts that the OP posted that contain the same information and within a very short time frame of the OP. Just because he posts a lot and tends to be a little aggressive in his point of view doesn’t mean he broke any rules.

Either way it doesn’t matter. I would bet that by tomorrow the OP will be unflagged again, because he didn’t violate any rules.

In most causes I don’t believe anyone’s opinion should be silenced

However in this case I feel like the OP is championing an opinion on behalf of the player base that will be damaging to the player base

I’ve just come out of 2 system heavy xpacs, one was the super weapons of legion that made it a nightmare to swap specs for half the xpac
BFA was just layers on layers of RNG systems and the best part of it happened to be the the essence system which was free form and we had a lot of flexibility with it

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I’d pick the 80% if it was cool :man_shrugging:

This forum doesn’t enforce free speech, it enforce its own code of conduct.

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This is how it should be. It’s an MMORPG. The choices you make should have an impact and not just be cosmetic…

Frequency of starting the same thread is indeed spam. He starts the same threads with next to no variation over and over again.


The only thing that lasts past an expansion is the cosmetics

Exactly what I thought after seeing this was flagged for no apparent reason.

But the choices should be a series of trade offs.

An example from WoW

+1 Intelligence for a Caster, and thus more Spellpower
+1 Spirit for a Caster, and thus faster Mana Regeneration

Yes, I know Spirit doesn’t exist anymore, but its an example of two stats that at one time DID indeed affect spellcasters.

When the Choices and the impact are purely negative, then something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

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Then it shouldn’t be hard for you to link me some example right? I just did a quick review of his posting for today and this is the ONLY topic he started on Covenants.

You most have a very low bar for “spamming” :slight_smile: Anyways, have a good night.

My biggest issue is the same I’ve felt for any expansion with these “rental” abilities: They’re always scrapped at the end of the expack, and new players never get to experience the content even if they’re the appropriate level range.

Who cares if Newb A is in MoP content and slows leveling just to take part in the legendary cloak questline and grind?
Obviously Blizz doesn’t want ANYONE replaying all the older content, alts or new players alike.
That’s just ONE reason why sub numbers have dropped off since the heights of late Wrath.

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Not true, your class remains past the expansion. And for the expansion itself covenants will be an integral part of the story, so there should be weight to your choice. Again, this is an MMORPG. Quit trying to remove RPG and immersion elements from the game. This is exactly the type of game where your choices should matter. Go play a MOBA or some Shooter if you want a completely fluid system, and stop ruining our game…

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Choice is fine. But by way of example I’ll point at warriors. We have:
A. Massive AOE burst damage w/ rage gain and soft CC.
B. Single-target rotational ability with offensive and defensive boosts.
C. A powerful party-wide cooldown to be stacked with others for burn phases.
D. A worse version of A.

See the problem? A thru C provide some interesting and meaningful choices, but D is simply a nonstarter that you should never ever take on its own merits.

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Sure, I love spoonfeeding people who are posing as free speech advocates in favor of infinite spam.

That’s not what I was talking about.

I’m saying, he specifically mentioned the difficulty of swapping between those two as a reference.

Regardless, I hope its a meaningful choice. And impactful. And I hope it is hard to change all willy nilly. Who cares if your Covenant is 1% better at single target opposed to AoE. Who cares if your Covenant is 1% better at PvP than PvE. The only people who this really affects are the top 0.1% vying for world firsts. But those people are nuts and do outrageous things regardless.

The only thing the vast majority of people should be asking themselves is if the ability even works for their spec. As in, like the current Kyrian ability with Shadow Priests. Its actually a hindrance to Void Form.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand why a lot of folks are voicing concern and dislike. But again, outside of the extreme top end, this is only an issue because you people are making it one. Choice is good. Consequences of that choice are good. You aren’t suddenly going to not be able to play at all because you chose C when A and B are slightly better for raids. I mean, I think it’s a good thing to have strengths and weaknesses.

Honestly, this is probably what they’ll do. Slightly better soulbinds to even out the slightly weaker abilities so everything balances out. That is a great way to do it. Assuming they can pull it off.

This is how I feel too. I want to have choices that actually affect things. A game where everyone can do everything with absolutely no strengths and weakness is pretty boring in my opinion.

It’s also funny how so many people scream to have meaningful choice but when Blizzard decides to act on it to give us choices that actually hold weight, GD loses its mind.

I mean, I’ll fully acknowledge that Blizzard has put themselves between a rock and a hard place. But lets not start completely panicking like rabid monkeys until at least Beta, okay?

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