Covenants confirmed to be part of our identity thankfully

Full panic mode? Nah that’s much. Making noise to tell Blizzard that it’s a problem? For sure. And I support it mainly because Blizzard tends to not listen to feedback on primary issues and instead decides that they’re too far in production to go back on a few things. And then we spend the launch and probably a patch or 2 trying to fix a problem that was exposed in Beta and when we finally reach an equilibrium on everything, it gets dumpstered. It’s a frustrating cycle.


The playstyles DO change every expansion. There is one particular example in Survival Hunter being turned from Ranged Mobile Weapon User to now a Melee Weapon User.

Themes of specs have changed as well, they are still recognizable but Shadow Priests are now Void Priests, Combat Rogue has delved into being a Pirate instead of a Bandit/Highwayman and that’s fine but I would much rather classes not be hamstrung so that they only feel complete at the end of expansions once the final patch has come out.

I want Borrowed Power to get out of the game because NOTHING about Borrowed Power feels good when it’s just taken away at the end of a 2 year cycle.

Did you ever CHOOSE what your character does in important story sequences? That’s why I say you have no choice. MMOs are a railroad not a sandbox if you want an actual RPG go play a single player game but to expect it from an MMO is delusional and to expect it from the current WoW devs is just absolutely insane.

The only reason that switching Covenants is going to be difficult is so that they can force you to have a longer played time, NOT so that you feel your choice actually matters.


And my identity will be that of no covenants.

So, I suppose that works.

“Hard choices” with rental abilities.

Tell me why I should care? The floor is open.


I agree. They really need to get this right the first time around. Hopefully they take feedback to heart.

I don’t understand why people who didn’t even finish heroic raid talks about “choice need to matter”. I get the feeling that most of people who argues “choice matters” they are actually doing easy contents so whatever choice they make it doesn’t matter for them so they start annoy people who actually does matter.


Blizzard had to buff arms mastery to a factor of 10 shortly after BFA’s release. This is just one little balancing issue they’ve had this expansion.

Forgive us for not having faith in their balancing of this convoluted system in a game that offers multiple areas of content.

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Don’t care really. I love the Kyrian aesthetics and system and think it’s awesome. I’d play it even if it sucked but I’m just worried some try-hards are going to get the fun sucked out of my Covenant that I know nothing about. That’s sad really but they do it a lot because they complain that somewhere somehow they would have to change Covenant every 5 minutes. This is their actual complaint- they can’t just change it every 5 minutes. That’s so silly. The only people that will care about such things are other try-hards and they have to see, sooner or later, that being a try-hard is wrong and bad.

Yes and no, we’ve all seen perfectly capable players turned down for less. {Then they’re met with “Then start your own group!” so inb4 that.)

I have:

I main resto, so if I want to dps I have to pray that the coven is tolerable for either melee or caster dps. And it probably won’t be. RIP me.

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This is a HORRIBLE choice on their part. I mean look at paladin. One covenent is an AURA! You know what that means? You need at MOST one paily of that type for that aura, and that’s it.

Also I run prot/ret in M+/raids/PvP. There’s already a lot of complaints from PvPers who say there aren’t enough people PvPing. This is going to lower that number. You’re just going to piss off players who don’t take the PvP covenanat who put priority over PvE content, rather then PvP.

This is going to kill the game, because people are already saying if you aren’t X you can’t do Y. Start your own group is only going to go so far if people join your group, find out you’re in covenant x instead of y, and drop for antoehr group because you aren’t good enough. Already seeing judgement like this in H scenarios, I don’t want to imagine how much worse this disaster will make it.

We already HAVE two identities, our class and our spec. We don’t NEED a third one especially if it basically fights with our spec identity. It’s already hard on players who run 2-4 specs having to grind out multiple peices of gear, and carry them around, NOW we’re supposed to add a thrid layer that may or may not singergise with what we want to do at any given time due to content and/or spec issues.

I have NO faith in Blizz’s ability to ‘balance’ the situation. They have already proven that they aren’t good at balance. Every patch some classes get nerfed, others get buffed. Every time you turn around there’s optimum classes/specs for certain content. Already if you aren’t certain specs or classes people don’t want to run various kinds of content with you.

IF these covenants weren’t tied to our abilities we could talk. But ting more and more to these stuiped ideas is only going to break apart people who already muti-spec.

It’s hard enough as a raiding ret paladin to build up a tank set. I do NOT need a third identity to muddy the waters further and further as to what I can or can’t do because of the limitation of some half baked system that will be buffed and nefed as Blizz sees fit, ALONG with the buffs and nerfs that will happen to classes and specs.

I mean every time Blizz has done a stat squish people have lost the ability to do things they could before. It happened in Warlords, it happend in legion, it happened in BfA. If they can’t get a STAT squish right, if they can’t balance an already intricite system of classes and specs, how the HELL are they supposed to balance a third system when they have NEVER managed to balance anything properly to date?


It is amazing that the guy cannot listen to what he himself is saying, and then see how bad these decisions will be.

Guaranteed this blows up on them. People want the flexibility to be good at any type of content. They don’t mind switching specs and gear to do it, but to force all around players and completionists into being bad at certain content so that they can be good at others is a recipe for disaster.


Yay, the game’s population will drop even more. I know you think that’s good news.


Or more people who enjoy this will celebrate but hey, no other ppl other than you clearly exist

When you know you can switch willy nilly then there is clearly no real choice, when everyone isnt bound by the same rules there is little immersion.
If there was a command that gave your character godmode immersion would be ruined even if you didnt use it because you knew people would use it all the time.

Imo the ONLY other alternative to this system is, “You can change covenants on the fly, but you forfeit all the rewards, mounts, titles, mogs, you are not gonna get ANY OF THEM and you wont be able to get them through alts”

Because I know you dont want to admit it, but there’s a huge number of people in support of this current system based on how many people often like and support the current covenant while a loud minority screams about it

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Leans back and eats popcorn. Sorry for being late to crying, whinging, screaming and verbal bashing party.

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This communities idea of choice is the same idea a 3yr old has in a candy store.

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Anyone who chooses based on simDPS is gonna suffer, and like FotMers they deserve to.

Not only because they ll always want to change for X content but because balance changes are gonna come and change the simDPS of all covenants probably multiple times throughout the expansions.

So the only people that benefit are the ones who choose based on gameplay, appearances and identity.

I was planning on going venthyr in general but the necrolord mail set looks way better on my hunter and their story seems to be better as the whole “repent your sins” is very cringy and goody 2 shoes for me.

So overall necrolords are the better choice, that means I WILL LOSE the good single target abillity of the venthyr and will be stuck with an AoE one so i ll have to find ways to make use of this ability better, will I be sub optimal to a venthyr covenant player in a purely single target fight? YES(if they are similarly skilled), and I accept that but I also know that there’s a ton of bosses and content that makes use of good aoe.

all the cosmetic rewards removed from each xpac so some people feel special intensify
I wish what you said was true but they even make cosmetics time limited at times

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The covenant system isn’t bad though. You and everyone else is overreacting.

Azerite was bad because of the grind and regrinding of traits because you got a better piece of gear. It was also more uninteresting than the tier sets it replaced.

With the covenants everyone that hates the idea of how blizzard are doing it seem to only take the covenant abilities into consideration and ignore the other 3 key components that go into balancing them as a package much of which we haven’t even seen yet so we can’t judge it.

Plenty do, and a lot of them think less choice and more bad choices are bad things. Which is why azerite gear and corruptions are both flops, and covenants will be too if they keep this hard line going. But hey, I’m sure 4 years of bad end game progression systems won’t affect the population at all. Definitely not. It’s not like the population hasn’t already dropped because of it in bfa. Oh…wait.

Nope. I also take the legendaries into consideration too. Anyone who remembers legion legendaries and how well “balanced” they were will tell you that locking legendaries behind this is as bad, if not a worse, idea than locking abilities behind it.


Well seems like at least 39 people believe the system will be better for the game as 38 people have liked the OP and the fact that there also many people in this thread advocating for meaningful choice.

Stop pretending you are some huge majority, you are not, you are a loud bunch you scream about how it ll ruin the game while there’s a huge number of people also calmly advocating to keep the system as is. And considering the non forum goers are often hyper casuals that dont ascribe to the delusion of “I need my FotM class/spec/build or game is bad” I think we are more.

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If meaningful choice means not having any choice that actually feels good to make, then count me out. Most people play the game to have fun, not to feel like they’re being punished.