Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

You’re right they won’t ask because there will be an addon that will tell them what covenant you picked.


Perhaps, yeah, and even still they will…GASP! take you anyways as long as you have a good/decent io score! Yes, it’s going to be the very same thing as it was in Legion, in BFA, and in Shadowlands. Who could have thought that! They didn’t ask you about your artifact being filled out for 35 points. They most certainly don’t ask you about your corrupted gear.

OK. Did you get that out of your system? Feel better?

It’s not going to change the objective reality which is covenants will be broken down to sims and people will get to choose between the covenant they want and the covenant they need. That’s what’s going to happen, that’s what 16 years of WoW has taught us. It’s not going to change.


If there’s too many things to sim, it will not be able to sim. Doesn’t mean they won’t try, no, but there has to be a point where sims actually cannot be done. People will choose what they want, I’m hoping, rather than what they feel they need because yeah, if blizzard adds in 20 RNGesus systems, that’s not gonna be looking like a pretty time for sims.

What are you talking about?

Yes and as far as we can tell the numbers are the lowest its ever been. And what happens when the dev team faces problems with core features. They abandon the expansion and start work on a new one that will solve the problems meanwhile creating the exact same problem they just faced.

First you said min/maxers that does not mean hardcore. I have never completed anything above a 15 because there is little reason for me to do so. And last I checked 20% of characters who run M+ have a higher IO then my main. There are tons of people who read guides and sim to find out how to play there class and what the best choices are.

What would be the expense of letting people who care about the mechanics of the game being able to decide which mechanic they want? You can have all the RPG you want with zones, mounts, transmogs, pets, quests and such.

By taking a hard stance on this blizz has more to lose then to gain. If they fail to balance the mechanics properly (and they always do) people unsub. If they were to split the mechanics and RPG elements who would unsub? The casuals get their choice and the min/maxers get to continue being able to choice an ability based on the content they are going to attempt.

Worse it is yet again forcing people to chose what mechanic regardless of spec (One of the biggest complaints from legion early on was being forced to put all of your time into a single artifact.) This means its not a hard choice its an impossible choice. If someone heals/tanks/dps and does raids/M+/bg’s/arenas then they dont want to be forced into making a single choice reguardless of what they are currently playing or the content they are facing.

This is why talent and spec changes became far easier then they were in vanilla.

I wouldn’t say unsub but if this is your thing then I would suggest that you may like classic better. Where you need to go and grind for gold to be able to tank a raid for a friend.

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That was a reply to that statement about sims.

Do you seriously think covenants and their abilities will be so complicated that people won’t be able to break them down into a Sim… and that’s what’s going to make them work?


They need to limit how many of each class you’re allowed to have then. because people are gonna roll the same class 4 times to have all 4 covenants.

I think I said this two times already in this thread…but.

meh…they are going to cave in the first patch like Azerite armor. At least that is one prediction for 2020 that I think is a 99% near lock guaranteed. LMAO.


This is my favorite argument from end game players that disregard casuals-

They buy one token with their gold but the whales buy 5 tokens each…
Carries need most of a raid group to carry one whale.

And then there’s the casuals that race change 5 toons when they unlock an allied race, or transfer all 10 off one server to another…

Which player is more valuable?
The one whale that concentrates that spending in one account or the dozen mythic players needed to support the whale’s spending?
Hint: There’s always another mythic player.

Meh. I don’t care for these kinds of decisions in a game, honestly.

Probably because players don’t like to be limited by things like that.

The takeaway shouldn’t be that you need to be even more restrictive. It should be that restrictions like that are an undesired thing by the majority. I don’t know a single person who liked the restrictions that Azerite gear made. I don’t know a single person that liked how Legendaries were make or break depending on which one you had.

It’s a beautiful hot-word but it’s ultimately fruitless. When you want players to engage in every aspect of the game you can’t create systems that actively undermine their efficiency in a given aspect.

Meaningful choices sounds nice but living with those restrictions is a completely different beast. It’s fine in a single-player non-competitive game, or when those decisions or only short term. Skyrim can handle those choices easily because a single play through isn’t the only one and you’re not competing with anyone. A MOBA can restrict you to skills during a particular run or play through without forcing those decisions to last forever.

When those decisions carry over to your entire experience, though, it outweighs the benefits.

If covenants go live with any legitimate deltas that make one evenly slightly better for some content then players will riot. It’s just not a situation Blizzard can win and they need to just sit down and accept that players are never going to enjoy that kind of a system. They’ve tried twice and watched it fail, and they’re only doubling down on a game theory that’s widely panned.

Hard pass.


Yeah, even without taking the shop into account, there’s so many more casuals playing this game over hardcore players. Why wouldn’t they cater to the casuals is casuals made up 60%+ of their revenue compared to the hardcore players? Even more so, why wouldn’t they do so when it’s easier to please casual players vs hardcore, too.

A lot of us enjoyed titanforging since it gave us things to keep doing/going for. A lot of us enjoy the weekly mythic+ loot, the normal/heroic raiding scene, some might even dip their toes into a bit of mythic! Not too much, though, for the most part but a few bosses, sure! Most of us won’t get angry that you nerfed X by Y% cause we just usually don’t care as much.

We adapt
we overcome
we keep pressing forward

and I say gameplay < story.

Focusing so much on gameplay is how we got to where we are now. WoW needs a good 2-3 expansions where it is focused on the story and the gameplay takes more of a back seat using the tried and true systems of the past.

This is a good write up and sums up a lot of my concerns

and like look at the class distribution we have across aspects of the game now

they’re dominated by X spec and X spec all uses X build, its just the nature of players

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I completely agree

they didn’t have a system like this 2 xpacs ago, in fact they didn’t have a system like this ever - just like every other MMO that has a reasonably large player base

I highly doubt it because you are all addicts to this game. I give you 2 months before you come crawling back.

That or you just whine the whole time and continue playing.

Ah yes the “Let’s keep a broken system because if it collapses we ll have issues” ideology.

I am quite pro change and would never defend a broken status quo.

The issue isnt not MDI or world first, people will min max for there and that is completely understandable and acceptable, these people in shadowlands are gonna have 4 of each class so they have all covenants.

The issue comes from average or bad players who delude themselves into thinking they are good because they copy whatever a min maxer does and says in a guide without understanding any of it in depth resulting in sub par performance and many people who dont know their classes well yet tell better players what to do, the same toxic people who refuse to invite X class in raid or m+ because of the community perception that they are “bad”.

These are the people covenants are trying to eradicate because they wont be able to keep up with 4 alts and will be forced to accept being sub optimal and blizzard i assume hopes that makes them focus on getting better rather than following meta guides blindlessly and causing issues for other player who dont worship their guides.


Horrible decision. Good luck finding tanks and healers when everyone has a dps legendary and a dps covenant for the first few weeks/months


exactly. These people seem to think that they can’t do the most difficult forms of content without min/maxing.

That simply isn’t the case. I intent to prove them all wrong in shadowlands. Many argue they want to be the best but the reality is they aren’t going to be the best. They won’t even have a chance unless they quit their jobs and join with a professional team.