Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

They’ve already shown that won’t happen. Even if they made all abilities do basically the same thing there would still be the issue of legendaries and soul binds. There is no way covenants will even be close to being balanced.

There are already more than just influencers in. Method and Limit both have raiders in so does Pieces and pretty much all of them have been begging blizz on twitter to not do this.

Because it’s a game. It has 36 specs, not 3. If you were to be a god, then so too, should I be a god, which cancels out you being a god because if you’re a god, and I am one at the same time, you’re no longer a god, just average. God is top of the charts, if you wanna care about charts, or the best damage possible. Not every spec is gonna be that way, if so, all 36 specs should be that way, which means nobody is in fact, a god. That’s just pride and vanity talking with a spoiled “the customer is always right” mindset that if you ask anyone who has ever worked retail or a business where the customer is there and having to deal with them, most of the time they’d tell you “the customer is not always right”, especially if they could tell that to the customer’s faces without being fired.

It’s not a bad thing for everyone to “be a god” it just means you have actual choice rather than picking based on needing 10 fing immunities for nzoth.

Everyone wants to be a god, nobody is at fault for wanting it, but again it’s not a possible thing to balance everyone being a god out unless you have someone being worse off, which if you’re a god, then why can’t i be a god? Right? People have advantages and disadvantages, in both games and life this works out the same.

You pay the same money I do, as does the next person and so on and so forth. If you were a god in everything, not just 1 thing, why can’t I be a god in everything, and why can’t the next person, and the person after that? It’s not a feasible thing because if you were, then everyone is, and if everyone is then nobody is.

Think that’s a copout answer. Because part of playing games is enjoying it in the way that you like it. People like you perceive this mentality of wanting to do their best as a detriment to the community. So essentially you’re telling me how I should be enjoying the game. Which I will never agree with.

The customer isn’t always right, but they are right sometimes. They were right when they told blizzard that azerite gear was a bad idea, and when they told blizzard corruption was a terrible idea. It took blizzard halfway through bfa to even begin fixing azerite gear. If covenants flop as bad (or more likely worse), and they will if the system stays as is, they will lose more and more subs.

They should? That’s why the signatures and class abilities should be talent rows to allow for choice and not put people at an inherent disadvantage or advantage in content due to story choice.

“Part of my enjoyment is seeing your enjoyment crumble” So if that were my mentality, what would be your answer then?

That you’re probably vindictive, and game designers shouldn’t listen to you.

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That a game dev should not design out of spite. Which is what you seem to enjoy.


That’s you’re kind of a sad vindictive individual who shouldn’t be listened to tbh. There is no other response to someone who delights in making others have a worse experience worse a lot like the various anti flyers anti hes etc.

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And yet you wondered why I said the non change group is toxic. Every person here arguing for the ability to change wants the system to be fair for all players, not just us. We point out why the system does not work in it current form and the best argument so far is not everyone can be god.


You’re correct, sometimes the customer is right. Sometimes, they are not. That’s not black and white, that’s a gray area and entirely situation dependent, right?

Oh? But

So, if I were to enjoy taking things away, that would be my fun. You taking that away takes away from my fun, making you the same as me then? What’s different in this scenario? Now, apply this logic to other things. We both cannot have our way because one takes away from the other.

No, I seem to enjoy other things like this being a permanent thing. You guys view this as a hostile thing when I been telling you the same thing I’ve been saying all along, you should not be a god in everything. If you are, then why can’t I be? If I am, why can’t you be? If we both are, then nobody is.

No…if we both are, we both are. Freedom of choice is, once again, a good thing.

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No, because there’s only 1 person who can be a god? Round and round in a circle here we go again. If 1 person is a god in everything, everyone is a god in everything, if everyone is a god in everything, nobody is a god in anything.

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No, no see I’m not even gonna read what you have to say. No game designer should listen to what you have to say at that point because it should never come at the cost of someones enjoyment who hasn’t done a single thing to you. The game should strive to have all players enjoying the content and should never come at the expense of either side. You showed your hand. Which apparently is the reason you want this is to “stick it to the hardcore players”.

You’re part of the problem. Being self destructive to the game instead of trying to create improvements that all parties can enjoy.

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I think if they can balance out the abilities to only be like a 1k dps loss or increase in different scenarios I can’t see why we should complain. If I lose 10k dps loss in a dungeon because I don’t have the aoe ability then that’s a huge problem. I think it just depends on how impactful these abilities are, and how much output they achieve. That falls on blizzard to get it right I guess.

Why do you think anybody is trying to take anything from you. The value of a choice is the weight you assign it not what someone else says it is. If the choice looses weight because someone else changed there’s the you dident care about the choice to begin with.

You’re saying nonsense. If everyone is good at everything then everyone is, in fact, good at everything. What you’re trying to say is if everyone is good at everything, then no one is good at anything. That doesn’t make any sense.