Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Hello pot, I seen you’ve met kettle. I wonder how many people skipped over the

I wonder how many noticed the if in that example. Then again, oh well, people will see what they wanna see.

I’ll say it in a different way here; what demonstrates being good to you?

Don’t think you understand the saying…


Granted, it’s going to be all about the armor sets and attitude of the covenant for me-on a character to character basis.

But that is a choice that is meaningful to me and I, for one, am PUMPED.

I think you’ll understand if you read the previous posts there for both of us. You should understand, if not, probably better to pick up a book more.

And a lot of players feel that way as well. I want to pick Necrolords for that reason but I also have the goal of trying to climb the ranks of Enh Shaman so I have to take that into consideration.

Not really all classes can play well and do well in all aspects of the game mop is a great example. Basically every class had a t1 spec in raiding and pvp both arena and rbg even if they weren’t the same spec. It would be fine if covenant abilities were still focus on a specific areas as long as they were a talent bar and therefore easy to change.

I can read just fine. You have no argument worthwhile on the subject matter outside of “what if my enjoyment is watching others suffer” extreme. I’ve explained why it won’t work. Your argument is to say screw the top end or any player who wants to get into progression.


Content wise, everyone being good in everything means we have choice on what to bring into whatever content we want. Talents if you will. Some are better for pvp, some are better for raiding, some are better for m+. We have freedom of choice right now. We can choose what we bring to this different content. Covenants will take that away to an extent. Unless we don’t care about our endgame story and aesthetic. I however, care about both aesthetic and gameplay, meaning any choice I make, covenant wise, will inherently feel bad.


You also.have the equally difficult choice of climbing a single stair :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Skill expression is what matters not the story decision you made or the lucky corruption you got.


Hey I’m a Tauren not a Gnome. One step for me is like 20 for you but if you want I’ll give you a little boost.

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I commented on that as well. Ie if the range is from say 98% to 102% … that’s as close to balanced as we’ll get.

Yes, it may still matter for some but … it won’t be a critical point where “if you don’t take X covenant you’re actively gimping yourself.”

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The problem with that is we already know some covenant abilities aren’t dps abilities, and some will be completely useless in pve.

Sure, I’m honestly quite tired of arguing the same opinion I have with you for the last, well, literally entire thread at this point. If you still cannot understand my entire point at this time, we have nothing further to discuss because it’s just not getting through to your head there. I’ve wasted quite probably 10 or more posts over the course of this entire thread talking to you about it, so yeah. I do love discussions, though.

Yes, but what demonstrates being good, though? Is it just having an answer to every situation, whether or not you are the best at it? Is it…being the best at it?

If the first one; then that’s already the case as everyone can do decent at everything. They do decent or good ST, AoE, at least decent in raiding, mythic+, pvp. That’s more a player thing than entirely a spec/skill thing. Good players will 100% always be able to adapt to their situations that come before them. Amazing players are good players who got luckier or adapted better, but they’re there. Decent is decent and it’s how all the specs are in everything.

If you’re talking about the last one, though, “being the best at it?” This is where god tier comes in. God tier has you on top, everyone else below you, or you being the best. However, everyone cannot be the best at everything, because in order for you to have the top, you also must have the bottom, otherwise everyone is equal. To be the best, there must also be a last, which demonstrates advantages and disadvantages or strengths and weaknesses. This is what the 36 specs are based off of. Everyone having an advantage in something is not the problem, which is the covenants right now. Each has something it can outperform others in. Everyone having the advantage in everything is the problem because if you’ve got an advantage, that means you have an edge over someone. If ya don’t got it, then there is no advantage, you’re literally average because everyone is the same in that regard.

ah. I’m going to have go look at them all again. Maybe they’re rework them since we’re still in alpha? It just sounds like a terrible idea if they’re not balanced.

Usefulness would be a good indicator we already know some abilities will be useless in most pve, as they are cc abilities. Not to mention that if someone wants to change between different roles, some will be vastly better than others for those roles.

I understand your point just fine. I just disagree with it entirely. Because that would interfere with my and many other players playstyle. Where the game shouldn’t be creating any walls even if they’re “minor” as to why you succeeded or failed. I believe the player should have all the resources they need in all forms of content they have available so that the player is the only reason why they didn’t clear the raid, key, or kill the opponent.

You wanna know why I don’t believe in the fantasy that’s Blizzards balancing? Because I’ve been here and have paid attention to blatant things go untouched. Legendaries were not balanced. I sat in Mythic Emerald Nightmare with the healing Pants that didn’t do jack for me compared to others that were actual DPS boosts. Or how about this entire xpac with Azerite. Look at how much damage Infinite Stars is doing! It can literally be the difference of whether or not you parse well and it’s a proc ability.

Their past is what defines my skepticism of their future. They have set a precedent to where I’m not even interested in trying to see if they can balance a new system. They’ve done these walls with the Legendaries and Artifact Reforging. Trying to put a “but mah RPG” bandaid on it doesn’t change that it’s the same system but with a different dress.

I’d rather them start the expansion with a working system rather than spending yet another xpac trying to fix it only to dumpster it.


well said sir!

I’m always-no pun intended-down for a piggyback ride! Or is that up?