Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

No, ideally a class should work for every situation. They don’t. Which is why I think that Blizzard isn’t capable of balancing these abilities and shouldn’t double down on frustrating design just because.

Especially when you remember some of them got nerfed several times because they were just that broken OP. And the corruption totals often don’t seem to be very well balanced for what you get in return.

You are though lol

No, they should NOT. There’s 12 classes. Are you saying literally all 12 classes should be the same exact freaking thing in AoE, ST, Spread cleave, cleave, mobility? NO NO NO. That is not how balance works. Better take out 9 of those classes.

Nobody is saying that they are saying story choices shouldn’t determine player power. Why is this so hard to understand? I play blood dk I know I’m at a disadvantage in M+ vs basically every other tank but I enjoy it in raids and I deal with it in M+. I made that choice when I choose my playstyle but I also have the same exact talent choices as any other blood dk I am not inherently at a disadvantage in certain content compared to other blood dks due to my story choice. I will be with covenants and I won’t be able to make my choice based on story.

The exact same thing? No. But each class should have their own way with dealing with situations is what I think is being said. Should some classes have an easier time in some situations? Sure. But should some classes literally be unable to handle certain scenarios because of their class choice? Hell no.

I think MoP is a great representation of class design. Where everyone is able to handle most situations but still retained the flavor of their class identity.


This would work other than you know, min-maxing will determine the best one so you either pick the one that you identify with or the one that gives you the best in-game benefit…

The minute M+/raid groups start declining people for “wrong covenant dude” it’s going to be a huge problem.

You are not at a disavantage in mythic+, actually at an advantage because of the grips, AMS, and other things only a blood dk can do.

Also, speaking on the other parts of that, No, you actually should not be. You guys are all missing entirely these points about choices mattering, because all you’re thinking about is how much, again, of a disadvantage you’re looking at in the other contents that aren’t the main one you like.

If there is no downside, then the choices do not matter. The literal only way you can tell how a choice matters is the consequences it invokes should you fail. There is no other way you can fully determine what actually matters and what does not.

No, again, because disadvantages and advantages. You can do DoT damage sustained and have crappy burst. Mop was a great rep because everyone was literally broken. Every single class was literally overpowered, which made it fun to people because they got to feel overpowered, but why do you all need to feel overpowered? Why can you not just accept that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose?

It’s like every one of you is so spoiled you cannot see how spoiled you are.

Lol dude you have zero clue. DK mitigation is horrible yeah sub 15 it doesn’t matter but outside prot pallies dks get by far rocked the most. We are super spiky which is fine when you can heal those big hits back but not if you get one shot. Prot Warrior is by far number one followed by Veng DH and Brew although Brew can overtake Prot at super high keys just due to damage from hot trub. Then comes druids then comes blood dks and prot pallies.

Exact same? No. Functional? Yes.

Feral for example, just last expansion Ferals were declined from groups because they had no AoE to speak of and even with great single target damage they were a liability. I’d rather the classes work than have “advantages and disadvantages” to give them flavor.

If and when gets around to “re-balancing” Covenant abilities, they should allow a “cheap” way to selecting a new Covenant.

Advantages and disadvantages, I think, is a good idea.
I’ll probably pick the one that has the best looking plate armour or (seems to be) the best legendary for a prot pally.

No I don’t think you understand the difference between spoiled and prepared for most situations. I can be able to handle all situations and still be at a disadvantage compared to other classes.

It’s not about the ability to do it but the method in how I do it. If I want to kite mobs and AoE them down I have traps, my pet tanking, Binding Shot and many other things. While mages have Blink, Nova, Frozen Orb, Breath and a plethora of other things.

What’s fun about seeing a certain situation as a Hunter and saying…

finger snap
“Dang. Should’ve rolled Mage for this”

You just named advantages and disadvantages. Jealousy is yet another thing to “I want to be a god.” It’s not prepared for most, what most people are saying is they want the ability to do everything at a good level. No, that should not be able to. Yes, you can do stuff decently with everything, even ferals have the ability to do AoE with Brutal Slash, and now with Primal Wrath. Bleed, run, heal/bear form. Pop defensives if needed.

This, right here, is the very core of it. You want them to do the same thing so you don’t regret your decision? No.

Mages also cannot tank very well, either. They have those because they cannot, while you have a pet who can tank for you, as a hunter, plus traps and feign death to take aggro away. You also have misdirect to go to your pet.

Same thing? Nope. You’re not reading what I’m saying.

Yup. The same ability to get the same task done but in their own way. Thank you for saying exactly what I was saying.

Love how you are ignoring when your lack of knowledge got called out here are some number for you. Over 60 prot wars are over 4k 16 brews 13 Veng 4 Dks 3 paladins 3 druids but yeah Dks are sure at an advantage rofl

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You literally just said what I did. Advantages and disadvantages. That’s entirely the point of having 12 classes. Some got pets, most do not. Some have big burst, some do not.

Your pp status is not of my concern. If you want me to admit you got me, sure, you got me there. Good job, friend. Still bring utility the others do not in the form of your death grip. Why are you so gung-ho about the scoreboards? It’s about speed and prot warriors literally do the highest damage of all of the tanks. This converts to speed, which saves time, which allows for completion of a key faster. This is their advantage: higher dps. Yours? You’re less likely to die. You just do not do nearly as much damage, nor have the mobility between their leaps and charges, their damage and other stuff, plus if I remember right they have Rallying Cry still I think? Maybe they got rid of that, not sure there. That’s a huge utility boost that could prevent someone from dying.

Oh! I also forgot they have an AoE stun, which I think your class does not, too?

But not all are denied from being able to do big burst, AoE, cleave ect. ect. Nobody’s asking to be great at everything. People are talking about having the ability to do everything. Not excel at it.

You know the thing about death grip? Any remotely competent player can achieve a very similar effect by using los since for the most part grip doesn’t work on bosses it can be useful but it’s limited in it’s usage whereas a prot warrior has insane mitigation.

It’s not even about damage it’s the mitigation any tank can do crazy damage with TDs. Prot Warriors have crazy consistent mitigation against physical damage. Eventually you reach a point where you are swapping TD out for stuff like increased vers but this only happens at super high keys not even in raids because stuff doesn’t hit hard enough.

Either way the point is I accept the disadvantages of my class I don’t accept the idea that because of story choice I will have further disadvantages vs others of my class.

That’s another valid concern. I mean, think about how often they do some numbers tweaking on talents. Where the best choice for a row may change upwards of up to 3-4 times every expansion.

Agreed. If people want to force min/maxing or enforce it, that is their choice. I want a game where there are clear advantages and disadvantages to my choices. Where my character can be defined and niche.