Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

And the only way that’ll happen is if they severely nerf all the content to the point where it can be completed by doing pretty much anything. Which means the top end will disappear and the game as a whole will start to crumble. It’s an outdated idea.

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I have a toon sitting on a Tier 2 Infinite Stars. My damage skyrocketed once I got it. So yeah … really well balanced.

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It is tying it to story because I can’t choose my covenant based on aesthetic or story I need to take whichever performs best in raid it takes away choice. It also means I will probably need a secondary character for M+ and a third for pvp.


It will not, there’s far more casual players in this game than you think and as long as casuals have something to do, they’ll remain. The cash cow, sorry to the mythic and hardcore players, but the cash cow for this game has been the casual playerbase since the end of MoP. Prob even the end of Wrath, if I’m being honest here. Without mythic raiders, they will just tune mythic to be even easier at that point for the casual players that want to try it but don’t want to be serious, or they’ll get rid of mythic difficult and just make heroic harder content like they had back in BC where it was normal and heroic. 10 or 25 man or w.e 2 difficulties, not 4 being the point there. I guess it would be 3 now if you included LFR in there.

If they lost the casual playerbase, they would end up needing to upgrade the sub cost like over 400% because there’s too many non-mythic raiding players in this game that if everyone somehow or for some reason decided to up and leave, there goes the game entirely.

If you’re doing either top 20 world of world first? Yes, you’ll need to have every bit of that, if you’re not, no, you won’t need to be. Again, mechanics become more important than anything else for the raids. For DPS checks, yes, every little bit matters, but those fights are very few and far between through the entire 12 boss or 10 boss or 8 boss raid setting.

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So you think that if they make one change that would effect nothing storywise and only improve the accessibility of content for players that causal players would leave. Sorry to say this but I am a casual player and I still want this change.

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I’m a casual player, and if it goes live as is I won’t be sticking around.


Those fights are not few and far between rofl. If you brought the worst spec in the game vs the best spec for all dps your damage profile would be be 30 seconds behind on a six minute enrage. There is already a large delta this will make it worse not could but will. You very clearly haven’t done mythic the dps checks are pretty damn tight.

All this does is remove choice there is zero positive benefit unless you simply want to punish players who dare to “min max”. If you want that style of game well frankly classic is there waiting for you. This will also hurt casual players who only want to play one class since they will be at a disadvantage in multiple forms of content.

Think this is personally a severe lack of foresight. If the top end decides to leave the game because of the decision to make everything easy AF, the game will begin to crumble. Just like everything else in the game now it starts with the top end. And if they deem the game to just not be worth the effort anymore it’ll start a trickle effect of pretty much feeling like the game is dying and others will follow as well. This would also tank their free advertising since Method and LIMIT pretty much put on a show so large every time on Twitch that it bumps WoW to the forefront.

People like seeing good players compete and push themselves without being directly involved themselves. Each patch would be a big blah since there’s no race to watch. Arena and the MDI would tank even further in viewership, and there goes WoWs Esports scene. Want to see WoW set its train on the same tracks as Heroes of the Storm? Cause pretty much saying screw the top end is a great start.

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I do like how they are apart of our identity, let’s just hope they balance all covenants so their isn’t a sure choice for content…

Venythr just for raiding, Kyrians for M+ and so forth…

Compared to a 12 boss raid, yes, those fights are.

It will not because I can promise you, short of people spiting me here there will NOT be players asking about your covenant choice in Mythic+ content, nor in PvP, nor in Pug raiding.

What will happen is the same as it was in Legion with legendaries, the same as it was with corruptions in BFA: People caring literally only about your raider io score, your item level, your class itself and it’s perception , and your wclogs for raiding. Nothing more will matter, just like I’m never asked by a single person “What corruptions do you have” when I apply to any mythic+ or to any raid.

It’s never been a thing, nor will it, except for those in spiting me here.

Read the “talent choices” specifically look at dh hunt ability lol that’s a forlorn hope

I think almost everyone likes that aspect.

It’s the concern that it’ll gimp is severely.

Yeah be very strong, even in PvP, let’s just hope it’s early days and more balancing changes happen.

If they did it on purpose that would be even worse. I’d want to partake in all of the available avenues in the game. Why should I choose which one I’ll be at a disadvantage in compared to others?

Why shouldn’t you? People have this spoiled concept of they should be a god or something in every aspect of the game they do. No, that’s not the case, nor should it ever be the case. You pick something, you do amazingly well, then with the ones who you did not pick, you do good still depending on your skill level, but not godly. Being disadvantaged doesn’t make you not good, it just removes you being a god. For some reason, people keep seeing this as black and white, it’s gray.

I promise you there will.

In Nya mythic these fights are all dps checks that if your top dps were all the worst spec you would not beat.

Wrathion - Yes for the first few weeks people were hitting enrage on him corruption has made him trivial

Maut - Beat the mana bar or die

Hivemind - Kill Ravager before tank dies, kill darters before raid dies

Raden - beat the final orb cast or die - beat him from 40% to zero very fast or die even watch limit do this fight on farm

Xanesh - beat the adds before interrupts run out

Vexiona - hard burn from 40% that isn’t just mechanics but stacking damage on raid or massive increased tank damage depending on strat. Also beat 3rd breath phase or well die

Doggo - Yeah that’s a hard check in phase 2 and phase 3

Drest - beat add spawn timers or die

Illygnoth - with no dispel fairly easy fight but that also wasn’t intended without it the blood serve as a soft enrage as there just get to be too many to control

Carapace - beat the sanity or lose

Nzoth - hard dps check final phase - heavy checks in psychus 1 and 2 as well

The only fight in the instance that arguably doesn’t have a heavy dps check is prophet and even that if you spend to long figuring out which is real the damage stack on the raid will get too high.

So 11/12 mythic fights are focused around a hard dps check not even talking about healing checks which will also be effected by this and the 12th could still be argued to be both it’s just a joke of a fight.

They are doing it on purpose so unfortunately it likely won’t. Hopefully they admit this system is garbage and trash it before losing half their remaining subs.

I have yet to hear a reason why I shouldn’t be this “god” that you speak of. I have also yet to hear a reason why I should be grateful to be at a disadvantage compared to another player because they picked a Covenant that’s superior than mine in PvP.

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I hope when alpha/beta bring in more players then just mostly influencers, they’ll great a greater idea…

Trust me I’m worrying too.