Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Yeah, I would second this entirely.

They will still be plenty. I will be tanking on my druid regardless so I will already have a tank there, and if my lock could tank…I entirely would there too. Sadly, though they cannot, but groups will be forming left and right.

that isn’t how they work.

Only one legendary every 3 weeks. So yes it is how itll work.

I doubt it. There were huge shortages during legion and bfa due to people not being able to freely swap their azerite traits or weapons. There are huge shortages now also.

I doubt the content will be tuned to where you can’t complete it without a single legendary.

The covenant you choose will not stop you from swapping specs.

Completing is one thing. Competing is another.

Both of these, yeah.

It’s the same thing? I mean…in order to compete you have to complete it? Plus, in the beginning…you’re not gonna be worried about competing in it but rather completing it to get your stuff? Competition comes after.

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Nah I worry about it from the start. The competition starts from the minute shadowlands is released.

There is a huge difference in completing a key and competing a mythic plus dungeon to race against the timer and push the key to the highest possible level. If BFA M+ metas showed you anything its that there will be metas that become patch defining.

Specifically how resto druids and monks were to go healers. And how Warriors and DK tanks were go to tanks.

Then we see in the forums how many people get rejected from groups for not bringing the optimal choices.

meanwhile at blizzHQ

A lot of people think it’s a bad thing. It’s subjective.

But a flexible system wouldn’t prevent the RPG oriented players from still playing the game they want. This is the sad part - the current system forces players to play a certain way rather than giving them a choice.


That’s definitely an issue, why care about covenant balance when arena class balance is beyond trash.

I would like to try some casual arenas on mm hunter but the spec is terrible for arenas and blizzard has done nothing about it, yeah I could get a good rating by trying hard but why should I bother and stress myself so much when i can get the same rating with a melee mongo rogue with out any real effort?

The fact that some classes dominate in arenas and other specs are dead while blizzard keeps letting this happen makes the covenant whining silly

meanwhile anything above +15 keys are entirely player driven and gameplay design shouldn’t be taking it into account.

higher keys are for the challenge itself and the devs shouldn’t make the game around that challenge because it is a player created thing. Just like the world first race. Pushing for the highest key is a player thing.

It is like going to mcdonalds and buying a burger and chicken sandwich and putting them together for your meal. Mcdonalds doesn’t offer it as a combo for a cheaper price so you complain about it even though it is something entirely of your creation.

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Thats the problem. Some people would rather only allow cookie cutter comps in high keys instead of making all classes powerful enough to be represented. So when there are fundamental issues with the underrepresented classes people like you just come out of the woods to say it doesnt matter because those are only people pushing the hardest content so no fixes needed.

The RPG aspect of it is; no or very little respeccing things. Talent swaps, covenant swaps, etc. go against the RPG aspect of a game because in RPGs, you’re not supposed to be re-doing things like that, choices you’ve made. That defeats the purpose of a “choice that matters.” Every decision needs to have an advantage/disadvantage to it where, let’s say talents… If it were actually adhering to RPG standards and you were locked into the talent, then picking an AoE talent meant you’re -Name- the AoE Fury Warrior or Fury Warrior specializing in AoE. You had not so great ST damage, but awesome AoE. This is what I was meaning by advantages and disadvantages or strengths/weaknesses.

Yes, this means you’re subbed out during ST fights for those super optimal raid guilds who do the utmost min/max for progress, however, you’d be right back in during the rest of the raid for AoE fights.

Now, if they made it so you can swap like now where it’s at the drop of a hat. Now, you can be -Name- the Fury Warrior who…is a Fury Warrior because there is no such thing as specialization since the talents swap around. The RPG element is gone because the choices do not matter. I know a lot of people would look at this like “yeah, I want to do all of the things and be good at it all” but that’s not how life, nor games actually are nor should be. Every decision, every choice should make a difference in what/how you do. The way you can tell is by the consequences that follow that decision.

That’s exactly what will happen assuming raid release is gated and let loot be loot stays all will end up leveling up 4 of the same class instead of different classes which is going to suck but certain people want choosing covenants to be a punishment instead of a lore/aesthetic choice.

You mean like average or bad players who buy runs to get gear? That might even have been bad enough to spend gold to buy titles cough cough

I’m opposed to not being able to swap Covenants easily, but this isn’t a good argument. The core part of a lot of RPGs is that choices matter. If you can swap your Covenant like a talent, then there isn’t a “choice”, almost by definition.

Consider D&D, which a ton of fantasy games draw from. If you choose to help the leader of a vampiric cult in one session and tell off a group of angels, you’re going to have a hard time earning their trust later on.


Players who value that kind of play could still just pick their specs/talents/covenants once under a flexible system.

Players who like player agency and value being able to make choices from content to content would be able to do so and would still have to deal with the disadvantages that not selecting some of options imposes on them.

The difference is the extent to which the disadvantages reach.

Choices would still matter to a lot of players that value being able to make choices in a game with diverse ways of playing.

The RPG element doesn’t have to be gone for those that value it - they can still just choose once and stick with it.

You shouldn’t be able to swap your covenant at will it should be a lore choice. What you should have though is two more rows of talents one at 55 and one at 60 that are the current signature and covenant abilities.


By definition - making the CHOICE to swap a talent is a CHOICE. The choice can be to optimize personal performance. Or it can be to fill supplement a weakness the group has as a whole. Or it can be to just try something new for a change.

But choices are enabled and increased.


Exactly, if your raid is wiping at a raid or m+ the issue is clearly not the person playing the sub optimal build, it is the bad players who fail mechanics or perform terribly.

People here are not world first raiders

You seem to have this silly belief that having good gear=skilled.

People having good gear is no indication of skill, especially at this day and age, and more importantly it should never be seen as such since skill is about performance and not getting carried by gear which is why the only real comparisons you can do regarding skill is when it comes to similar ilvls

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