Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Except that covenant abilities are a 45 second-1 minute CD, vs class abilities being mostly anywhere from 3 second to 15/20 second CDs for a lot of them? If you take the number of times you can use your ability and add them all up, and take the damage of your covenant ability, they should be either close to even or should honestly be less than your other abilities.

Nope not a fan of rentals doing more damage with one key press. Feels bad.

People pick their class and spec to be playing those classes and specs. If covenenant A ability hits harder than a backstab then it is failed design in my view.


Except stacking CD’s is a huge thing in wow. And some of these are pretty insane like the druids ability to cast 16 spells in 4 sec.

Players will likely be stacking them with pots, hero, trinkets, trinket procs and anything else to make them more unbalanced.

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I agree, just like I would say cooldowns for any/every class/spec should not be playing such a huge part in damage/healing/defensive status that they play right now either or in Shadowlands, too. I think all classes’ base damage should be increased much further and then CDs just end up netting you a 2-3% damage bonus over the course of the entire fight vs not pressing them at all.

That way if you press your CD, and get a mechanic happen to you where you need to run away and cannot use that CD, it isn’t “well I’m boned for the next 3 minutes til this is back up again.”

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Blizz introduced the GCD to keep people specifically from doing this very thing. They don’t WANT you to stack CDs, which is why the GCD change came into play in the first place.

You still need tanks and heals quite often. Since I also like to dps, when I’m playing a dps toon (in the model we can’t effectively multi-spec), you now lose a tank and healer for PuG queues.

And yes, it happens a lot that I’m fishing with a dps spec but then switch to do a good key with a group that needs either tanks or heals.

So your model is that you need players, but I can’t help you due to spec lock.

And yet it didn’t do anything but make you lose a sec or two off one of your CD’s. As a hunter on pull you still stack potion, hero, Aspect, BW, trinket and hope for a proc from barbed shot and your cloak.

It broke your macro, so it did do it’s job. It feels bad because people want to macro everything into a single GCD, but no, you don’t get to actually use them all like that. That’s what it was designed to counter, that very macro where your BM hunter could pop 5 CDs in 1 GCD and do a damage ability all at the same time. Now? Nope, gotta go 1 offensive, 2, 3, 4, then attack with 5th. This takes a lot more time instead of just going 1 GCD->Damage->Target dead.

This has very little to do with min/maxing for some of us.

ION was the raid leader for Elitist Jerks. He was as much a part of the min/max crowd as anyone. He literally helped create the resources that made it what it is today.


And that is not the type of stacking I was talking about. You don’t need those buffs to ignore the GCD in order to stack them. You just lose a sec or so by stacking them. And they still come ahead mathematically.

So we get to choose a Covenant at the beginning of the expansion without having a clue about how it’s going to pan out by the last tier.

“Uniformed choices should matter.”

I feel like the same people who think being locked into a convenant is a good idea are going to be the same people complaining because they can’t get into a group because they picked the wrong covenant.


I feel like people like you are going to be the ones complaining most about it, as I’ve pugged so many times and I’ve literally never been declined for anything besides “too low raider io score” “we already got a warlock” and my all time favorite “you are ranged” - for mythic+ and ive never been turned down for raids, as lock closet + lazy people = always accepted.

Lets say everyone took your advice and unsubed. How would that help you? There would be no MDI, no world first race, high keys would be dead, there would no longer be any carries resulting in a token crash effecting the economy. Furthermore less subs would mean that there would be even less money to develop with.

If you love this game and want to see it flourish regardless of your stance on this issue then this is a stupid thing to say.


People literally unsub every expansion, yet this game is still going? No way, you think people who do high keys are what contribute a ton to this game? No, lol, it’s the casuals who contribute more money to this game from buying things in the shops to literally there just being so many more casual players than hardcore that, while the content would take a hit a bit, but, that would still keep it open to casuals. I imagine the ratio of casual:hardcore, casual being defined as someone who does NOT raid mythic content or 20+ level of keys, to be like 100:1 easily if not much more.

Yes, I wanna see this game flourish, but, no I do not want blizzard to give in to min/maxers and let them do what they want at the cost/expense of the RPG element of this game that is an MMORPG, emphasis on RPG.


No, I don’t. My choice will be purely cosmetic.

I will have one toon per covenant, too… abilities be damned.

I dont play good PvP classes anyway.

How is insane RNG and mindless grinding “RPG”?

Before anyone jumps on me about “grinding is part of MMORPG”, I’ll point out I said mindless grinding. Grinding with a goal in mind is fine. But look at the rewards at the end of the road for say, rep vendors. Sure, there’s a couple of mounts, some pets, and you get the Paragon chests with gold and such. But the gear items from the vendors are no longer useful. Ilvl 320 cloaks? There’s WQs available pretty much right away that have cloaks with a better Ilvl than that, then there’s the legendary cloak. So what’s the point of grinding out that rep now, especially on alts(what with mounts and pets being account wide)?

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Apparently, one of the systems they’re keeping from BFA is the one where they double and triple down on bad ideas. Covenants will be broken down to sims and people will get to choose between the covenant they want and the covenant they need.


That stuff served was never updated. In the beginning of the expansion when it launched, those were very big ugrades meant only for those who took the time to do it and had bad RNG plus money to buy them. After a patch or two they became irrelevant.

Wait. So you think the same people that won’t let you into a pug raid unless you are over geared for the content you are doing, won’t care that you chose the wrong covenant?

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No, or people will just stop thinking it’s going to be terrible because of a min/max mindset. I keep telling and I will keep telling players this: get off that high horse of yours that you think you need to be the best/have the best abilities for every type of content. No, you do not. The world will not burn if you are not absolutely min/maxed to the 1000th degree, nor will groups stop taking you. I can guarantee most pugs you run/join will NOT be asking you what covenant you took, on average. Now, the people who see this and spite me, asking this and whatnot that’s something else entirely, but for those who do not they will not give a crap about this. They will look at wclogs, raider io score, ilvl and class community perception.