Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Doesn’t really matter what the other covenants do. Divine Toll in its current state is far more powerful. Not even minor percentage differences, straight up decimates the other abilities. That’s not much of a choice. Like asking me to pick between a gold bar, and a pile of trash.

Getting to throw judgments at every enemy around me, applying my judgment debuff, maxing out my holy power.


A worse Consecrate. Shadow Damage no less. SHADOW DAMGE, ON A PALADIN.


Ok, so, I started playing final fantasy 14. I’m not at end game so I cant confirm this but, parsing and dps meters are frowned upon in that game apparantly. People use them but I guess you cant talk about them or harass people for low performance. If blizzard wants us to stop min/maxing and gauging people based on performance then they need to start banning people for doing so. Only then can this non optimal playing work. My thoughts on it.

Yes, that’s precisely the point. Like, people compare those charts so much and that’s precisely why a lot of people pick X talent over Y talent. It’s not necessarily them wanting to do as much damage as possible, or wanting to min/max, or it’s not always the case about anything other than those dps meters. They’re not even being used correctly, as those meters are not meant to be used to compare X spec vs Y spec on Z fight. They’re meant to compare yourself to yourself of last time you did that fight, or even for that matter…if you wanna get down to it and absolutely have something to compare then you should be comparing the same specs together within 5 item levels differences. Then, that would be acceptable, but people don’t. They see X spec going and comparing it to Y or Z specs, then people keep rubbing their noses in it that they outperformed people on said chart for that boss.

It just gets ridiculous with the amount of measuring and comparing e-peens that there is between players. Yes, we get competitive, but, that should not be the case of comparing different specs. It’s literally apples and oranges. You cannot and shouldn’t be actually be comparing them together. It doesn’t make sense, yet 10 years into using charts and people still are doing it.

I don’t think either mindset is better. However, people that want it to change have tried to offer changes of all kinds, myself included, but instead of contributing to that people that want it to stay the same just don’t. There are even a handful on these forums that have said they want to basicly punish the min/max crowd just because they don’t like min/maxers. I would rather people voice there concerns now instead of waiting.

A lot of the players doing the min/maxing end up getting into “you’re stupid for not picking X talent in Z situation” and that gets annoying quite fast. You run into those far more often than you’d think or want to. You also run into those being size queens as well where like I said in the previous post about comparing X spec to Y spec on Z fight when that should not be a thing. I like FFs approach to “don’t care about the size of your e-peen out loud” kind of thing. If you wanna do it in your guild, go for it. I’m against it being the natural state that it is in WoW where anyone with a chart does it and cares only about numbers over fun or gameplay.

I prefer people look at talents, see exactly what each does and pick saying “this is cool. this is my style” kind of thing and going for it. not “i need x talent because numbers, but i want x talent because it is actually cool and looks fun to play.”

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It’s a Ralph thread, you already know it’s expected to be “flamebait”. I don’t flag, I just read through it, sometimes make a comment close to the one I’m typing to you now, roll my eyes and move on. lol He enjoys drama. Not worth the effort of a flag imho. :wink:



You just can’t do that in wow though. If you raid on any lvl there are benchmarks to be met. Every player adds to the bosses health and if you cont carry your weight you are dragging down your raid. That’s not the players fault however, that’s blizzard. There inability to Ballance specs/classes have led to where we are now. Some classes underperform so badly that the number one player of a class will still underperform the number one player of another and that’s just on the surface. Don’t have the right azerite traits too bad because there goes a huge bandaid for you class.

Instead of trying to tie player power to a choice the powers should come from some other party. The Arbiter has been my suggestion. That way each covenants ability remains however the ones for each class can be switched dependant on what that individual player wants to do.

Get over yourself, you’re posting on a Classic character. If you were really so affected, you’d be on your retail character not hiding behind that one saying these things. For all we know, you’re nothing more than a Ralph alt…


You can do that because blizzard, I think it was Ion himself in an interview before, a long time ago, even said it himself. They tune raid bosses to a minimum raid wide dps requirement. Most of the requirements for raids come from mechanics more than the actual damage it takes to kill them. It’s not each individual spec’s performance, but the raid’s as a whole. As long as you are doing decently in damage, like not just auto attacking for example on a hunter, and you perform mechanics perfectly then you should kill the boss before or by the enrage timer. What ends up not being the case is players themselves being unable to sustain pulling 100% mechanics 100% of the time, which causes the groups to wipe.

They don’t even have nearly as many DPS check bosses like they used to back in Wrath, or Cata even. Like before it used to be mechanics and super high dps sustained while doing those mechanics. They’ve toned that down from both to just mechanics. The mechanics got more difficult as a result. Like butcher fights don’t really exist much anymore for the most part. Mechanics are the thing and those are player based, not entirely spec based.

Granted, some specs cannot do some mechanics that great, but, that’s where the other specs come in that can do it awesomely. That’s why we raid in a group, as a group, not as individual players. You don’t want to carry someone, no, as long as they’re putting out certain dps minimum, which should be obtainable via them doing something decent of a rotation, you should be fine. You usually aren’t when people fail mechanics, not fail DPS standards.

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I’m looking at my class and my spec. There is nothing cool about the changes they are making to it. And on top of that, aoe changes will mean it will take several times as long to do world content, which is most of what I do.

And which covenant is it whose ability for guardians will cause a 30% immediate loss of health if you mismanage your cooldowns? On a TANK?

We could guess why you’re working so hard to scapegoat min maxers. Yeah, there’s nothing in this expansion for casuals.

Shadowlands will be balanced.

You won’t want to change covenants.

Covenants will be as balanced as corrupted gear.

You’re kidding, right? It ain’t about scapegoating people, it’s about getting people to relax instead of panic. I’m trying to tell people it’s not a necessary thing that they keep putting on their shoulders. They can lift over half of that burden up and stop being so tense and relax. That’s why I was in favor of the Covenant system being a permanent thing: to teach everyone that you don’t actually need to be min/max in every aspect of the game you do. You can loosen up and have fun. It’s not going to cause the world to burn. I was wanting it like that so it can show people there is more to the game than literally just numbers. Just like there is more to life than just working hard, or just money, or just partying. There is a balance between it all. There is a middleground of parties, money, and working hard, just like there should be one between the one extreme of being super casual where nothing matters at all and the other extreme where every bit of it all matters.

I’m not referring to just dps I am referring to the raid as a whole. Let’s use Maut as a example. During his obsidian skin phase the dps have to crank out damage as hard as they can to beat the timer but because of the damage reflection your healers also have to keep up with healing everyone. If someone is just doing the bare minimum damage or healing you will not make that timer. And that’s just one example.

But to say that any class should be able to do the required dps just by doing there normal rotation is a pipe dream. The only classes that can do that are ones like th. If all I did was my basic rotation without picking my best talents or getting my bis azerite armor I may as well be spitting at the boss for all the good I would be doing.

Roll 4 versions of your main, one for each covenant.


Don’t wanna let your raid team down.

Lol inb4 “i couldnt raid this week because of my covenant choice”


coughs up drink

That is a perfect example. See, you can do the best of your abilties on that shield, then once it relaxes, you relax. It uses both a relaxing phase, which is phase 1, and a serious phase, which is obsidian skin phase, phase2. Like, it’s a middleground between them.

Tbf, most classes and specs are pretty balanced, there are only a couple outliers. However, I don’t trust their ability to balance expac systems. Legion legendaries, azerite traits, and corruptions speak for themselves.

If you guys are part of raid groups that will ban you from raiding over your choice of covenant, you need better friends.

God forbid this game adds RPG elements and player choice that effects gameplay. I like the idea.