Why would you even bring WOTLK to this.
WOTLK didnt have Covenant or any crp that lock out your class to a specific covenant, literally everything in WOTLK is adjustable in a button click.
Why would you even bring WOTLK to this.
WOTLK didnt have Covenant or any crp that lock out your class to a specific covenant, literally everything in WOTLK is adjustable in a button click.
WotLK didn’t have perfect balance, which is the reason people are afraid of Covenants. Because they fear Blizzard can’t balance it.
If you expect Blizzard to perfectly balance the game, you would have quit years ago because they hardly get it right. But people still play despite that.
And considering there is a heavy backlash to many threads made my min maxers demanding to have access to everything by many posters, I am pretty confident it will remain like that well after post launch.
You can be as loud as you want, but blizzard sees the actual numbers.
Do you genuinely think people asked for perfect balance here?
Guess what people were doing then? Screaming for things to be more balanced. And that was when you had dual spec and could change your talents fairly easily. None of this grinding for who knows how long just to change your Covenant.
Rankin is saying since it’s impossible to balance, we scrap the idea of players picking one covenant. So yes, he’s asking for perfect balance since one covenant will always be better.
No, I’m not. I’ve never asked for that and you know it. Apologize for lying about what I’ve said.
Well yes, its impossible to balance covenant that focuses around single target and AOE.
If they were made a talent instead, people would just change talent when it doesn’t work or get nerfed.
You said they will never be able to balance it and have asked for us to get the same abilities with different cosmetics. Which is why I made the comment saying you wanted everyone to drive the same car with different paint.
And you are god so you know what those numbers are? I can pull numbers out of my backside that support my arguments too. I say the shear number of threads about this supports my views and that the Devs will see it my may. See how that works?
I’ve never said anything like “scrap the idea of players picking one covenant”. That’s an outright lie and I’m not going to sit around and let you get away with it.
You said you do not believe Blizzard will be able to balance these abilities, so every covenant should have the exact same abilities with different cosmetics.
Since you do not believe Blizzard can balance these abilities, they shouldn’t be different and should be the same. That is removing choice. I WANT TO BE DIFFERENT. It’s why I play the classes I do, it’s why I picked the races I do.
Just like they saw it with legion legendaries, azerite pieces, corruptions and non-boa essences hey?
What a dumb post.
They’re consistently wrong and have to fix systems mid xpac after damage has been done, even if this goes live as is it will be changed shortly after due to backlash, we both know it.
Wanting things to be cosmetic-only is not removing choice. So you’re just going to keep lying about what I said. And then double down on your lies when you get called out on it. I guess we’re done here if you’re not even going to pretend to discuss things in good faith.
ATVI also has the numbers. They even told the public that in Q4 of this year, World of Warcraft doubled its users, doubled. And that was due to Classic WoW.
So if WoW had 5,000,000 subs and suddenly 5,000,000 more came on because you brought back old systems. Would make sense to try and get those old systems into your current game since more people may come back.
You mean at the last patch? Sure dont mind that, it wont matter by then :3
Then make it a talent and you can stick to whatever talent that everyone else doesn’t pick.
Well heck, just give me a race change active 100% on my account. That way I can log out and change my race depending on the boss or if I want to PVP today.
Everyone should be able to change anything they want on a dime. No choices. So just unlock the ability to change races 100% without spending money. Just let everyone change their race anytime they want.
Are you trying to attribute the success of classic WoW as an argument for covenant abilities in their current form being a good idea?
That’s the weakest thing i’ve ever seen.
Azerite was changed like a month or 2 into the expansion to give more abilities per piece because it sucked and pigeon holed you into specific pieces. Next.