I have been waffling on which covenant to join. I originally picked vampires, then switched quickly to fae. I did the opening ardenwald quests, but decided I’m going to do fae on a diff toon. So I went back to the vamp rep (general draven) to switch back, he offered me a quest that when I went to accept, gave me a LUA error and a ‘quest log full’ error. I now do not have the ‘prove your worth’ quest in my log and when I talk to the general again, he doesn’t offer me a quest or an option to join the vamps again, just a ‘what do you want maw walker’.
I flew to the vamp node and got kicked out, I logged in and out, I ported back to ring of fates and I just now tried to join another cov to see if that reset things and all it did was kick me out of fae and the General still doesn’t have a dialogue or quest for me to rejoin the vamps! So here I am with the Bastion expecting me to fly to their aid, the fae booting me out and the vamps offering me nothing when they are the ones I want to be with
I know I could have decided more quickly, but I’m bummed I’m stuck now, can you help? Thanks.
I’m in the same boat, now I’m stuck in the worst covenant and can’t get out. Such trash.
bumping this, it’s frustrating that I’m stuck. I was hoping the weekly reset my fix things and it did not, I’m in the same spot, not able to progress and I don’t have a way to contact anyone to help me. I’ve had a ticking in place for a week.
I was hoping the reset would work for me as well. I put in a ticket and did what they told me, it didn’t work. I submitted under the same ticket again 24 hours ago but haven’t gotten a reply. I’ll try again tomorrow. It’s very disheartening. If they just let you switch at will, none of this would be an issue.
would you share what they told you to try? I haven’t gotten a response to my ticket.
This is what they told me to try. It didn’t work.
- Completely exit World of Warcraft.
- Uninstall any addon managers to make sure they don’t re-add your removed addons.
- In the Blizzard desktop application, click Options and select Show in Explorer (Windows®) or Reveal in Finder (Mac®).
- Open the World of Warcraft® folder.
- Open the folder for the game version you’re troubleshooting (retail or classic)
- Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.
- Re-launch World of Warcraft so the changes can take effect.
thank you, I’m also confirming that didn’t work
Having the same issue, fixes above did not work for me either.
I received a reply from a GM that said: It looks like you were impacted by a bug where if Prove Your Worth isn’t accepted properly, you can never accept it. The bug was fix, but it looks like it wasn’t retroactive in your case. and that it was being escalated to a developer.
God bless the news you brought mate Phine. That means that hopefully a developer is looking into this matter. Great news indeed. Now we hope and trust that they can fix this bug for our situation. Cheers mate, and please share with us your updates/fixes
Yeah same here.
Don’t have the quest showing up for the nightfaes which I want to rejoin.
I have the same thing as well I cannot change my covenant to Nightfae
Same bug here.
Same bug here.
I got the same reply everyone else got from blizzard and automated response telling you to try to remove all addons, delete cache folder, wtf folder etc… all in which do nothing especially considering an addon would not prevent you from being able to progress or see a quest that is server side…
Technically in week 1, Immersion (the quest popup addon almost everybody uses) blocked the dialog options to choosing covenants from the representatives. and disabled the Immersion addon did bring back the options. Immersion has been updated to fix this issue. and I have tried to disable Immersion to test out this Rejoining bug but it didn’t work. so an addon CAN block quest progress, just not in the case of rejoining (our case). HUGH PROBLEM nonetheless
Just tried this and plus scan and repair. Does not work. I’m still not receiving my quest to rejoin the other covenants.
Yea same here mate. I even tried to delete and reinstall. Disabled addons and such but no use. This is most likely a server side issue now. Hopefully at next week’s reset, it will give us the optoin again.
Mine seems fixed this morning, I’d suggest you log in and check and if not, on your ticket note that the GM couldn’t fix my issue, it had to go to a developer.
edit when I say fixed, I mean the npc now offers me the ‘prove your worth’ quest and I was able to accept it and it shows up in my quest list now.
Really? IUm checking NOWWWWWWWWW