If you want to race change go buy it, its literally 1-2 click away.
I’m trying to say that World of Warcraft today is not as successful in terms of player count as it was to WotLK and you have to think why.
Blizzard is trying to get old players back. Ion even said it in his interview. He wants choices to matter again.
And people already said don’t bring up WOTLK to justify covenant since none of that stuff exists in LK.
Literally all character power were tied to baseline spellbook, talent tree and glyphs.
I don’t care what Ion wants, every time they make a bad system the community calls it out months in advance and then gets proven right and Blizzard has to change it later on, this is another example anyone with half a brain can see will cause issues so we’re calling it out, once again.
Yet what you are asking wont be anywhere as simply as adding a new ring of abilities :3
Go to faction after completing their quest line > pick ability > change with any other factions ability at will.
Wow fixed.
When I saw the announcement at Blizzcon about Covenants I made this thoughtful sound and said to myself - this is sort of like racials. You will have players making a choice based on what the best effect is rather than what covenant thingy they happen to like. And if that’s so, you will then have others disatissfied with being stuck with something that is difficult to change.
The only way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to provide effects and abilities that basically have the same effect but just look a bit different. Just have Bastion effects based on nice “good and decent type” rp, and Maldraxxus based on dark and creepy rp but have them do basically the same thing and give the same sort of result.
Any other way is going to end up as a ookin mess.
It is an issue only for try hard min maxers and Ion did say he would not be pandering to them by clearly saying THEY need to get out of that mindset
Sure mr.dev, so easy xd
Yeah, they’ll just heavily nerf the requirements to change Covenants. Everything you say you like about them being a “hard choice” will be washed away.
If you really like them being a “hard choice”, you’d be arguing for them to be functionally identical so they don’t end up being nerfed into the ground a few months after launch.
As far as I can tell this thing is going to get changed at some point in the xpac
I just want to them nip it in the bud
“Only an issue for everyone that doesn’t want to hinder the other people they play with”
Literally 90% of us, you can play as bad as you want in your guild group of like minded players, my group doesn’t want to do that, we’re being hindered by this change, you wouldn’t be hindered regardless of how the system worked.
There were 8.5M warcraft logs in Classic. 4.3m in BFA.
That is a glaring issue. Blizzard is trying to bring more people back the retail product because it offers better business opportunity. It’s better for me to play retail because I can spend more money here and make blizzard more money, which is the goal for them, since it’s a business.
They’re doing that by getting rid of titanforging and other dumb systems that took away player choic and meaning. I mean heck, why would I want to raid mythic when people can just go into LFR and get a mythic level item? Why were people complaining they had to do all versions of content just to have the maximum chances at getting TF loot?
This another step back, as Ion said, to when choices mattered in the game. In WotLK I had the option to be a DW DK tank. I could be a two handed frost tank.
Surprised you’re not talking about balancing Frost DKs. Which will be better two handed or one hander? Well that matters, because something will sim better! But you know what? Folks will still play two hander even if it’s not optimal, because that’s their choice and their fantasy.
You can argue all day about how WotLK was an inferior game, despite it having clear choices for players to live out fantasies. But the numbers show that WotLK was the most popular part of the game in terms of player count.
So Im noticing theres threefold now for someone like me
A> Cosmetic appearance.
B> The ability performance.
C> now looking at the soul bonds. Certain ones have the ability to give materials.
aka this is where they are putting the shoulder enchants from Legion this time.
So… now I’m going to have to consider that as well when it comes to gathering for raiding and crafting in general.
Cos Feasts and Flasks are soooo much fun to set up as they are atm, right?
So now I get to choose between what I want (to look cool) What group wants (output) and what guild needs management wise (all the behind the scenes tasks)
Choices are fun.
No that 90% are the people who when a min maxer makes a thread crying about covenants, we tell them that we want to keep the system like it is and devs shouldnt change.
See I can write %s too xD
Sorry, games are supposed to be fun, not about playing the most cancerous build/class and pretend you are doing it for others
Ok let’s be real here. If 90% of the playerbase was worried with Min/max the forums would be filled with these threads, but no, we’re spammed with High Elf threads. The player base isn’t as into min/maxing as you’d think.
I’m not a min maxer tho and I really don’t get to get locked into the ability choice
Like I’m cool with picking one of them for the whole xpac I just want to be able to use the spooky bone arm or the spooky death mist
You keep bringing up classic as an excuse to going back to player choice but ironically don’t understand it undermines your point.
If you play a ret paladin in classic, you suck and won’t get invited to raids or pretty much anything else.
Same if you play moonkin, same if you spec wrong etc.
It completely invalidates your point when it proves if you play the wrong way you’ll be excluded, just like covenants.
And that’s the issue with the system.
If you can do both, what is special about them? The choice doesn’t matter.
Why are you keep bringing these numbers?
Classic dont have Covenant, BC dont have Covenant, LK dont have covenant.
If you’re arguing to not put Covenant in the game, then you might pull up Classic as a reason, what you’re doing right now is the polar opposite.
Meaningful RPG choice in Classic is literally things like carrying arrow in your pouch before going inside dungeons.
Also, the only thing you can do in Classic really is raiding. BfA has many more paths to gear up.