Covenant Solutions

You’re not locked, depending of dungeons I switch talents and essences.
Lot of people do this.

AS far as mass AOE go I agree but this isn’t the same talk.

I don’t rely on Blizzard also to know what’s good for me, no thanks.
A souless company got no say for how I judge things.

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I’d rather not have the issues the system will cause weighted vs what some people consider “a meaningful choice”

If you make a pro and con list for this and all the pro list has is “meaningful choice” and the con list has a list of reasons as to why this could be bad for game play it seems pretty unrealistic

Look what happened with azerite, we warned them from alpha to live release that the system was floored and they ended up having to change a huge number of things and a lot of people consider azerite armour an annoyance still

PvP vendors getting readded after everyone screaming at blizzard is another example of the time they got it wrong

Even WF and TF getting screeched at because of its effects then blizzard having to go back on that one is another example of how we can get this stuff wrong

Don’t be on the wrong side of history and don’t think many people share your vision of a meaningful choice, it’s a annoying choice to a lot of people


I don’t mine being stuck with one Covenant but my question is are we locked into one class Covenant ability or will we be able to switch between talents in the same Covenant easily.

-Covenant balance will fail in 9.0, the first OP covenant will get nerfed to oblivion, but they don’t have time for 2nd wave of covenant balancing, so the 2nd most OP covenant get to stay until next patch.
-They will introduce another sub-covenant-whatever system in 9.1.

100% it will play out that way.

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My guess is this is what gonna happen with the covenant system either in .1 or .2

And I’ll be drinking wine by the window.

Aka a lot of time after it actually matters.

Gonna be drinking a lot of min maxer rageposts in 9.0 launch xd

The first ever raids were designed in a week. The lore and RP behind the game were from the original WC3 games and before. They’ve already killed enough of the lore for the sake of gameplay. Let’s not go down this road that “Raiding is more important than Role Playing.”

Because it’s not a Raiding Playing Game. It’s a ROLE PLAYING Game.

I had an idea the other day that I think would be a good way to deal with the Covenant ability problem.

  1. Keep the Signature abilities as they are. They are mostly QoL stuff that really doesn’t affect combat directly but can in the right hands have an affect in things like PvP.

  2. Put all the class abilities on a unique talent row where each Covenant’s ability unlocks when you start leveling in that zone.

  3. Give each of the class abilities a different cosmetic look that matches the covenant that you eventually choose. This way you can switch out the abilities just like talents but you retain the feel of your chosen covenant.

How it works would be say take Warrior, you learn Spear of Bastion right off from the Kyrian and it unlocks on the tallent row. You throw a spear at a target location it does an arcane burst with a dot and tethers enemies to the location. Then you move to Revendreth, you unlock their ability and Spear of Bastion becomes Spear of Blood. Only now it looks all gothic and does shadow damage. Functionally identical, but with a new visual. That then continues on through all of the Covenants. Spear of the Wild from for the Night Fae doing nature damage and Spear of The Necrolord for the Necrolords doing frost damage.

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That’s hilarious coming from you since your entire argument about Covenants is built out of a slippery slope.

Ah yes the slipper slope of wanting an mmoRPG have RPG elements instead of becoming some GOGOGOGO CoD game where you change everything on the fly.

No thanks, I am playing an mmoRPG, you can go play CoD if you want.

And you don’t need wildly imbalanced abilities in order to be a role playing game.

More slippery slope nonsense. Wanting a more balanced game is not wanting to turn the game into CoD.

Clearly you have idea what balance is and how it works

Says the person who thinks Blizzard will be able to do something they’ve never been able to do. Something they admitted was impossible for them to do back when they revamped talent trees.

Yeah but, they should try to preserve the role playing aspect of the largest role playing game in the world.

Seems kind of silly not to.

I hate this argument. Who died and made you King in charge of what an RPG is? RPG stands for Role Playing Game. That means a game where you play a role. Nothing else. You are playing the role of a Pandaren Rogue. That alone makes it an RPG, not the systems it uses, not the abilities you use, not the way you engage in combat or if there even is combat. Role Playing Game. Not Game That Follows These Very Specific Ideals That I Want it Too.


What about role playing requires that there be unbalanced choices? Is that carved into stone anywhere? You could have a role playing game without even having any combat at all. What makes a role playing game a role playing game is the story that you immerse yourself into and the role you choose to play in that story.

If anything, having the Covenants be aesthetic-only choices makes for a better RPG because you’re not playing the meta. You’re choosing what you think your character would choose.

Ion the lead dev has mentioned it very clearly that they want to keep some semblance of RPG and that is the main reason we have the current covenant system.

Also Ion the lead dev has also said: "A section of the community still needing to adapt and get passed the pure simcraft driven mindset that has dominated"

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He also said they were open to changing it if enough of the players didn’t like how it played out.


The issue here is, this game had 10,000,000 people at it’s peak during WotLK which is regarded as the greatest expansion pack ever.

We’re now well below those numbers. The system has changed, millions of subscribers have run away from the game because it’s not even remotely the same.

Blizzard is trying to bring the game back into the “good old days” where there were millions more subs, and we have people who are fine with a, dare I say it, mediocre game because it’s what they’re use to now.

If I asked people if they’d have WotLK (The Height of WOW) or BFA, we’d be getting BFA because everything was more “balanced.”