Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

I guarantee they will cave in. The writing is on the wall, this is a bad idea and will severely hurt the otherwise fantastic looking expansion. It won’t be right away, but atleast by 9.2.5 we will not have these restrictions. That’s my guess.


They also say we can only equip 1 legendary…that definitely won’t last the entire expansion

I like the CONCEPT of the Covenants. But if you end up with 4 choices and they boil down to …


That’s effectively only 3 choices, not 4. Because the last one becomes what you call a non-choice.

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Or you know

ST abillity that affects your skills
Cool AoE abillity with interaction with your class
Generic strong stat buff proc
Fun abillity that can change your gameplay

You see, some of us even though we can do math, we dont wortship the math god, we might choose the more fun abillity that leads to interesting and fun gameplay interactions instead of a boring generic stat buff that might sim best but its BOOOORING.

Gameplay is supposed to be the reason you choose them, not simdps.


If each covenant was giving us all 4 … then it’d be a relatively balanced system.

However, this is Blizzard. Who has done 50% nerfs to abilities.

And if they’re going into Alpha with certain covenants looking like The Top Choice … that’s NOT a good sign.


“Thankfully” we will suck at almost everything no matter what choice we make. Good work Ralph, for making this clear. I’m sure people who were undecided will be glad to hear from you, the expert, that the game’s gonna suck.

They will not cave on this. This is the hill they have chosen to die on.


“we want choices that matter!!!” - Players
“We don’t want consequences for our choices” - Also players.

Yeah, choosing a covenant means you are not going to be the absolute best at absolutely everything in the entire game… doesn’t mean you can’t still be “good” at everything else. if min-maxing really matters that much to you, choose the one that is best for the content you want to be the best at, and settle for being “okay” at everything else.


Choices that matter. Yes, I’m all for that. Provided all four choices are relatively well balanced.

Where it doesn’t become a case of “I’m holding the group back because of the poorly balanced Covenants.”

The consequences should be a matter of tradeoffs. Where for everything you lose out on, you gain something of equal value.


How do I flag the original post for trolling?


Show me where players were asking to be forced to choose which way their gameplay would be gimped and which transmogs they would not have access to.

Considering that the “choices” players were asking for were to be able to switch specs without grinding new azerite, essences, and corruptions or paying large amounts of gold to reforge traits, rather than how you are portraying it, it makes sense.

Choosing one covenant means you will likely be seriously sub-optimal in other parts of the game you have played unhindered up until now. You may not be able to access the most appealing transmog, and you will have no way to get that.

If you agree with Ralph that people should be willing to be bad players who don’t care about playing well for the good of the game, um. Okay.


I can’t bring myself to become excited for even more rental abilities. When was the last time we got a new talent row…


Bait post. Can’t wait til everyone shows up. - Delmorn

Excuse me Ladies, Gentlemen and all others in between but revealing the fact there is a community of people who are willing to false-flag a thread for something you don’t like or said something that upset you is the most disappointing thing I’ve ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Censoring people is no way of having meaningful discussions and this is an abuse of the flagging system!

The people who are for not locking player power behind covenants have a point and should be heard. So to should the same curtosiy be passed on to those who are For Covenants.

Ugh and to be so smug about it. It’s a hollow victory.


Gonna have to wait until a mod unflags it as it is falsely reported : 3
Happens often

Honestly that can easily be answered if they answer a very simple question.

How do you plan on balance mirrors of torment vs let’s say the haste buff from the treehuggers. As it stats mirrors are ultra great and fun for pvp but in pve the damage feels eh and slowing the casting speed of some boss abillities similar to how curses work doesnt seem that worth it.

Are the venthyr for mages gonna have OP souldbinds/conduits and covenant legendaries?

Level 100.

But yes, rental abilities are annoying. Even worse when a rental ability makes your preferred spec FUN and ENGAGING. And then its removed next expansion.

With all the various tweaks to Arms due to the Artifact, I actually enjoyed playing Arms. Those various tweaks were all but gutted come BfA and the spec ceased to be fun and engaging. I eventually caved and went Fury.


One could logically assume it is flagged as spam because you start so many of these threads.


It’s not falsely reported. These statements by you seem intended to stir unrest and flamebait:

I can’t wait to see how they ll punish people who tell themselves they should have the best build for all situations and never have disadvantages : )

Celebration thread for us who support the current covenant system and want meaningful choices

Gonna have to wait until a mod unflags it as it is falsely reported : 3
Happens often

Your posts are just in bad faith, designed to egg people and start flame wars.


THAT is the danger. That we’ll end up with a Covenant being “Oh, you’re Mage? Yeah, this IS your top choice across the board. You take anything else and you’re gimping yourself.”

And so, I speak up. In the hopes of pushing them to make the Covenants BALANCED.

Sadly … Blizzard has issues with balancing things. Look at how they bungled Azerite Traits.


The amount of times I read “system Flagged post restored by staff” says otherwise, oh look it is unflagged.

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You can’t go censoring people for posting a pov you don’t like. Being so transparent and smug about it just shows the fragility of your own inability to debate the topic.

People who want player power have a point they do… You don’t need to false flag people. That is a grave misuse of that feature and wastes the moderators time.


I understand. You’re immune to spam reports for some reason.

Take a step back.

This is a private forum. You’re telling me that I have the power to censor people. I do not. You are just way out there on that bizarre accusation.

But looking at reality, for a change, this is not a free speech zone. It is a private forum. They can and do remove individual posts that would take the conversation in a direction they might not want it to go in.

They certainly could come up with a list of flamebait topics that will not be discussed on the forum.

Again, you have accused me of “false flagging people”. I think anyone who reported Ralph for his insulting manner or for spam posting has the right to do so. However, I did not.

It is wasting moderators’ time to start flamebait threads and bump them continually to keep the fires burning. Ralph has posted that lots of people support this. This is a tactic he has used on other flamebait topics he has posted on in the past. His own posts are far greater in number than all other supporting posts combined.