Covenant Solutions

Yeah look I don’t want the way I play the game being dictated by a choice I made going into the start of an xpac

I’d rather have the choice of the ability I’m going to play with

This is like someone telling me I have the choice of wearing one set of clothes for my life or I can pick 4 different outfits

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Ion has said many times the same thing I have said, the reason they are locked is because it makes them be a meaningful choice you have to think about instead of changing talents before each boss, that is a degenerate playstyle.

Outside of that he has also mentioned that he wants to stay close to RPG roots instead of just being a game like CoD when you keep change stuff at all times to fit the situation.

And I would also add it makes the choice an investment, these all are behavioral examples, you dont get a “they do it cuz you get X number”, he has given his reasons and I agree with him, the covenant choice would feel meaningless if we could change at anytime because it would FEEL like there’s no investment, it is just use them like a talent, and talents absolutely do not feel like investments or hard choiecs.

ion said we couldn’t find pvp vendors
Now they’re adding them

I haven’t preordered yet but that almost got me to

Unlocking the abilities will get my money

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Ironically the Covenants will become easier to change if they keep up with these wildly unbalanced abilities.

You keep arguing against your own stated interests.

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We can also change stuff at any given moment now and in fact they’ve made it easier to change over time

Anyone remember how annoying it was in BC to have to go back to the talent tree to re-tool yourself for pvp?

My interests are to keep a strong meaningful choice with serious drawbacks, I am not gonna whine if tuning passes keep changing everything because I expect that.

And I am pretty sure the reason he said that was not related to his own design reasoning like the covenant choice and most likely a silly statistic from the game that was misinterpreted, but I can only guess.

How do you feel about race changes then?

No one cares if you change covenants. Because Blizzard already confirmed that you could. But they said you’d need to work for it.

And then they made it even easier to change specializations in WotLK, the expansion that Luuni keeps harping about as the “best thing ever”.

Then you should be arguing for them to be functionally identical. Having them be wildly imbalanced is going to result in Covenants becoming much easier to switch between when Blizzard realizes they can’t balance them.

It’s not even wildly imbalanced we have to worry about

How many people have race changed or even faction changed to get a racial because it out performs another?

You keep assuming that they will for balance reasons, but hey if you want to believe they will, go ahead, i ll keep fighting to keep the system as is

According to Ion… who has access the numbers… not as many as you think. He said people don’t deny you for M+ based on your race. So they won’t deny you based on covenant. Which is what they’re aiming to make these like.

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The number of people that care about Sim dps to the point that Ion a dev that has been playing the game on a theorycrafting level since vanilla has said that THEY SHOULD GET OUT OF THAT MIND SET

So it feels like Ion does not plan to pander to that mind set

You can keep fighting. You’re like a guy on a sinking ship bailing out water with a teacup.

If Covenants go live as-is, they will end up heavily nerfing the requirements to switch between Covenants.

Ion pretty much played a huge role in theorycrafting for WoW because he was the GM of elitist jerks and a scarab lord.

I think that’s irrelevant

Im stating people paid money to completely change the concrete choice they made at the start

Some people did it because they just liked other races better
People did it for advantages
Any every other reason under the sun

Isn’t the more choice breaking than selecting a covenant?

Keep telling us what Ion said, I love hearing it.


If you don’t like the current developer of the game, I’m not sure what to tell you.

That’s like me forcing myself to read books by authors I dislike.

Or even back to before BfA launched:

  • The team needs to do better at making primary stats stronger than secondary stats in BfA.
  • Item level should generally tell you if an item is an upgrade.
  • Items that are 20 or 25 item levels higher in Legion were sometimes not an upgrade, which is a bad thing.
  • You shouldn’t have to run sims to find out of items are an upgrade.

Not really considering they have to pay for it, if min maxers want to make blizzard rich and support such practices like the world first guilds who jump between factions to get Against overwhelming odds it is their choice, but they ll be paying for it.

Whenever it is money or gold, the vast majority would never pay that price more than a couple of times a best.