Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Being locked into something isn’t in any way a requirement for an RPG. e.g. FFXIV allows a single character to swap their class whenever they want. That doesn’t somehow invalidate the game as an RPG.


No it was fairly clear I was calling you out on attempting to call others bad. You don’t just randomly have one 15 that is 2 chest level with a bunch of close calls on sub 15s without buying it. Especially when I recognize names in the group.

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You can also see that his ilvl was 30 below the rest of the group for that run.

But ultimately - he’s already admitted to buying the carry, so there’s no ambiguity.

You’re fluffy panda❤️

exactly this is the RPG we want

I got a ton of carries in legion when I was playing new characters, there’s nothing shameful or bad for getting a gear boost when the game can only be played and be fun with gear, if you also checked my character at that time had a rly low ilvl, and was the first week I was playing hunter.

So I am not sure what is your point exactly, do you believe that buying carries for your alts/new main=bad player?

Because if you are a good player and not an odious troll you will have plenty of friends who will help you gear up naturally without having to pay to drag an undergeared player through content. Half the fun of a new character is running stuff to learn how to play it granted bm is extremely simple but I always push my first key up myself on a new character so that I’m not a drag down on the group. Also that you haven’t managed to do a 15 since kind of calls into question any claims of being good.

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I think they mean you’re a poor representation of players that are actually participating in content

having “a meaningful choice” is all well at good if you only pay to do harder content

these restrictions are worse for people that you know - play most aspects of the game


Oh so being a “good” aka skilled player now is about having many equally competent “”“friends”""?

Sorry but if I am gonna judge someone’s skill I ll usually check logs by ilvl and whenever or not are doing well or just farming logs via tunneling dps but that’s just me.

You feel free to believe skilled ppl are all about “”“friends”"" xD

Edit: Adding quote to “”“friends”"" as I am quiet sure she doesnt refer to actual real friends and just the fake “”“friendships”"" you see online that disappear the moment the common interest is gone

so you dont like min maxing and you still are elitist enough look up peoples logs?

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This is a myth, people who choose the optimal option for their class and spec are not “min/maxers” and can care about cosmetic choices, too at the same time. I would argue that the vast majority of people in this game tend to choose the optimal option for their class and spec.

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Your logs are also not great just saying and that’s with playing a spec with super low playrate since bm is just flat out better. Like damage wise they are as bad as when I screw around with playing unholy a spec I have basically no idea how to play outside pvp.

And do you not consider online friends that you have known for years actual friends? If so that’s kind of sad I’m talking about people I have played through multiple games with. Have friends in rl as well but most don’t play wow we still do stuff with dnd though.

I agree, all I was saying is that in the traditional sense, if there is no cost to changing your decision, it’s not really the kind of choice that matters. I don’t choose between Sow the Seeds and Phantom Singularity, I pick the one that’s best and don’t think about it. Likewise, if all it takes is changing talents to have Scouring Tithe or Soul Rot, it’s not really a choice. I just pick whatever is better at the moment.

Now, I think that’s how it should be, but I think it’s still to not be honest with ourselves and say that changing talents is a compelling RPG choice. Scryers vs Aldor was a choice, for example.

Again, there’s a difference between choosing the best talent for a fight and, say, Scryers vs Aldor. I agree that Covenant abilities should be talent-esque, but calling them a choice if they were like that is just silly.

And FFXIV is a different game. Some elements of some games are more or less RPG oriented.

The problem with that is then you end up with needing to level multiple characters of the same class. DnD just isn’t a good comparison to wow because of the different forms of content available needing different things. Unless you are a tool you wouldn’t specialize in a pvp build for dnd outside a pvp based campaign for example but in wow the same character that might be getting smacked by a world destroying threat in the evening might want to pvp in the morning.

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Choosing the optimal path IS min/maxing. Caring about cosmetics are fine, and yes everyone min/maxes to one degree or another, what is being discussed is not every min/maxer, but mainly the ones who go to a super Nth degree of min/maxing.

It is - but it doesn’t get invalidated as an RPG just because it has flexibility built into it.

They’re a choice just like talents are a choice - it’s not silly to call them that.

Are they restrictive commitments? No. Maybe this is somehow what you include your definition of “choice”. But if it is, that’s a very specific criteria that isn’t universally applied to everyone elses definition of “choice”.

At this point I feel like they’re just going full steam ahead with the Covenant system like this. I only pray that at some point after nerfing/buffing Covenant abilities they introduce some sort of catch up system to make the grind less miserable if you’re forced to switch Covenants midway through the expansion or so. Otherwise it’s really gonna suck, and people will not be happy about it. People like player choices, yes, but they also really hate when they made the correct choice and then Blizzard comes in and changes it up and now they’ve made the wrong choice and have to spend hours and hours grinding out rep or whatever to have the right choice again.

I’m not disagreeing with how the abilities should work. I was literally just making a small comment about how Blizz defines “choice.”

No one is saying it’s not an RPG.