Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Oh my goodness, in all the discussions about how covenants are going to be horribly imbalanced in PvP and frustrating in PvE, I had COMPLETELY forgotten about the covenant-specific legendaries.

If a single one of them has as much impact as the BiS legendaries did in Legion… this is gonna be a rough expansion, haha.

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Feel like this angle falls flat when they add a timer to completing content before things like AotC/CE mounts, Elite Sets, Tabards and Cloaks, Glad Mounts and I’m sure other things as well all disappear.

See, like, I think that’s excessively extreme. I don’t think even Method would ban you for your choice of covenants, as Ion said every covenant will be good in the same raid, just on different bosses in that same raid. So, at some point, your covenant / spec will be used. But, players just literally add this burden on themselves. It’s 100% on the playerbase, not on Blizzard, cause they’re not saying “you have to do this covenant” or “this talent for this raid, this boss fight” that is on the players ourselves.

Yep. Between the abilities and the legendaries (and maybe even the soul binds) this is going to be a mess unless they listen to what people are telling them right now. If it goes live as is…well, I probably won’t be sticking around long.

The timer is the entire expansion. Sorry, if you’re failing for the entire raid tier, that’s not a them problem, but a player skill level problem.

This game has never tied character power to story choice before and it shouldn’t start now.


So then lets add even more issues for players pushing content? Not really following your logic here.

No it’s not? The timer is the season only. AoTC and CE and Elite sets all go away if you don’t achieve them in season.

It’s not tying it to story, but to choice. Long ago, your choices actually mattered. Respeccing your talents wasn’t for free, or practically free, but it costed a lot of gold, ya know? Gold that was difficult for some people to come by, so not a lot of people had access to respecs. They ruined that part by giving players the tomes that wee easily craftable.

It is tied to story though. Your choice of covenant effects how you see the story. And way to go misrepresenting my example.

The season being raid tier? Yes, and once again, it’s a player skill level problem. Raids, for example, give you like I think it is 6 months or something or 4 months to get through them. If you really want to, you guys can! Skill levels though are a differing thing.

Counterpoint the gap in corruption the gap in azerite hell the gaps in spec. There is absolutely nothing to give faith blizzard can balance 48 different talents plus 4 soulbond trees and 4 signatures and covenant specific legendarys for 36 specs.

If you want to play classic, go play classic. Current isn’t, and never should be, like classic.

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A 10% delta is not balanced

“Azerite traits need work.”

Yeah, Zero Trust. Especially when they NERF abilities by upwards of 50% which indicates poor if ANY testing.

The current iteration spoils players like yourself with swapping talents like its toilet paper. Sorry. Changing the pace isn’t going to kill you. If so, should get used to it or quit?

Bringing back outdated ideas for a completely different playerbase is only going to create more issues rather than fixing anything.

If actually enjoying the game is being spoiled, then yes, it needs to “spoil” the player. Freedom of choice is a good thing.


Six months is very different than the whole expansion and it’s not always skill sometimes it’s a function of time

The issue is in trying to fix people off this mindset of numbers are the only way the world works.