Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

They are rentals and they don’t offer depth or interesting game play.

When they override what class mainline abilities can do they start to become boring borrowed power (corruption, essences, etc).


You don’t pvp

Once you add that into the scope you start to see how some of these abilities are too good to pass up


If you aren’t big into progression why do you care? The casual player would be picking based on aesthetics not on numbers.

For example, Idc id Kyrian is the worst ability for demon hunters Felsavior is still going there so her demonic chaotic evil self can hang and be loved by all the angels. There ain’t no changing that.

Cenarion Circle in Hyjal
Val’sharah in Legion
Darkshore in BfA

Forgive me if I’m kind of over Fae/Druid/Night Elf aesthetics.

Just leveled a new toon through that route and Night Fae could be world domination level but damned if I want anything to do with them going into Shadowlands.

Yeah, paying customers are a problem, man. They ask for things in exchange for their money.

Too bad Blizzard can’t stay in business solely based on your endgame progression.


Pick a covenant the same way you pick your class. Whatever is most fun to you, basically. Be the best Kyrian Warlock you can be, for example.

Have some alts to see stuff from other covenants view points.

IMO, more meaningful choices like this would be better for the game.

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I’m going to be inefficient because of my transmog choice, won’t I?


You can think of it this way but again you are not taking the full package into account altogether.

You are looking at individual elements and saying you should be able to have the best ones that you can change for any given circumstance.

That shouldn’t be the case. Given the wide range this is all going to have if blizzard allowed this players would become OP AF for all content. This would lead to nerfs and we will arrive at a point where why does this all exist anyway? Why not just have 1 or 2 choices?

No. Bring back the RPG elements. Screw the min/maxers they can go rot for all I care. Have meaningful choices with consequences.

lucky for you I am here to prove your mindset wrong.

I am going to be picking my covenant choices based on what I feel fits best from a story perspective and I am going to achieve glad rank regardless.

Yeah as always I’m going for aesthetics and theme. If I’m still maining this mage (which I have since vanilla but fire peaked in MoP and its been downhill since then) I’ll probably go goth vamps, my hunter will go dance with the forest spirits and my undead warrior will obviously go to the undead warrior faction. Nothing personal Bastion, I just never really liked that entire ‘holy’ aesthetic.

Game play options > story

I really don’t care all too much for the story


I love the idea of covenants. It’s a way to align your character to an ideology.

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Yeah it’s cool

It would be cooler if it didn’t have a whole ability attached to it


WoW is an MMORPG, the fact is it lost the RPG elements way back when, especially with allowing players to respec talent points. This is getting back to RPG roots and that’s a good thing. Yes, min/maxers will hate it. Oh well, get over yourselves as not a single person/character/class should ever be amazing at all aspects of this game.

Strengths and weaknesses are a big part of games, of life, of everything you do. Why should you be good at everything? Truth is, you won’t/shouldn’t ever be amazing at every aspect on a single class. Yeah, I said an unpopular opinion amongst the min/max community.

I really hope they keep this to stay as a permanence thing, but if not then do something like at most once per week swap, if not once per month or every few months where players can change, if at all. Sorry min/maxers, don’t like it then unsub this xpac.

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Min and Maxers flagged him lol!

Pull what off? Giving everyone everything? :grinning:

I have to say here, that that was not the reason that people dropped. They hated the azerite system, yes, but what was actually hated about it was the infinite grind at first. Same thing with the Legion stuff. The AP grind was what drove people away because there literally were endless grinds that could be done. Blizz let players govern themselves and mythic raiders could not stop digging the same hole over and over again.

They drove themselves into the ground all for 0.0005% of more player power per level, which to them added up, and it does, but it brought them so much despair they had to leave the game. They did it to themselves by not knowing that “enough is enough” and they should listen to their bodies telling them to stop, but they did not listen, did not stop, and paid a price for it.

Ya know in health class or PE when they tell you to balance your life out, do other things, to not do only one thing or eat only one food all of the time forever? Yes, because things like this happen with your physical body and when you do not pay attention, you pay a price. Who knew, though, that games could be the same way!

Blizz let players govern themselves and be the judges of their own selves, and yep…people had to leave. This put a bad taste in both, the players’ and in blizzard’s mouth. Players quit the game, and blizzard looked dumb for not being able to predict that…mythic raiders cannot govern themselves. They will absolutely go to the end of the world for that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% more player power, even at the cost of their own sanity. Not blizz’s fault, though, as every player is responsible for their own actions. Players just could not take responsibility.

They can’t even balance 3 talents in a spec’s talent tree. What makes you think they can balance the covenants?


No worries, this is how it will play out:
They will nerf the best covenant abilities --> There will be public outcry --> They will ease penalties for switching covenants as a result

This is the circle of WoW life gang. Don’t get worked up over this.


If covenant ability A does 3 X damage of baseline class abilities so much for unpruning and returning to class fantasy.

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