Covenant Compromises are Impossible

Told you.

“tHeY wONt cArRy mE, tOxiC, rEeEeEeEEE!”

This isnt just their outlook in wow either. This is the same folks that want 20 dollar minimum wage to work at Mcdonalds.

Final Fantasy and Guild Wars are still successful RPG’s without the radioactivity WoW provides in abundance. Their communities aren’t chock full of people like our Undead priest over here, who is clearly excited about the fact he might not have to go to elementary school in September.

HMMM, GW2 you say?

People are not denied groups in GW2 for being of Lower Skill? Your knowledge of GW2 is Superbly lacking friend.

GW2 DOES also have competitive ladder. It doesn’t have gear to worry about, sure but GL getting into a High Tier Rated match or a WPVP group, when you are low rated or have a Low WPVP level.

But what do I know, my WVW rank is Maxed, I have full Leggo gear with the Leggo Top Arena Ladder back pack.

The cool thing about GW2 is also its downfall. There is no gear, progression is non existent. Thus you get bored quickly, GW2 is actually Over-watch with Raids, that you claim Elitists want for WOW, now you use it as a Def and its hilarious.

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Just keep proving my point…

Not sure how your point is proven?

“Guild Wars are still successful RPG’s without the radioactivity WoW provides in abundance.”

“WOW players want Overwatch with Raids, thats not an MMO”

GW2 is Overwacth with raids, the only point I am proving is that you are a troll.

The toxicity is less in those games, as they have VERY small playerbases. Not because of any of your perceived WRONG reasons.

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What are you talking about? We help each of the covenants while leveling them joining together to give the champions that will fight the jailer the power to do so actually makes sense.

The last several xpacs, actually alot going back. Have had 4 “Factions” that we assist. This is no different except this time we are only supposed to help 1 of the 4, instead of all 4.

Litteraly copy paste of Legion/BFA 4 Zones, central hub, enemy zone. Now pick only 1 for more borrowed power crap that we have complained about every time.

Right, but we ultimately pick up a banner of the Covenant that we closest identify with, be it story or game driven. But the Covenants aren’t one big alliance.

They have their own motives and goal that, while the situation calls for an uneasy truce, would conflict with the others.

Yup and before now the factions all ended up working together to help us over time.

And none of this literally none of this necessitates our level 60 talent row being split between them. That in fact reduces choice significantly.

It reduces accessibility, not choice. The difference is that most people can’t live with the trade-off or consequences of making A choice, and they lose their minds, like our Undead priest over here.

Because not everyone is a one trick that only wants to play one game mode. Accessibility is a good thing - that’s why we have LFR. Are you against that, too?

The idea behind “meaningful choice” seems to forget that the meaning is different for everyone.

I dont think anyone is asking to be able to swicth covenants between boss fights. The coventants lore in all of Beta ECT, shows them working together, before this event and will after. These covenants are not temporarily aligned, they literally have never fought.

There is Zero reason, that we cannot switch covenants are the Central Hub, at any time, and work on that Covenants “Rep”.

The transmogs and stuff can be locked behind this “Rep” abilities for the Covenant that you are currently working with. This allows RPers to experience all 4, Content Players, to level the ones they feel they need, and gives everyone something to grind in their offtime.

The old system wasnt broken, there is no need to “Fix” it.


They dont understand, its easy to see why, look at their achievements.

They literally play NO game modes. They are an RPer, that does some quests nothing more. Of course they dont care, are against it, because it doesn’t affect them negatively they dont care.

Just like the other thread said. If you think Covenants should be a 1 and done choice, they can still unlock us to swap and you can still have that. Dont change yours? Why do you have to force something down everyone elses throat?

There’s nothing stopping anyone from choosing what Covenant they want. There’s nothing stopping anyone from switching between Covenants.

You not getting something on demand means that the system is broken.

Throwing rocks in glass houses…

Citation needed?

IDK how I am throwing rocks in glass houses? You DO NO Content. So why would you care? Are you saying I dont do content?

5 mins ago you said I was an Elitist?

The compromise will be Blizzard stating, “Oops, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, guess you guys needed to give us more feedback” and then lifting a lot of the restrictions in a later patch.

We’ll probably just have to wait until patch 9.3 for the game to be any good like usual.

Where they will break it like they did with 8.3, Replace welfare with more welfare.

Litteraly people never having stepped into a arena, getting R1 this season for broken Corruptions. Rextroy says Wassup.