Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

You know, I really prefer:

Fun abillity that can change your gameplay
Fun abillity that can change your gameplay
Fun abillity that can change your gameplay
Fun abillity that can change your gameplay

But obviously that’s not a good system design because it’s too simple and not convoluted enough.

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man wouldnt that be the dream

So I should just unsub then?

I mean that would be the best case scenario but blizzard doesnt seem to be rly into rental systems that heavily influence your gameplay sadly.

I dont think many of us will have a problem with that, feel free

Indeed so they dont give a damn about Bis abillity/covenant and will be making their choice based on covenant identity.

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Look we shouldn’t be championing this position

I think the soul binds and legendaries will be enough - the abilities are over kill and the choice of ability in players minds is going to be overwhelming

Even if it’s not the bis one people are going to end up picking abilities and not covenants

I really like the look of the one for rogues that gives you 7 combo points so I’m going to be going who ever that is more than likely

M8 have you seen the necrolord Mail and Cloth on male pandas? Screw Venthyr which was my original chouce, necrolords ftw

Yeah I ll miss the good ST abillity for hunter and fun troll ability for mages but a strong AoE is always useful in many bosses and content while becoming a skeletal mage that does more damage which seems to be a generic cd is still pretty good.

I dont feel “gimped” by choosing necrolords, I simply will excel at some content easier than others.

I’m with you on this Ralph but man you know making a title like that is gonna get you false flagged.

Tl:DR. A bunch of people who can’t complete heroic or keymaster attempting to say they should get to ignore all RPG mechanics so they can have 1% more DPS

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Which exposes how many similar forum report systems are misused by communities who simply use them as tool to flag anything they dont like and imo there need to be consequences for people who misuse them.

Report isnt supposed to be the new dislike, dislikes where removed for a reason since if a community hates something, it doesnt mean that something is wrong or bad yet the masses will try to push the “different” idea through such systems.

Aye amen to that.

What covenant are you choosing by the way?

During Blizzcon I was almost certain I would be going Venthyr since the look was great and most abilities are also good but then both the mail and cloth mogs from Necrolords are simply beyond perfect on male pandas, the theme is great and I am use I ll find many uses for their AoE focused ability on my mm hunter.

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Nice! I’m going stereotypical paladin Kyrian! :smiley:

5 avenging shields every minute? yes please :smiley:

I hope you find your necrolord bara taurens

Well I went to sleep and woke up to see if I changed my mind on this…Nah…they are going to cave on the first patch like azerite armor.

Meh the diablo wow devs are definitely slow learners.


As of this moment azerite armor gives me a choice: boost my ST dps or my AoE dps. This is also true of my arcane mage. Covenants will be a similar choice, albeit on a more permanent basis.

Player choice is good. If you min/max take the best. This is true for your race, talents, secondary stats, abilities, essences, etc. there will always be only one way to max. The rest of us are just having fun.


Azerite armor did not offer much “choice” at launch and it was horrible. My prediction? Covenants are going to be rejected by the majority of playerbase at launch and Blizz caves.

This is why rentals and borrowed power doesn’t work to promote “choices” at some point people stop caring or people want to switch based on what they want to do.


Yup patch 9.0 is looking more and more like a skip for me until they iron out these details and make them more gamer friendly. Well see.


I’m not going to skip it but I’m going to end up choosing an ability and not a covenant so that’s kinda lame

At least the rogue necro one looks cool I think

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Calling an ability we get for 2 years “rental” is a bit silly. Anyone who wants to change covenants can change. It’ll just be more difficult than going to a rested area and clicking a button.

I agree with you that whatever requirement they give us for changing will be nerfed at some point.

I hope they keep it like this. You can still switch, quit acting like you can’t.

Munchkins be damned.