Covenant Compromises are Impossible

Then Covenants would turn into another bland, generic feature. Congrats, you can fondle numbers while everyone else leaves for more striking content.

You know how there was this argument that there needs to be normal mode, heroic mode, LFR mode raids to justify the raid team spending so many resources on the raids so everyone can see the story?

Isn’t the same argument there for Covenants? If they aren’t more accessible to players, the amount of resources spent on them will be kind of wasted by cutting out ~75% of the potential players in the 1/4 choice?

Or is the expectation that we all need to make 4 characters to enjoy them? Because boy, if you told people they’d need to make 4 characters to get into the raid to see the story… that wouldn’t go over well.

What the hell does “fondle numbers” even mean?

So wait,

I thought it was about the RP?

How is it that the abilities are what would make them bland and generic? The RP is still there, the abilities are, - as you say - just numbers

Sounds like you just stepped on your own foot here.


They’d still have their unique story, their motivations, their characters, their aesthetics, their soulbinds, and a variety of cosmetic rewards. I don’t think one of them having a Spear and the other having a Banner is really vital to their identity.

And, heck, you could keep Spear of Bastion to Kyrian and Conqueror’s Banner to Necrolords. Maybe the Kyrians carry a glorious shield instead of a banner. There’s really quite a lot you could do.

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Source that that is why they were removed?

I talk to casuals all the time. You think I’m on these forums talking to hardcores? Lol?

Everyone wants to be superman, but nobody wants to be vulnerable to krytonite as a disadvantage. :smirk:

I think maybe the right thing was Blizzard creates something that lets everyone be a goku, so everyone could cry for being equal in everything and better in nothing. :roll_eyes:

No one will leave over that. You ignore how well FF14 is doing. In that game, everyone has access to everything.

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Its not “Better at a given boss” that is the issue.

Its playable in X content at all, that is the issue.

If my Damage is 25% lower AOE and I dont have the Venthyr Skip, for Not picking Venthyr I wont be taken on M+ Runs.

If I pick Venthyr, and its bad for Raiding, and I should of Picked Necro for the ST, and its again 25% Diffrence in ST, I wont be taken on raids.

Then I need to be Nightfae for PVP, because it gives the utility which is gamebreaking in PVP but I take Venthyr instead, because I have to gear for PVP through M+ then I wont be taken for PVP.

This is the problem. Not “I do more damage on this boss, but not the next one”.

Now you say, “mAkE uR oWn gROuP”, with who? The rest of my PVP friends that also took nightfae for a 25% damage loss? When the M+ is Balanced around everyone being Venthyr? They balance the game around Min/Maxing and then say stop min maxing. So now my group with NO skip, and 25% reduced damage will NOT be able to time the key.

This would be fine, if you could gear from PVP solely. Seeing that you cant, and we are back at square one… Well it would be fine for me, I should say. The people that Raid and M+ would still have issues.


Because it would look incredibly lazy and reek of a mobile game mentality.

What other RPG has factions that share abilities? Single player and MMO’s?

I don’t even think WildStar had ability clones and that was built with min/maxers at its core.

Hey I can play this game too. If my damage is ‘insert random number’ lower AOE and I don’t have the ‘gimmick’ than my ego is bruised and I don’t know how to handle it.

The sky is not falling Chicken Little, it’s just your ego deflating.

Lol, you dont even play the game, you actually have zero input to anything we are discussing.

I’ll never understand how people can be so hostile and then act like they’re victimied by big bad min/maxers all the time

Maybe your attitude just brings negative attention towards yourself

Touch a nerve did I? Did randomly inserting arbitrary numbers not work?

Because chasing numbers brings that toxicity WoW is infamous for.

No, just can’t expect you to care about doing Content issues, in a Game YOU don’t do content in.

Which is fine, play your way. However don’t try to get involved in things that have nothing to do with you.


No, it doesn’t. It’s just your scapegoat.

Sure it does.

“They won’t carry me through whatever Content I want and can’t do, they are tOxIc”

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Oh yea, when have you seen anyone kicked or denied for ‘playing the meta’ or ‘not having an amazing raider io’?

The reason why the other MMO’s aren’t so toxic is because they don’t focus on competitive number grinding.

The other MMOs (whichever ones you are referring to) also aren’t anywhere near as successful or as long lasting as WoW.

Depth outside of facerolling your keyboard is important to longevity.