Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Wait until Blizzard states you made the wrong choice and the actual canon choice is this.


And while I agree, I also don’t want my choices to be “do I want to be stabbed to death, or do I wanted to be shot to death.”

I want to know that the choices I make in regards to character growth are an overall positive and not a negative.

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Like how all MMORPGs should be? Yes, that should be the very point of any RPG out there. You pick/create a character, follow a path down that, and never be able to revert back. If you mess up in single player games, you have save points.

There is no messing up in multiplayer games because you’re meant to be in groups to do harder content and the solo content you do will not be outside of your scope of character’s abilities unless it’s meant for a group. You pick your niche/choice and go down through that path.

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well considering that you start with nothing it is a positive no matter what direction you choose.

They are. RPG elements should always be prioritized over all other elements in an MMORPG. The RPG isn’t invisible. It’s there for a reason.

I will also state that, while sometimes my posts/wording might seem bad or aggressive or any other bad things you can think of, I do not actually mean any ill intent or harm. I think every single one of you is quite awesome, regardless of whether I agree with your viewpoints/stances or not. So, no matter how my words appear or anything, I am not trying to attack you or trying to cause you any stress, just trying to get points across is mainly all.

So, again, you’re all very awesome, keep being awesome.

Covenant choice is more like a choice of subclass and less like Azerite armor.

Yes they have. We might *itch and complain but we are still here.

If we’re not min/maxing at end game then what are we doing? mog farming? I mean, I get it, this is a rpg. Idk, there are 3 systems in place at end game that I would think most people are pushing their ranking in pvp, pushing their keys in mythic, pushing their progression in raids. None of these people are going to be satisfied with a sub optimal ability. Take those systems out and sure, lets lock the covenants and all enjoy our fishing while we look different.
I dont know, if you want to focus on the rpg element of the game then concentrate more on engaging content and adding more content more frequently. Locking borrowed powers that affect the competitive endgame just doesnt seem like the route to take.

I can tell you, a lot of players do not enjoy the talents they pick aesthetically/thematically. They only choose them for the numbers because those are the best, the min/max. It is not a thematic, or “cool” choose where you have fun picking, it is “regardless of whether I like this talent or not, or how it feels, it is the best damage/healing output in this row for this situation.” If they locked covenants, like they should, people realize the world is not going to burn because you are not optimal in every path of content you do.

That, or just have 15 alts to level up for of the same class one for every manner of game, for every covenant and every other system needed.

But, no, the world is not gonna burn because you chose/are forced to be sub-optimal in terms of output in favor of a talent/covenant you enjoy more than the numbers.

People also are not gonna not take you into content. Pugs are not gonna care what one you are, or your talents. They’ll care bout io score, ilvl, wclogs, class. Something they can measure or see measured and tell whether you’re competent or not.

Phew, I was really worried my life would get turned upside down. You’ve given me much comfort with your post. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m more focused on a personal level of performance, but I get your point about pugs. I’m assuming too much that the majority of people in the game are striving to have their most optimal performance at end game. I must be wrong.

Admittedly, you tilted me with that last bit there. So, I will say, most people want to be the best in 100% of content, yes, but this should never be a case. Advantages/disadvantages, RPG elements to a MMORPG, yeah, RPG is there, are the more important parts. MMO being in a group setting for harder content.

One could argue, that, you do not want to let your group down or want to do the best you can, sure. However, I would counter that with your min/max should never come at the expense of the RPG element in an RPG. Sorry, but the game is not an MMORPG whilst forgetting about the RPG. Yes, it does and should always tie into game play because that ties in to your character, which is the RP part of RPG, thus that should always be at the very forefront. If not, then do not make an MMORPG, yes it is that simple.

Secondly, your doing .000005 more dps is not going to make that difference. I know, people got a hero complex where they wanna be the almighty hero who has godly powers and beats that boss because of their own super performance, but sadly no. What’s going to make a bigger difference, however, is a mechanics part more than you squeezing out 2% dps.

If the mechanics are done properly by every single person every single time, which considering we are human beings that is not usually the case of a 100% performance for every individual in the group, especially when things like PC latency, server latency and other such things exist and happen and cause people to mess things up or RNG happens too.

I do get that you, along with others, wanna be 100% optimal in 100% of situations 100% of the time on any and all characters, however, that is not balance or being balanced. Games are balanced by having classes/characters with advantages and disadvantages, which cuts the 100% optimal efficiency down entirely as not every class will be able to do, nor should be able to do, every aspect amazingly well. If that were the case there would not be 12 classes or 36 specs, but far less.

When this lock happens, everyone will understand how much people just do not care. The only ones who this affects really are: world first raiders and the people who push the highest keys possible. The majority of people who “have the biggest issue” with this change are not in those 2 categories and, no, it will not make that difference. A difference, yes. Will it be the determinant for your raid boss wipe? No. Will it be the reason for you to not pass your keystone? No. Other factors will play a much bigger role in that than this system.

Those points being said, I’ve discussed it thoroughly across the other 450 posts in this thread if you wanna take a look!

because they wanna make a fun game and not a tedious one.

I get it. rpg element. Guess I like switching my essences and azerites as I see fit. Depending on the content I’m running and what essences and azerites I have, theres a significant dps difference. Maybe it’s just for me. IDK, I’m not sure how many people are playing this as an rpg. It’s not like theres tons of people around when I go to level a new toon. Seems like most people are at the end game running that content. This content not being rpg like. I feel like the majority of players would appreciate covenant swapping over ‘rpg elements’ when the rpg element of the game is so short lived. IDK, thanks for the long post.

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Oh hell no. The exact opposite.

Gameplay should always have priority over RPG.


Blizzard for the most part agrees. I mean, in Lore Forsaken are Shadow, with only a handful that are Discipline. Holy Forsaken Priests are like unicorns. If they exist, almost nobody has ever seen one.

But, because they can’t lock races out of a spec, gameplay triumphs.

But in lore, Forsaken priests are almost all Shadow.

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I hope that means we know what those are by the pre patch/ before having to decide the covanant, otherwise it will be more RNG is the best one behind door number 1 or door number 4? maybe its door number 3? we just don’t know. spin the wheel of misfortune and see what you get~~~

THAT BEING SAID The passive turn into a fox/ etc ability already sold me on the covenant.

People are struggling with this concept

Its a player’s choice to level multiple characters and Slog. Many already have multiples of the same class.

We ll,have to see if they are actual legendaries instead of just of legendaries that only buff the covenant abillity

Yet where’s my pandaren warlock? Lore wise it can easily be explained for all races to have all classes as minorities awlays exist and you can always study under some warlock in azeroth

Raiding, pvp, m+, unless you are going for world first you dont need to min max.

If you want to min max so hard YOU ARE ALLOWED to, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL OTHERS TO MIN MAX and go “X class not invited in m+ because streamer told me they are bad”.

NO NO NO stop!!! Why should people not strive to be the best player they can be. Now i am not saying o you better pre pot every single pull or have a stone for each pull but we are talking about taking optimal talents.

I dont think min/max should be required but there is definitely a place in the game for it and it should be there. Yes this can maybe be done in another form but it really should not be done the way it is being done.