Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Why? Why would they care if a player rolls 4 of the same class?


Exactly, that is the message I am getting, “Oh look balance is terrible that class is broken at pvp, this is broken at pve, so let me change class before each type of content”

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It’s not that I liked the orbs, but they were significantly better than it Void Form.

They gave us the orbs after they wanted to remove DP all together and SPriests everywhere asked for it to stay. They let us keep it, but added the orbs. Then they dug in their heels and took it away and replaced it with this ridiculous Void Form nonsense that has completely, in my opinion, ruined the spec.

I don’t understand why anyone likes Void Form. Although I know some do, like yourself. I just hate it. I’ve played this priest, as Shadow since mid-Wrath when they first killed Holy (I just started playing Holy again in BfA, played Holy in TBC and beginning of Wrath), for my entire WoW “career”. And, to me at least, Void Form is the worst thing that’s ever happened to the spec. I so hate it I don’t even play Shadow anymore outside of solo content.

Honestly, I wish they’d get rid of Void Form and bring back DP in it’s original form. But it will never happen.

It looks great, visually. I love the levitation and I love the void theme. It feels awesome thematically. The numbers just aren’t there.

I’d be sad to see it gone.

I already can’t play it optimally because of my latency – any high haste build is terrible at 350 ms. But I loved how it played in legion, and mained it in Antorus.

I dont have the solution. Maybe increase damage dealt by X on a Y CD? Static Z haste/crit/whatever? I’m not a fan of the ramp up when it’s garbage once you plateau, and the AoE sucks unless you have void eruption up, and even then, short burst AoE is awful.

Something needs to be done, but reverting to orbs and mana doesn’t necessarily have to be it.

I will admit that when it was introduced in Legion I also thought these same things. I thought it looked awesome! And the overall theme is fantastic for the spec. Insanity sounded super cool because of the whole “assaulting the mind” thing, and with “shadow/void” magic being the total opposite of Holy magic. But…

It plays like crap. It’s not fluid. It’s way too dependent on both Haste and Crit and if either, and God forbid…both, are low you’re pretty much just garbage even if you’re the best player ever seen in WoW. If you’re just average like me, well…forget about it! Which is why I hate it so much. It just doesn’t feel good to play.

I agree the theme is great. But the play is terrible in every iteration we’ve gotten so far without super high Haste/Crit levels. And every, single patch seems to break it somehow. Too much reliance on “borrowed” power on top of all the crazy stat needs.

I do like your suggestion of turning it into a DPS CD though. That would be kind of cool, and maybe give Shadow a “burst” it’s never really had.

I’m not even looking at direct numbers. Just certain abilities, what they do, is obviously geared toward certain specs.

Like the Aura of Autumn … forgetting the exact numbers, is an awesome support ability for Paladins. That alone makes it very tempting to take Night Fae if your group needs you to fill a support role.

It is very much one of those cases of “good on paper … not so good in execution.”

The concept of Void form is cool. The execution is lacking. I just don’t like playing my Shadow Priest. I loved playing him back when we had Orbs. Because if I needed a quick hit of damage, I could use 1 orb, or I could save up and push for 3 orbs for the big heavy hitting spells.

It gave me flexibility, it gave me options.

I like to imagine that the covenant alarmists are driven to madness by the existence of classes and how they have different strengths and weaknesses.


I can agree with this. But I don’t feel outright removal is the solution

I just hate how they pushed combo points on everyone, which is why I’ll be passing on my paladin this expack. I hate holy power.

If I want combo points, I’ll play rogue or feral druid, both on which I dislike for the same reason.

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Or maybe many of us have seen Blizzards poor attempts at Balance in the past and are rightfully worried Blizzard will botch things. They botched their ‘fix’ of Azerite gear after all …

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Or maybe you’re worried about nothing. Maybe it’s something. Stop playing the maybe game. I understand you might be worried, but don’t worry about the tuning/balance until beta, then start worrying and stuff. Alpha is just there to test how the systems work, game play flows, mechanics, etc. Things not having the numbers involved.

Trust is earned. Trust is also easily lost. Blizzard has lost the trust of a LOT of players. BfA launched with Shaman in a bad state. They openly admitted it wasn’t ready.

They openly said Azerite gear was in a bad spot and their “fix” didn’t really help anything.

There are signs that the “maybe game” as you call it, deserves attention.

When people get too comfortable, they get complacent. They don’t innovate, they don’t refine, they don’t improve. They just rehash things.

When they’re questioned, when they question themselves, these are the sort of things that create growth.


Not worried about the numbers, worried about the system itself. There are abilities here that aren’t good because they have big numbers attached. They’re good because they’re utility. Necrolord banner for warriors being a good example.

I appreciate that you don’t care, that’s fine. Some of us do and don’t appreciate being put in the position to choose between power and aesthetics.

Yes, and needlessly panicking, especially when Ion came outright and admitted the bad situation that happened with BFA, and that they’re actually listening to an extent now. No, you’re not gonna get them to change/remove the system so you can be better balanced. What’s going to happen is, maybe, just maybe they might listen and give players an ability to -respec and only at a committed drive to doing so.

Meaning a questline, storyline, rep gain, something that isn’t instant and that will take time so you cannot just go port there via a mage, then be summoned back via a warlock, and be fine. This will not allow you to swap covenants like talents and each time you end up abandoning them, it will most likely result in longer grinds to get to re-spec again or get back up to where you were before.

This is how a system should be, if there happens to be something like this and they want to pursue a middleground. I vote no re-speccing covenants at all. Not a single bit, but that’s just me. Some of you would like this, some would hate it.

Exactly. Numbers can be easily adjusted, changed and tweaked.

The systems they’re attached to are far harder to fix when they’re broken.

Same can be said about classes, is blizzard supposed to allow you to change to fully geared max level class for m+, for pvp and for every single boss where a class works better?

Some of us want to do both just have covenants but also have a talent system it’s not that hard. I think covenant choice should matter for cosmetics and story. The sad thing is your proposal is still better than the current options.

They supposedly listened after the bad system with legendaries in legion but now we have corruptions which are even worse lol

Tell me what, exactly, is going through your mind because I will say they are the same exact situation;

Ready for the mindset? Tell me if this is correct;

Worried about the numbers->I don’t want to be at a disadvantage in the other content pieces, like I have an advantage over the main content piece my covenant is designed around for its ability.

Worried about the balance->I don’t want to be at a disadvantage in utility, or literally anything at all disadvantageous to the covenant I picked vs any other covenant. I don’t want covenant A to be better than B or C for PvP when I like covenant B aesthetically and I like Cs raiding. I want to play them all without being hindered and re-speccing to them on a whim for each content I am doing.

Do either of these meet your worry? Because they are literally both the same exact mindset of “I don’t want to be at a disadvantage.” Which is entirely what the covenant system is meant to do.