Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

I just see the writing on the wall.

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Another phrase they like is “grand scheme” when it comes to how we should wait to see how things pan out. Meanwhile we’re still paying a monthly fee hoping the next “grand scheme” will come by sometime soon.

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or how they won’t say they’re not adding something, they’re ‘discussing it and may be open to it down the road’ which means ‘no.’

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WoW doesn’t actually give the player choices other than your class it just gives the illusion of choice. For example, you “choose” the order of questing zones, you “choose” to go with Sylvanas or Saurfang. Neither of those choices matter in the big picture, sure you might get a small cutscene in Shadowlands if you sided with Sylvanas, doesn’t change the fact that she’s going to try to kill you.

The only difference of significance between the Aldor and Scryers was which shoulder enchant you got, and it wasn’t much of a gap between the two. However it’s worth remembering that the Aldor had the stronger enchant for pretty much everyone for the entirety of TBC, and once people knew that the Scryer’s terrace was a ghost town.

These abilities and soulbinds are far more impactful than a shoulder enchant, and if Blizzard decides to nerf your chosen covenant a few months into the expansion when you’ve already put all your eggs in that basket, you might just be screwed.


Yes he did. I loved “Win Ben Stein’s Money” xD

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it’s so much worse than that though in reality- Danuser said in his interview that siding with Syl or Saurfang was an experiment in giving player choice in BfA and they’ve closed that completely before Shadowlands…as in they are not going to do things like that further.

Won’t even get a nod going into Shadowlands. Never happened.

Now pick your covenant and be happy with it.

Relax it’s only
Alpha <- we are here
The first patch
The second patch
The new alpha isn’t even out yet!

There’s a reason this meme exists.


From a programming standpoint, I can understand them not providing options in some regards.

In a single player game they could have entirely different storylines for “follow Saurfang” and “follow sylvanas”. But in a multiplayer game, that becomes harder to pull off.

Because what happens if as Thyssalia you chose to Follow Sylvanas and there is a raid involving Sylvanas as an ally. Only players who took that route would be able to play it without it feeling awkward or confusing.

So, its a lot more work to have multiple paths when your’e talking multiplayer.

Which is why I’m worried. I’ve heard that apparently the dungeons / raids will vary depending on your current Covenant. How exactly will they manage that in regards to dungeon queues and the like?

The only differences will be the talking heads.

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after how Island Expeditions came out compared to how they were revealed, I feel this comment in my soul.

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Probably just which line of dialogue NPCs whisper at you, for all the reasons you’ve said. Even single-player games struggle to do an effective, meaningful branching narrative, choices are usually just skin-deep and all roads ultimately lead to Rome.

If you want a true player-driven experience where every choice matters, you pretty much need to go tabletop. Nothing else can do it. Game development is too expensive and even our amazing computer technology is still too limited.

Anyone can post youtube links, my guy.

Most likely. But the more complexity you have, the more things that can break. So of course I’m worried. And that’s not even getting into the … “It’s Just Alpha … etc etc etc” meme.

I don’t think blizzard going to initially lift the restrictions on Switching Covenants. I think as each patch goes on it’s going to get more more lenient and final patch it’ll be super easy that way everyone can get the cosmetics.

That being said personal opinions that don’t violate the COC get buried because people don’t like it. shows why this forum software is trash

There’s also the step after launch where people wonder why nothing was said during testing about something that ended up being broken.


influencers aren’t great at bug reports


I think the conversation should be about reverting the GCD changes. I know it’s been 2 years but we shouldn’t give up on that conversation, Blizzard has done this since Legion.

They have an unfun system to mask the change that’s actually worse.

In Legion we were busy screaming about not getting our BiS legendaries and we forgot about the ability pruning.

In BfA we were caught up in how bad Azerite Armor felt that we stopped talking about the GCD change.

Now that Shadowlands is coming out we’re all focused on Covenants and kinda forgetting about the change to AoE cap.

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That’s why I’m making a big stink about everything that could even be considered a negative change.


I’m speaking up in multiple threads about multiple issues.

Like how the Rez Pet nerf is a big problem.

I speak up in multiple areas. As should we all.

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