Yea im still stuck in my situation. No option to start quest from both Kyrian and Venthyr. Glad you got your situation sorted out mate. Did you do anything different to get it fixed on your side? like disable addons,… whatever or you just logged in this morning and it’s fixed?
I had gone through add ons, deleting folders, etc prior to this. It seems the only thing that got it fixed was intervention from Blizz.
What was the channel you submit it through. Because I have a ticket open since Wednesday and no one has responded
I started through ‘quest / achievement’
Maybe try this
/run for i=1,C_QuestLog.GetNumQuestLogEntries() do C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(C_QuestLog.GetInfo(i).questID); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest(); end
or this for resetting the Venthyr quest specifically
/script local q = C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(62389); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(q); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest()
Trying now mate. trying now
it didnt fix it mate. but thanks for offering to help. Script ran to clear quest log but nothing changed. other covenants (beside venthyr and kyrian) still option rejoins before and after running the codes. So now i know for sure this is not client side. It might either be a timegated thing (can only change to and fro the same covenant ONCE per week, contradictory to what Wowhead said) OR it’s a new, not much encountered server side bug not lettting players progress. Im back to waiting. but seriously, thank you for trying.
Well I think the quest is time gated if you use it for any rejoins. I used the quest rejoin to get back into necrolords from nigthfae and never got the Prove you worth quest for nightfae emissary.
So it seems to me that Blizzard has placed in a time gate on the quest that it can only be done once regardless of which covenants your in. Which then you’ll have to wait a week till that covenant display the quest it seems.
If the quest comes back next Tuesday then it in facts means as such. Since I’ve have had a ticked regarding this same issue since this past Wednesday and no one from support has answered it.
I was wondering the same thing. I speculated that you can only do one of EITHER prove your worth or rebuild our trust per week.
I’m hoping the reset Tuesday (or possibly realm restarts Monday) will fix this for us.
I am in the same boat, also with a quest that I cannot abandon or turn in.
Just found out tonight that whenever I go near hear of the tree the nightfae area is showing up the main quest for in there in my mini map as if id be able to accept them when I’m no longer with them. Is almost like it still thinks I’m in night fae but not.
Also I have to ask, as the main quest gated as well. What I mean is are you only able to get renown 3 the 1st week and then have to wait till the next week. I noticed the main quest are not progressing.
there is a catch up mechanic for renown, but first you have to do 3 callings i believe. then proceed to do max level contents (dungeons, pvp, world quest…) and randomly you will be granted renown. then renown capped at the week’s cap. but you will have to do a LOT OF CONTENT for the renown to come. i did about 10 LFG dungeons and a few mythic for the 1 catch up renown to come