Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

This is something in favor of Blizzard. Of course they’ll remove flags. It’s a thread that is refusing to address genuine concerns and simply toeing the company line.

  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts


Please explain how these statements are not examples of the afore. Please explain how these statements are constructive:

I can’t wait to see how they ll punish people who tell themselves they should have the best build for all situations and never have disadvantages : )

Celebration thread for us who support the current covenant system and want meaningful choices


I thought this information was already known.

Pray you pick the correct covenant, or you’ll have a pretty miserable time.

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Though something tells me I would be able to do heroic and m+ and especially pvp without issues since I dont plan on world firsting or anything.

It will likely be weaker than the other options, but unless it is like 30% DPS loss I wouldnt worry as much since like I said, nobody but world first players need the msot optimal build.

Plus let’s be honest, I would choose mirrors of torment if i was playing a mage simply because of how cool the spell is and how much it can troll people in pvp, plus it will have interesting applications in pve.

Gameplay wise it is a far more interesting choice than the generic buff for the treehuggers for example.

Can only hope they are but its blizzard, you expect them to not manage that, at least it is unlikely to be as bad as corruption tuning xD

Or people dont know what spam is, most likely i would say

I DO want meaningful choices.

But, meaningful choices should be “give up X for Y, which is of equal value.”

If Y is not of equal value to X, then its not a positive choice.

And why should we as players be forced to take things that aren’t balanced or are purely a loss?

I don’t know what the context is but I didn’t flag anything and I deleted my post because I didn’t think it fit very well.

I apologize for the misunderstanding there are certain people in this thread are intentionally false flagging the op and being openly vitriolic about it. (probably because after enough reports its left to a computer to decide if the thread broke the rules and it just gets deleted)

This upsets me I’m sorry for misdirecting that anger at you.

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I agree though, I’m unsure what’s flaggable about the OP anyway.

Admittedly there are two lines one could consider “Antagonistic” but the majority of the post is well constructed and within the guidelines of the Forums TOS.

It’s not insight a flame war…

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I can’t wait to watch the forums get flooded with complaints, Blizzard caving, and then removing/lessening the restrictions of switching


We’ll let the moderator decide.

Not sure how posts in the thread have been vitriolic when I have constructively outlined how the OP is trolling.


Of course you would say that.


It’s a very Public forum and is open to all to discuss topics revolving around the game.

I’m asking for meaningful choices that are balanced and fair. Where it doesn’t end up in a situation where Covenants end up filling the FOTM mentality that current specs fill.

Meaningful choices. Where you make tradeoffs. Where your power level, on the average, is the same, regardless of your spec/covenant combo.

You may be stronger in one situation, but weaker in another. Where things are balanced.

If people are saying its ok for Covenants to be imbalanced, then THAT is a problem.

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Anyway, what the OP and his ilk don’t get is that no one is against Covenants being a meaningful choice. We just don’t want loaner abilities tied to them. That is what doesn’t feel good.

Cosmetics matter a lot to me so having covenants be cosmetic will still be a very important and meaningful decision to me.


The issue with that is that after enough reports there aren’t enough moderators or time in the day to look at each report so the thread would get closed regardless if it was write or wrong based on the computer moderating system.

That being said I am livid and appalled at the people hinting at the OPs threads demise and imo even hinting such a thing is malicious or to argue that it is breaking rules when it really isn’t. Is a grave misuse of the flagging system.

This seems to be a figment of your mind; this is literally not happening.

Rest easy; Blizz reviews everything.


I may prefer loaner abilities be removed, but that’s a fight we sadly can’t win.

So, barring that, the only thing we can do is push for a balanced system. Where all Covenants are equal, on the average, across the board. Where your choice is about the story and of course about the FAIR tradeoffs.

Yes, I have accepted that Borrowed Power is Blizzard’s hill to die on. They will sooner see the hastened demise of WoW than admit their design paradigm is broken, not working and not very good.

So my compromise would include have Covenant abilities be part of the talent system - swappable when necessary.

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This seems to be a figment of your mind; this is literally not happening.

Let’s review this that is fair.

Bait post. Can’t wait til everyone shows up.

I wonder what this could mean? :thinking: Had a popcorn emote like he’s anticipating something.

How do I flag the original post for trolling?

Keep in mind that this thread was hidden for a brief moment which means that it must have been flagged by a certain number of people.

I wouldn’t talk about this if it wasn’t for the fact I’ve seen it done before.