Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

The Covenant system is flawed to begin with. Many people have pointed out that multi-role classes exist, so what Blizzard is doing is effectively saying is that you have to choose a main spec and you can never change or you’re punished. If you like to do Mythic+, Raiding and PvP you’re punished.

Meaningful choices don’t exist in WoW because the slate is wiped clean every 2 years. What many players actually want is for classes to feel good to play and we don’t want temporary power that is just deleted with every expansion.


It’s a privately owned forum whose owners have chosen a reporting system where players will flag posts and threads to be checked out later.


It’s a forum/internet meme for humourous purposes and has nothing to do with the OP.

Ah yes, I did suspect correctly that you were launching veiled attacks at me.

Sorry I guess that I posed a question on upholding forum conduct I guess?

I like how you ignored my constructive post, though. Must be hard to address actual substance if you’re personally unfamiliar with it.

Good day.


A forum on the internet it’s the market place of ideas. Privately owned? It’s for public use. The fact we can message each other is proof of that.

It’s a forum/internet meme? One could argue that. But I disagree I think it was souly malicious in its intent.

And I apologize for missing whatever post you are talking about I cannot review every post inside the thread.

Yes, these players either naively, ignorantly or willfully ignore how choice has positive impacts in changing the game world in SRPGs when they make their WoW is an RPG so like SRPGs, it MUST have meaningful choices.

The Covenant system gives us the NEGATIVE impact of choice, not a positive one.

I hope these players are just naive, but judging by this thread, I am leaning more towards ignorant or blind stan to the point of willful ignorance.


The only good thing about the Covenants (so far) is that apparently you’ll get to test the Covenant abilities as you level. Which means it’ll slightly easier to determine the pros and cons.

But that still doesn’t mean the covenants will be balanced, just that it’ll be a bit easier to spot the stinkers for your spec.

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It just sucks in that you’ll have to elect one spec over the others within classes. I play all hybrids. My choice will affect my playstyle - negatively - at least once out of three times. And I am being generous; I bet it will be more prevalent that I’ll be disappointed in 2 of the abilities for my other specs.

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It’s a good compromise. If you don’t like the covenant you choose, if you find that it’s “suboptimal” for whatever you want to do, you can easily join a new one.

I’m totally fine with this.

Like I said, it won’t be right away. This will be the system that causes the abundance of sub losses, so they will react way to late in the expac and let us switch freely. For now, their own stubbornness will be their downfall.


And what happens if Blizzard goes and says “Necrolord is too strong, 15% nerf to all abilities?”

And you’ve put in three months of progress into Necrolord.

THAT is going to hurt. The system has promise, but it also has the horrible potential to break in many ways.


At the risk of sacrificing the aesthetics and lore?

Sorry, I think that’s a horrible system.


Then you’ll be able to swap over to a new one easily. Or stay with the Necrolords.

Honestly, I plan on going with Venthyr no matter what. I’m not a hardcore min-maxer and I’ll be seeing content regardless. My choice is solely because of aesthetics and lore.

Same can be said about class balance

If someone is playing a class because it is FotM instead because they enjoy the game play I say ignore them, FotMers are the lowest of the low

So, you’ve WASTED 3 months worth of work … because Blizzard can’t balance things.

Yeah, that’ll go over REAL well. I’ts a really smart system. I mean about as smart as using steel wool to clean your monitor.

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Wouldn’t be wasted. Necrolord would still be a plenty functional covenant under your scenario.

Yeah, just like they should have stuck to their guns with Azerite armor. Who cares if a system is bad? Just keep grinding down what’s left of the playerbase.


I do agree it shouldn’t be something you change in a week or so to keep up with whatever the hell the FoTM Mythic+ you listen to, more accurately. (i got rid of “told” cause nobody is forcing a guide down your throat and nor you should do that) At minimum it should be 3 weeks, or at least be long and grindy to discourage fast swaps and more thought out slow swaps like in Classic where it leads to “are you sur about this” moments.

But can i ask what identity exactly? Like part of my identity how? “Hi i’m Bari, night elf assassin rogue and my identity is i’m with this Covenant” Or ralph, or tankasaurousrex or whatever. It just sounds like a buzzword, like class halls “Oh, your class halls are your identity as a Class and you as a champion and blah blah blah”. I wouldn’t exactly believe that.

Again, something i like the concept of and a sort of buzzword you should keep an eye on considering how corruptions worked.

I was a fan of Corruptions in concept, but it has it’s flaws in execution, and personally, i don’t find it terrible, it’s just not exciting either. Not something i want to see Blizzard do again.

Then again, i don’t want Blizzard do mission tables again, but here we are! …contriving a reason for a “covey-mon master” to send troops all over shadowlands that you will never see out in the world cause the so called gods of the shadowlands can’t lift a finger up and do all the hard work and trust some random stranger that never even have experience with shadowlands or how it works. :roll_eyes:

I mean, can Blizzard do at least something hugely different with them this time and not just making troops RNG styled?.. Like… …hmm. gee. i don’t know… :thinking:

Maybe take my suggestion about using alts for champions in mission tables? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

… please? :frowning:

Let me tell you right now Ralph, don’t be disappointed if some people still choose to read guides and follow 'em or even take ques from them and use them to improve.

He would imagine that people wouldn’t enjoy the idea of being perma-locked to one thing forever. Yes, i know choices matter and etc, but if anything that Classic has taught us, you can achieve the meaningful choice thing without permalocking a thing.

Personally for me, if it’s permalocked, it wouldn’t matter to me cause it will just boil down to just a permanent +1 stat (which covenants already are, but that would break my illusion on it faster), just like a racial/class passive. In the instance of Classes, i have no problem with that cause it’s starts at the beginning of the game and not mid game.

Not to mention Covenants aren’t even Classes, their expansion specific content that you choose to align with.

PBHT… :laughing:

Continue… :grin:

I never need too much of an issue of respecing Azerite armor, i just pick and go. And if i pick specs that aren’t for the spec, oh no… i won’t get those… passives. I mean it hardly matters for me, as speaking for somebody who plays tank off spec. Specifically geared for frost, went blood and did a-okay.

Yes, that’s antidotial evidence and it’s my own experience and not other people. I just never felt the need to respec more then 1 actually. Only when i’m doing a complete spec overhaul while following a guide on icy viens.


It’s one thing for feedback on a system to be bad because it’s universally just not enjoyable.

It’s another when people are griping about min-maxing. They’re not really addressing the core concept, just that they can’t pump out the best numbers possible at any given moment and… that’s not what covenants are for. Nor is it reasonable to assume Blizzard will develop content that can only be completed with the presence of certain class/covenant combos.

And speaking of classes - if we’re not locking people out of raids because of their chosen class, I think we’ll be fine regarding covenants.

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Blizzard does love its buzzwords. Anything to impress and hoodwink the players.

Won’t be the first time or the last time they’ve tried this.

So, I speak up, in the hopes of a balanced and fair system. Where we actually do make meaningful choices. Where its all about genuine tradeoffs and all are equal … in the long run.

But, Blizzard DOES have a reputation for handling balance poorly.