Covenant Compromises are Impossible

This entire argument is about getting instant gratification instead of going through the system the game provided you before its even been released. That’s all the citation needed.

You’re posting on a Classic account.

I’m playing and giving feedback on it on Beta, so it’s kind of released.

And also, citation needed for this being about instant gratification?

I’m pretty sure you’re the type that reads one quote from one individual and applies it to everyone you disagree with regardless of whether or not they said it.

Pretty exhausting tbh


And? What does that have to do with you NOT playing that game? Your actively playing that account, you just got Herioc Dungeon master.

You DO NO CONTENT, and now your acting like that is an Insult? I never said you are bad at Content, I said you dont do it.

What Content I do or dont do, is irrelevant and I have already said what Content I do. You do None. I raid Herioc and Do 15s, to get Gear for PVP. If I could PVP without raiding or doing M+ that would be ideal, I would prefer to not do that, but I cant so there we are.

Now your telling me, I will get denied from doing the content I do not want to do, but have to, because of a covenant choice I didnt want to make, and my skill has nothing to do with it. Ya no thanks, time to change games when that crap comes about.

Just look up threads created by Timbaslice and any other Mythic raider. But even then, this entire argument is about having access to Covenant abilities like talents, regardless of anything else.

The system to switch Covenants isn’t good enough, change it, make it faster.

It’s the end of the expansion, I’m in no rush to do end game content that’s going to be around for another four to five months. Doesn’t mean I don’t play the game.

But its still pretty rich coming from a Classic account.

So if I find a thread made by a casual suggesting they want more swappable covenants, I get to say all casuals want to be able to swap covenants?


I’m sorry, but where’s the lie?

You don’t like being locked to one Covenant ability and want access to all of them. How is that not instant gratification?

You have NEVER got any Content Related achievement Ever. You DO NOT DO CONTENT.

You level Alts, you do Quests.

Thats Fine, I am not trying to insult you for that, you do you. If thats the gameplay that makes you happy its your 15 dollars.

However dont pretend to be qualified to speak on matters that effect content that you do not even ATTEMPT to do.

Because just having the ability isn’t gratifying. Using it on content I want to do is. And to do that, I have to actuallt do the content (this is probably where you get confused because… well… you know) which isn’t instant.

And you’re acting like not wanting to be locked into 1 of 4 covenants for 2 years is somehow linked to only wanting INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Just weird stuff man.

This is a new account that was created in 8.3. Doesn’t mean I don’t do content, just that I’m in no rush to do it.

I would actually prefer that we could switch covenants at will, BUT that the Abilities and Binds, have a “Rep” based leveling system.

So If I am 100 into venthyr I have access to all their goods, but Nightfae I am 50pts I only have half. I need to earn the rest of that “Rep” with them to unlock fully.

It still presents player choice, while allowing more work for more reward, and allowing the ability to switch, it also still allows “Meaningful Choice” as the Covenant you invest time into.

Then, no one has an excuse, everyone has access to everything and dedicated players that play more, get further. Which is a RPG tenant in and of itself.


But you’re not locked. You can swap Covenants in the game, but you don’t want to use that and its not even in the game yet.

So yea, it comes off as ‘give it to me now’.

This seems quite reasonable.

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That’s fine. Time invested equals power earned.

Right and EVERY RPG, that I can think of with factions has the same.

In Skyrim, and ESO, I can max out my Dark brotherhood rank fo all the benefits I can still join the Thrives guild, and use their benefits after I have put in the work to earn that right.

That would be a VASTLY better way to handle Covenants, then pick one and your stuck.

They could even build on it, in the future patches. Add further abilities, or Binds, that are unlocked with Further Grinding for that Covenant.

It would increase time played, give everyone choice, Give Elitists what they want, the choice of which to level would still be meaningful, and it would give more content for people that play alot. Literally Everybody wins.

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Yea, that would be fine. Time invested should equal player power.

You lack vision. It’s easy to fix.

Each Covenant has 3 Soulbinds. Let players choose any Soulbind they want, from any Covenant, and they get the Covenant abilities associated with the Soulbind they chose. You then get everything EXCEPT Soulbinds and Abilities from the Covenant you are pledged to.

as it is, i have to go venthyr without even looking at the lore/zones/art.

cant pass on this borrowed power. (on my warrior at least)

i think that’s bad… theres an obvious choice before even digging into it all.

might as well be no choice at all.

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