Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

My only issue with the pet rez nerf is that it’s 6 seconds, 3s would be perfectly reasonable, 4s is a bit excessive, 6 is waaaaay too much unless they double the tankiness of pets

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I fear it will just be an non-ending power grind to progress just like necks, artifact weapons and the cloak now.

If you pick the wrong one you are screwed.

If they nerf a good one, you get screwed.

If it was only cosmetic and story, that would be fine.

If there are power trees of abilities - you never know if you pick the right one until it is too late.

One will be better than others for some game play, I just hope we know that before we are forced to pick one.

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I’m pretty sure they are aware of player concerns. I think Mr Hazzikostas even said so in a recent interview.

I agree that, once serious beta starts up and more people get to experience all classes (since not all classes are currently playable in Alpha) and their various specs, and see how they perform by comparison, then people can give more relevant input. I just think the temperature of the discussions gets a bit high based on a very limited view.

Right now covenant abilities aren’t much of a choice. It’s good ability v.s god awful ability, but I guess the dress looks cool.

Hopefully they balance this out before the end of alpha.

What ability that got added to the Gcd that made your spec slow and clunky. that you use all the time?

I wonder if the option to join Sylvanas’ Maw Covenant will be a thing down the road in 9.1. The discussion that her new armor was ‘her’ Covenant Armor was fascinating. It also helps a issue I had early on with Covenants. If we can change from one to another later (at the risk of alienating the former), I might just do it with Venthyr, as I adore the covenant armor for cloth wearers.

Start Venthyr and then swapping to Bastion or Night Fae: “Once Lacryma repented of her sins”. It would be a cool thing. It’d also be pretty lore-compliant if the Venthyr were more chill than others about swapping your covenant, since that is their job description as well.

He’s also proven he simply says stuff to make people shut up. He’s a master of double talk. So pardon me if I trust a rabid dog more than I trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

We can hope. And we can speak up. That’s about all we can do. And those of us who get into Alpha & Beta can test and speak up. Giving numbers, citing what’s wrong. And refusing to shut up.

I’ve been in past betas. They HATE it when people insist on speaking about bad decisions. That’s happened in past betas. People brought up issues, with hard numbers. And Blizzard devs told them “We’re not discussing that.”

Comfort the Afflicted … Afflict the Comfortable.

Blizzard Devs are too comfortable. They need to squirm and feel uncomfortable.


If blizzard ever showed the ability to balance with a scalpel instead of a rustY butter knife driven with a sledgehammer, I’d be inclined to agree. I just knows I’ll pick the ability that’s important to me, aesthetics we danged, and blizz will find out the ability is OP. Instead of surgically fixing the issue, which they’ve never done, they well slam it shut making my choice worthless because they can’t do their job.


Offensive CDs, the ones that are 2 or 3 minute CDs I’m actually not that miffed with, it’s the 1 minute CDs like Double Tap, Bestial Wrath. Then there’s disables that are on the GCD, like Hammer of Justice.

He is, or was, a lawyer. Why would you expect him to be honest? They lie the way most of us breathe.

Sweeping strikes. 30 second CD, lasts 12 seconds, on the GCD. It’s such a frequent (and short) use ability that you feel that GCD every single time.

I saw that happen. There were some very useful azerite traits. Ones that I LOVED as a Fury Warrior. And they changed it into something useless.

They claim they do iterative design where they slowly make changes but it doesn’t feel that way. I mean, they’ve done nerfs in the past where a single ability got nerfed over 50%

That says they either don’t listen to feedback or just simply don’t TEST things.

50% is too huge of a nerf for them to claim they didn’t get proper feedback. That’s willful ignorance.

And yes, GCDs on CD abilities can be an issue.

Pop Avenging Wrath, wait for GCD to finish, losing a bit of the duration in the process and THEN you can start waging your Holy War.

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I’m hoping the soulbinds will even out the covenant choices so they are viable for multiple activities.

That’s pretty insulting. It’s possible to hold an opinion on someone without being personally abusive. Say you believe he has made bad decisions or his viewpoint isn’t always ideal or whatever, that’s fine. He has made bad decisions and I get frequently frustrated with him when he announces that things are coming to an expansion and then does a backflip and takes stuff out what would have made the expansion better. I comment on his actions, not him.


If they did that, where the soulbinds made lackluster Covenant Abilities worth the trade off … I’d be ok with that.

Because in the long run, it’d end up being a net zero instead of a net loss.

And no sane player wants to make choices that are a net loss.

Don’t hope for them to balance out, complain until they are both good.

I’d prefer both be good, but I think the best we can hope for is to shoot for a net zero instead of a loss.

At least with a net zero you get benefits in some area. And like others have said “meaningful choices” because you did a tradeoff. +5 for -5 sort of deal.

so an extra 1.5 seconds on a 1 min ability makes something slow and clunky?

I could see them pulling some kind of reasonable parity on the covenant abilities. That’s not what I’m personally concerned with. But looking at what we know of the soulbinds so far, holy crap. They’re essentially their own vanilla-style talent trees, and there’s 3-5 trees to choose from per covenant, in 4 covenants. The idea that they can realistically balance such a large number of potential choices is pure insanity. It’s not even a statement against their competence, it’s just a ridiculous bar to set in the first place.

In the case of Bestial Wrath where the cooldown is reduced every time you cast Barbed Shot, absolutely it is. It breaks the flow of combat. What are the reasons to keep them on the GCD?

The worst thing, miracle of miracles, it works.

And then post-SL … we’re back to our blegh talent system.